Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 386: Fu Xishen always wanted a child belonging to them

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Chapter 386: Fu Xishen always wanted a child belonging to them

She didn't like the hospital, she didn't like it very much.

Before rebirth, she smelled that the disinfectant had vomited. She didn't want to go to the hospital again in her life and smell the disinfectant.

Gu Ninghuan sat on the bed and looked at Fu Xishen unhappy.

Seeing her reluctance, Fu Xi reached out and hugged her in her arms, coaxing softly: "Whether there is or not, let's check it, OK, eh?"

Gu Ninghuan raised his head: "I came only some time before my menstrual period. How could I be pregnant now, and you have to take measures every time, right?

In this case, I can't get pregnant, and if I am really pregnant, I don't know how to face this child. "

"what do you mean."

Gu Ninghuan frowned and said slowly: "I am only twenty years old now, and I am not ready to be a mother.

Even if I am really pregnant, I have a high chance that this child will not stay. "

The man looks somber: "If you are pregnant, I will not agree to you killing the child."

Gu Ninghuan broke free from Fu Xi's arms and did not answer.

She didn't want to discuss with Fu Xishen about the child. Every time they discussed, they had to quarrel.

Gu Ninghuan came out after the shower and lay in bed.

The other side of the bed was empty, and it seemed even more lonely.

She thought that Fu Xishen shouldn't want to see her again tonight, and probably went to bed again.

In this way, the guest room is estimated to one day be used more than the master bedroom.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan turned over and did not know how long they would be reconciled today.

It is estimated that it will be a long time. Fu Xishen always wanted a child belonging to them, but she would say that even if she was pregnant, she might get rid of this sentence, of course he would be angry.

But she doesn't want a child now, and if she doesn't make it more serious, she is worried that men will always look forward to her pregnancy.

Gu Ninghuan hugged the quilt, rolled to the middle of the bed, and closed his eyes.

A large bed will feel very lonely if only one side is sleeping, but at least the bottom of my heart is not so lonely.

Late at night, Gu Ninghuan was sleepy and confused, only to feel a burst of coolness, and then the man's hot body pressed against her back, holding her in her arms.

The man's hand rested on her slender waist. Gu Ninghuan opened his eyes and watched his eyes blurred. He reached for his shirt and whispered, "Husband, if I really knocked out your child, Will you divorce me?"

The man was silent for a moment. When Gu Ninghuan felt that sleepiness was coming again, and was about to sleep, he heard two extremely faint words: "No."

Gu Ninghuan adjusted a comfortable sleeping position in the man's arms and wanted to say something, but he could not resist the menacing sleepiness.

The early morning sunlight is like a gold-plated tulle, which is swayed on the ground layer by layer.

Gu Ninghuan opened his eyes, raised his hands to look at the time, and found that it was already more than ten in the morning.

Her recent desire for sleep has really become stronger.

Gu Ninghuan felt sick for a while before getting out of bed. She reached out and lifted the quilt. She couldn't even wear shoes, and ran to the bathroom to vomit.

After vomiting, she stood up and only felt backache. She went to the bathroom and rinsed her mouth before washing.

She blamed her for having eaten too much last night and only vomiting this morning. It seems that she will not be able to let her temper come in the future.

Gu Ninghuan looked at herself in the mirror. When she slept last night, she also talked to Fu Xishen.

It seemed to be in her memory, but it seemed to be none, but what she said after the Cold War was not good to think about just thinking about it.

Gu Ninghuan finished washing and walked out of the room. The bed that was just messed up was cleaned up by the maid.

She picked up her phone and there were several missed calls with the same number on it. She looked at that number, hesitated a few times, and finally did not call it.

When Gu Ninghuan went downstairs to eat, the strange number came over again.

She reached out and answered, "Hello, who is this?"

"Who am I? You don't care, but you're Gu Ninghuan's slut, right?" Chu Zi said very politely.

Gu Ninghuan didn't answer, just cut off the phone and blacked out the strange mobile phone number.

Encountering a neuropathy so early is really confusing.

Chu Zi looked at the phone that was hung up, thought Gu Ninghuan had an attitude, and dared to hang up her phone.

Is that woman crazy?

Who gave her the courage to make her dare to treat her like this.

Chu Zi didn't want to give Gu Ninghuan a lesson at first, but she gave Gu Ninghuan a morning call, but she didn't answer it. How could she not make Chu Zi angry.

Chu Zi, who was angry, of course called the phone immediately, but did not expect to be able to get through this time more than waiting for a long time.

She was so annoyed that she threw the phone directly on the wall, and the new phone she bought in an instant became instantly torn apart.

No one has ever angered her like this, this Gu Ninghuan, she is ruthless!

Gu Ninghuan stayed in the game room and played games until noon. After dinner, he read a book in the living room. He waited patiently for Dana.

At 1 pm, Dana came with a ring box.

He sent the ring to Gu Ninghuan. Gu Ninghuan thanked him for taking the ring box and asked the maid to bring the packed snacks to Dana.

Dana took the snack and looked at Gu Ninghuan with some doubt.

Gu Ning said with a smile: "Last time I saw you, I seemed to like these kinds of snacks, so I let the maid prepare it and let you take it back to eat."

"Thank you Miss Gu, but Miss Gu, I have something to remind you." Dana didn't want to say.

On the one hand, he felt that Chu Zi wouldn't be able to come to Kyoto to hurt Gu Ninghuan even if he was capricious. Kyoto was Mr. Fu's territory. The Chu family did not dare to act rashly for so many years, let alone Chu Zi.

On the other hand, he also felt that Master Chu Xifeng would not let Chu Zi do impulsive things.

And he didn't want to disturb Gu Ninghuan for what is unlikely to happen.

But he was very worried if it happened.

"You said." Gu Ninghuan felt that Dana was a little serious at this time.

Dana hesitated: "This pink diamond ring is particularly liked by a granddaughter of the old man. She is not convinced that the old man gave you this diamond ring, and may do something to disturb you."

Gu Ninghuan nodded: "What's that girl's name."

"Chu Zi is the daughter of Chuxifeng, the second master." Dana said.

Gu Ninghuan said that she instantly thought of the call she received this morning.

She took out her mobile phone and clicked on the blacklist: "Chu Zi, are you talking about this mobile number?"

Dana looked at Gu Ninghuan's mobile phone and saw that the number in the blacklist was indeed Chu Zi.

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