Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 385: Are you pregnant

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Chapter 385: Are You Pregnant?

Gu Ninghuan took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the bodyguard.

But she had just unlocked the phone lock, and the ultra-thin phone was taken away by Fu Xishen.

The man leaned over, his handsome face approaching her cheek, and the tone was low: "Gu Ninghuan, I think you really owe it."

Gu Ninghuan was not afraid of Fu Xishen, she twitched her red lips and said, "Hug me."

"Hold after kissing."

The man reached out and clasped her jaw, thin lips covered her pink lips, and kissed deeply.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes widened, and she pushed Fu Xishen's shoulders, but she never expected that she wanted a hug and even betrayed her hue.

Even tolerating her refusal, Fu Xishen's tongue had strongly entered her lips and teeth.

As Fu Xishen kissed deeper and deeper, Gu Ninghuan thought that when he really wanted to do it once in the lounge, the man let go of her and stood up to hug her.

Gu Ninghuan was lying in Fu Xishen's arms, letting him hug him.

The man's arms are really comfortable.

Qiao Jin'er stood under the Fu's building and waited for Fu Xi to come out. He wanted to explain to his cousin what happened at Fu's house today.

She wanted to explain that she didn't want to target Gu Ninghuan.

But when she saw Fu Xishen coming out, he held a woman in his arms.

Qiao Jin'er didn't see the woman's appearance in Fu Xi's deep arms, but it was Gu Ninghuan from the clothes.

"Is Mr. Fu holding Gu Ninghuan in his arms? Gu Ninghuan is too arrogant and arrogant. What is it like in a man's arms without any disease or disaster?" Li Xiaming envyed Gu Ninghuan in his heart. Held by such an outstanding man as Mr. Fu.

But he did not dare to show his envy, only to deliberately debase Gu Ninghuan in front of Qiao Jin'er.

Qiao Jin'er stood there, watching Fu Xishen walking past her.

Li Xia saw Qiao Jin'er standing still, and of course he was terribly anxious: "Jin'er, why don't you stop Mr. Fu, and explain to him what is happening today. Obviously we have evidence, and we didn't deliberately frame it up. Ning Huan."

Qiao Jin'er didn't speak, but just glanced at Lixia lightly and turned to leave.

She didn't stop her cousin because Gu Ninghuan was there.

Gu Ninghuan won't let her explain in front of her cousin, why should she go up and ask for it in front of her cousin.

Li Xia didn't understand Qiao Jin'er's idea, she took a step and trot to Qiao Jin'er's side, watching her carefully.

Lixia always felt that Qiao Jin'er had a good temper. No matter how much Ai Yu abused her, Qiao Jiner faced with a smile.

But today, Lixia felt a cold face from Qiao Jin'er for the first time.


Gu Ninghuan was carried by Fu Xishen from the office to the car. In this short distance, he fell asleep again.

Fu Xishen did not put her in the car, but held her in her arms all the time.

He took the thin cocoon's fingers to hook the hair scattered on her cheek behind her ears. How did he feel that Gu Ninghuan slept extraordinarily today.

When Gu Ninghuan woke up again, it was already dark.

She sat up from the bed and moved, and found that she had been put on by her man in pajamas.

Gu Ninghuan's face slowly turned red when she thought that Fu Xishen would fall asleep and take off her underwear, and then help her change into pajamas.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and touched her belly, only to feel a little hungry. She opened the door of the room and walked in the direction of the study. When the door of the study was half open, Fu Xishen was working inside.

Seeing that he was working, Gu Ninghuan didn't bother, he lightened his pace and walked downstairs to the living room.

When the maid saw her go downstairs, she smiled and said: "Young lady, you are awake at last. Sir, let us not go up and disturb you, but wait for you to wake up with the meal warm, and then give it to you."

"Well, thank you!" Gu Ninghuan sat down at the table.

The maid served soup and meals, and Gu Ninghuan was very happy.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know whether it was the reason why she slept too much today, which increased her enthusiasm for dinner by a few points. The already good appetite became even better tonight.

After eating a bowl of rice, she didn't stop for a few seconds, and she began to look forward to the next bowl.

The maid put the meal well in front of Gu Ninghuan and couldn't help but say: "Young lady, your appetite has become so good now, would it be pregnant?"

Gu Ninghuan heard the maid say this, reached for a piece of braised pork and put it in a bowl, and chuckled: "No."

"Mrs. Shao, I heard that in the first trimester of pregnancy, I would like to sleep very much and eat especially. Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital for a check?

"I'm sure I'm not pregnant. Rest assured." Gu Ninghuan took a sip of the fruit tea at hand.

Fu Xishen will take measures every time. How could she become pregnant, but she just sleeps a lot and eats too much, how could she be mistaken for being pregnant.

In other words, the maid used this to remind her to eat less.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan's eating speed began to slow down unconsciously, and she began to think about whether she really ate a lot recently.

While Gu Ninghuan was thinking, she couldn't help eating another bowl of rice. There was no way, she just wanted to eat it.

Even if I kept telling myself that I could not eat it, I was suspected to be a pregnant woman because of the amount of food.

But she still couldn't stop. After eating three bowls of rice, she drank another bowl of soup before putting down the bowl and taking a rest upstairs.

When she pushed open the door and was about to take a bath and go to bed, Fu Xishen also followed.

Gu Ninghuan turned around and looked at Fu Xishen: "Her husband, you are sure to wear a condom every time."

"Uh." The man glanced at her and answered.

Then he said as if he remembered something: "Why suddenly ask this question, are you pregnant?"

Gu Ninghuan hurriedly shook his head: "No, it's not long before my menstrual period. How can I get pregnant. It's just that the maid told me today that my recent appetite is a bit like the symptoms of early pregnancy."

As soon as her voice fell, she saw that the man’s facial features were a little serious. He reached out his phone and said to the phone: “Empty the hospital’s obstetrics and gynecology department and let all doctors stand by. After 20 minutes, I will To."

Gu Ninghuan stared blankly at Fu Xishen: "What are you doing? What are you going to obstetrics and gynecology?"

The man didn't explain, stepped forward and took Gu Ninghuan's hand: "Help you check."

Gu Ninghuan shook Fu Xishen's hand away and took a few steps back: "I don't need any examination, I'm not pregnant."

She didn't expect that Fu Xishen would react so much to her pregnancy. She knew that she wouldn't say this to men.

Fu Xishen worried about her body and did not dare to force it too tightly, patiently persuaded: "Whether we are pregnant or not, we will go check it once."

"But I'm not pregnant, why should I go to the hospital for examination." Gu Ninghuan rejected the hospital from the bottom of his heart.

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