Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 383: Do you want to play office play

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Chapter 383: Do you want to play office play?

Fu Xishen did not answer, looking down at the email from the branch on the tablet.

Gu Ninghuan saw Fu Xishen ignoring her, and her cheeks were unhappy. "Fu Xishen, you took me to my office, wouldn't it be something you want to play in office fun."

The man raised his head and reached out to pinch her soft chin: "What are you thinking about all day long in your brain."

Gu Ninghuan pushed away his hand and saved his chin from Fu Xishen. The vigilance in his eyes did not disappear because of his words: "Then you don't want to play office play, why did you take me to the company."

"Leave you at home, you will also be bullied. Since that's the case, it's better to go to the company with me." Fu Xishen's long fingers tapped on the tablet to reply to the emails of his subordinates.

Gu Ninghuan snorted softly: "I wasn't bullied. You didn't see it today. What did I do with your baby cousin Qiao Jin'er?"

She can still remember clearly how Qiao Jin'er was flushed by her. From the time she met Qiao Jin'er, it was the first time she saw her so disoriented in front of so many people.

Being able to make Qiao Jin'er always elegant, Gu Ninghuan felt that she was very successful and admired herself.

"Baby cousin?" Fu Xi looked at her deeply, her voice a little low, and she seemed to have a little smile.

Gu Ninghuan nodded vigorously: "Yes! Qiao Jin'er is not a baby for you?"

She said a little jealously, no matter how small Qiao Jiner encountered, Mrs. Fu and Fu Xishen would come to help her.

I dare to have such a big battle in the Fu family with falsified evidence in my hand. To put it bluntly, doesn't it mean that Mrs. Fu likes her?

Isn't it because Fu Xi is used to her? What a marvel! Humph!

The man looked at Gu Ninghuan's jealousy, but he still pretended to be an understatement, his thin lips slightly raised, and he rubbed the woman's hair with her hand: "She is not a baby, you are."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

She widened her eyes and looked at Fu Xishen, as if she had seen something terrifying: "You...you...have you not taken medicine today?"

Fu Xishen's original and pleasant face suddenly dimmed.

The shock in Gu Ninghuan's heart is still there. In her memory, the man in front of her can do anything but dare to do anything except love and tenderness.

But being gentle and loving love is something absolutely impossible in Fu Xishen's life.

Gu Ninghuan is far away from Fu Xishen silently, and does not want to hear Fu Xishen say strange things.

When the car stopped, the driver pulled the door open, and Fu Xishen walked quickly in front of him.

Gu Ninghuan knew that the man was angry, but he didn't want to coax, and he walked slowly behind.

This is not the first time she has entered Fuxishen Company, and the company secretary also knows her.

Gu Ninghuan did not need the secretary to lead this time. After entering the president's office, he directly pushed the door into the lounge in the president's office.

The lounge is usually used by Fu Xishen alone. After Gu Ninghuan closed the door, he sat on the sofa with his mobile phone and started watching the news.


"Come in."

The assistant carried the hot tea and snacks and opened the door of the lounge, smiling: "Mrs. President, I will bring you hot tea and snacks."

"Thank you." Gu Ninghuan looked up and took the assistant's hand.

The assistant continued with a smile and said, "You're welcome, Mrs. President, if you need anything else, you can always tell me."

"Well, okay, trouble you." Gu Ninghuan thanked the assistant.

After the assistant finished speaking, he went out.

Gu Ninghuan continued to watch the news, and before he saw it, the Chu family called.

She hesitated for a while, but still connected: "Is there something?"

"Miss Gu, the lord recently photographed an excellent pink diamond ring, let me send it to you, please ask when it is convenient for you." Dana's voice was gentle.

Gu Ninghuan heard that Dana was about to send her something, but he felt that his temples were hurting.

Grandpa Chu was indeed very kind to her, and the gifts he gave had to be filled in the room dedicated to the gifts of the Chu family.

But Gu Ninghuan didn't want to receive it, and even wanted to return those gifts that she didn't even open.

There is no way to return to the Chu family.

"Miss Gu, you don't have to think about how to refuse, I know the character of the old man very well, he will not allow you to refuse." Dana said with a chuckle.

This is tantamount to completely sealing Gu Ninghuan's back road.

There is no way, Gu Ninghuan can only agree: "I will be at home tomorrow afternoon, if you are convenient, you can give it to me in the afternoon."

"Okay, Miss Gu." Dana finished and hung up the phone.

Gu Ninghuan continued to lean on the sofa and play with her mobile phone, her eyelids gradually became heavy, and recently she gradually became a little drowsy.

She took her phone and walked to the lounge, looking very comfortable. She took off her high heels and put the phone under the pillow. She closed her eyes and slept.

Chu Family

Several juniors of the Chu family gathered in the living room, talking excitedly.

Chu Zi held the phone happily and showed Chu Xifeng what he found: "This is the grand diamond photographed by the grandfather. Is it worth 60 million US dollars of pink diamonds? When the housekeeper brings the things over, I want The first one to wear."

Chu Xifeng looked at his beloved daughter and nodded: "As long as you are obedient and not troublesome, you can do whatever you want. Besides, there are so many children in the family. Isn't grandpa hurting you most? Of course it will let you The first to wear a ring."

Chu Zi hooked her lips and smiled very happy. Outsiders like Gu Ninghuan can only get one cook at most, but she can wear 80 million pink diamonds.

It is also obvious who Grandpa loves more.

The more Chu Zi thought, the more she felt that she was too impulsive a few days ago. She shouldn’t have been so angry because of a cook, and she lost all her temperament.

After the housekeeper and the servant brought a large cart over, Chu Zi's eyes stayed there, and he never left.

There is a rule for the Chu family, but any fun stuff that Grandpa Chu bought out will come to the family before playing in the storeroom.

One is to let them see the world more often, so that when they go out in the future, they won’t be fussed about seeing any good things, and they will humiliate their Chu family.

The second is to allow them to choose what they want, and when they are satisfied with Master Chu, they can also ask for it.

Grandpa Chu has always been generous with his juniors, and the number of disagreements is rare.

Every time Chu Zi fancy something before, Grandpa will give her, I believe there will be no accidents this time.

After the steward pushed the thing full of brocade boxes in front of them, Chu Zi walked forward quickly, looking over the neatly arranged box, but he couldn't find the ring box.

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