Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 384: Fu Xishen, hug

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Chapter 384: Fu Xishen, Hug

While Chu Zi was in a hurry, Chu Nian also came out and saw that she was flipping things and asked, "Chu Zi, what are you looking for?"

"Aunt, do you know the pink diamond ring that Grandpa bought at the auction this time? Did Grandpa give you the ring." Chu Zi asked cautiously.

In the past, as long as Chu Nian was interested in jewelry at home, you could take it away without asking Grandpa.

If the ring was in Chu Nian's hands, then she really had no chance of touching it.

Chu Nian saw the disturbed niece and smiled slightly: "No, I think I heard that my dad bought this diamond ring before I came to see it.

I have never seen anything like this unique treasure in the world. "

There are a lot of Chu Nian jewelry, the ordinary diamonds are not enough for her to care about, but the diamonds auctioned by Master Chu this time are not ordinary things.

It was a diamond that even the European royal family could not buy.

Chu Zi heard her aunt didn't take away the pink diamond, and was more relieved when she was surprised.

"Since my aunt didn't take it, the pink diamond must still be here. When I find it, let my aunt wear it first." Chu Zi said flatly.

Chu Nian smiled and nodded, thinking that Chu Zi was very clever and sensible, much better than Gu Ninghuan.

But Chu Zi almost turned the box over and did not see the ring box falling.

"Strange, why didn't you see the ring, did you lose it?" Chu Zi said, his doubtful eyes falling on the housekeeper who was responsible for the transportation.

The steward saw Chu Zi's skeptical eyes and hurriedly shook his head: "Miss, the above things are just as valuable as any city. I just lost my life, and I decided not to dare to lose any of the above."

Hearing this from the housekeeper, Chu Zi still didn't believe it. She said to the servant, "Go get Dana and ask him where the ring is."

"Yes, miss."

The servant bowed his head and agreed, hurried to Dana.

Dana came over quickly and walked in front of Chu Zi: "Miss, the master of the pink diamond told me after it was shot, and it was to be given to Miss Gu, and because of this, the ring was not among these things."

Chu Zi seemed to hear something unbelievable: "You mean, Grandpa wants to give Gu Ninghuan an outsider a diamond ring worth 80 million US dollars?"

"Miss Gu is not an outsider, she is the granddaughter of the old man. The old man doesn't like others saying that Miss Gu is an outsider, so if it's similar, please ask the young lady not to say it again, otherwise if the old man gets angry, I'm afraid it's very serious." Dai Reminded every word.

Chu Zi bit her lip, if someone reminded her of this sentence, she would have scolded it back.

But now reminding her is Dana, he is a person that Grandpa believes very much, so Chu Zi does not dare to be brazen.

But the ring, which could have belonged to her, now reached Gu Ninghuan's hand, and she couldn't swallow it.

Chu Ziqi didn't eat afternoon tea, ran into the room, smashed all the sights, and was tired after sitting on the bed.

Chu Xifeng listened to the movement in her daughter's room and stopped, opened her door, looked at the mess in her room, and couldn't help but sigh: "Zi Zi, but it's just a pink diamond, if you can't get it, forget it , You don’t have to worry about it."

"What does it mean not to worry about it, Grandpa now sends anything good to Gu Ninghuan, so long-term past, does the family still have my status?" Chu Ziqi wanted to smash the bed, but because the bed is really Too heavy to make her move at all, so she barely gave up.

Chu Xifeng is also angry with the old man's partiality, but Chu Zi's personality is impulsive. If she can't appease her at this time, she will surely cause even more trouble.

"Well, don't you like pink diamonds? Dad will buy you a pink diamond ring later, OK?" Chu Xifeng tried his best to coax his daughter.

But his kindness, in exchange for Chu Zi's deeper contempt: "Can you buy the pink diamonds that are comparable to those of your grandfather? If you can't compare them, then it goes without saying!"

After talking, Chu Zi stood up and walked outside.

Chu Xifeng saw that she was so self-willed, and was more worried than anyone else. When she chased out, she could not find Chu Zi.

Chu Zi ran to Dana and stared at him: "When will Grandpa ask you to give the ring to Gu Ninghuan."

"Miss, it doesn't matter when I give the ring to Miss Gu. The important thing is that Miss Gu is the owner of the ring." Dana knew that Chu Zi was unwilling, but her unwillingness could not change anything.

"Dana, do you think Gu Ninghuan is better than me?" Chu Zi gritted her teeth.

Dana thought slightly and didn't answer this question.

But in his heart, Gu Ninghuan is indeed much stronger than Chu Zi.

Whether it is smart or looks, it must be many times better than Mu Zi.

But if he honestly said what he thought, Chu Zi would haunt him. He didn't want to deal with Chu Zi, the savage lady, today.

When Chu Zi saw Dana didn't answer, she naturally thought she was the stronger one in Dana's heart.

In this case, she should take back what originally belonged to her.

Chu Zi walked out of Dana’s office and took out her mobile phone to call her friend: “Help me find out, where is the address of Gu Ninghuan, a Gu family in Kyoto, and I’m going to find her.”


Gu Ninghuan, who was asleep in the lounge at this time, did not know that he was already hated.

She rubbed her cheek against the pillow, and wherever Fu Xi had stayed, she would leave a nice smell that was unique to that man, making her sleep and sleep very fragrant.

After the man had finished his business, he saw that Gu Ninghuan had not come out, pushed the door of the lounge, and saw that she was sleeping soundly.

Can't help but stepped forward and squeezed her nose like a mischief.

Gu Ninghuan was sleeping comfortably, and suddenly he couldn't breathe. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the man reached for the tip of her nose and his temper suddenly came up.

She held out her hand and pushed away the man in front of her directly, and gave him a warning kick: "Fu Xishen, I will continue to sleep, don't disturb me!"

"But now it's time to go off work." Fu Xi said faintly.

Gu Ninghuan sat up, touched the phone from behind the pillow, glanced at it, and saw that the time above was indeed the end of get off work time.

But she was so sleepy now that she didn't want to move at all.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen sideways and held out his hand: "Hug."

"It wasn't quite fast to push me away just now. In this case, you can go on your own."

Gu Ninghuan's eyes were round, and he couldn't believe that this man actually cared about this with her: "Huh, don't hug me. I'll call the bodyguard to hug me."

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