Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 387: Pregnant and want to swim

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Chapter 387   pregnant

He looked up at Gu Ninghuan with an apology in his eyes: "Sorry Miss Gu, I didn't expect Miss Chu Zi to dare to harass you, I will go back and tell the old man immediately and let him punish Miss Chu Zi."

Gu Ninghuan withdrew his phone and said with a smile: "Then trouble you."

"Miss Gu, you're welcome, then I'll say goodbye first." Dana finished and turned to leave.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the back of his departure and wondered why Chu Zi would be punished for harassing her.

She did not have a good impression of Chu Zi. Even if Grandpa Chu was about to punish her, Gu Ninghuan would not have any sympathy for her.

Gu Ninghuan's sympathy was less pitiful after rebirth, and he would not give it to irrelevant people.

She is sitting on the sofa and playing with her mobile phone.

A strange number came in, Gu Ninghuan reached out and pressed the answer key: "Hello, hello."

"Hello, I'm looking for Gu Ning." Joel couldn't help shaking when he heard such a soft voice.

He was already at the age of Fenghuaxueyue, but after hearing such a nice voice, he couldn't help but feel happy.

When Gu Ninghuan heard the word Gu Ning, he immediately took the phone away, and he was desperately thinking about who this voice was in his mind.

But she didn't have much contact with people in the entertainment industry, and she couldn't remember whose number it was.

"I'm sorry, Gu Ning has gone to the bathroom. May I ask who you are, is there anything to find her?" Gu Ninghuan asked humbly.

Joel said kindly: "This is the case. I am Shang Song's agent, but because I am older, I want to retire recently and plan to let Gu Ning take my place."

Gu Ninghuan was puzzled: "Oh, this is it, but I remember Gu Ning told me that she had rejected Shangsong.

The family members of Gu Ning did not agree with her entering the entertainment industry, so they could only apologize. "

Gu Ninghuan remembered that after Fu Xishen said that she was not allowed to enter the entertainment industry, she found an opportunity to send a text message to Shang Song, saying that she could not be his agent and asked him to ask Gao Ming.

Joel listened to her, and looked at Shang Song, who was eavesdropping.

Shang Song was looked at by Joel, and he touched the tip of his nose unnaturally. His eyes signaled Joel to continue.

Joel was a little helpless, and continued to speak with fate: "Really? I realized that Gu Ning had rejected Shang Song.

But it may be because Shang Song couldn’t speak, and Gu Ning refused him. See if you can let Gu Ning come out, give me a call and let me tell her personally. "

"Sorry, Gu Ning's family didn't agree with her to enter the entertainment industry, so there is no discussion about this matter, thank you for your invitation." Gu Ninghuan didn't want to put on a voice changer and refused Joel.

Whether Fu Xishen will let her enter the entertainment industry as a business song agent, she is still not sure.

In this case, she should not delay Shang Song.

The agent occupies too much weight in the artist's working life, and she refuses to be thorough enough, so that Shang Song encounters a better candidate before she can be hired without worrying about her.

When Gu Ninghuan finished talking, he hung up.

Joel placed the phone with the screen down on the desk. He looked up at the black-faced Shang Song: "Gu Ning is very difficult to invite. Shang Song, there are so many capable people in this world, we will find it slowly Always find the right one."

"No, as long as she is my agent, she will disagree one day, I will wait for her one day." Shang Song thin lips pursed, a firm tone.

Joel sighed deeply. When he saw Shang Song like this, he already knew in his heart that the time he wanted to retire was delayed again.

Gu Ninghuan hung up Joel's phone and stood up from the sofa. She only felt that her bones were sore.

She picked up her swimsuit and planned to go swimming in the indoor pool, but when she walked to the door of the indoor pool, she found that the door was actually locked.

Gu Ninghuan picked up the phone and pressed the maid number.

"Ma'am, what's the matter?" The maid answered the phone.

Gu Ninghuan squatted at the entrance of the swimming pool and asked: "Why the door of the indoor swimming pool is locked, it was not locked before."

When the maid heard what Gu Ninghuan said, she was silent for a few minutes: "It was the husband who told me to lock the door."

Gu Ninghuan was sitting on the floor, and he was even more puzzled: "Why did Fu Xishen lock the door of the indoor swimming pool in good manner."

"Mr. said, if the young lady has any comments, just call him." The maid replied in a trembling voice.

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

The maid's answer also tells her from the side that the maid will not help her with the key to open the door?

Gu Ninghuan still has a glimmer of hope: "Do you not have the key to the indoor swimming pool?"

"Young lady, sir, took all the keys to all the playrooms in the villa this morning. Starting tomorrow, the game room door will also be locked."

Gu Ninghuan was nervous as soon as he heard that the game room door might be locked.

She hung up the maid and immediately called Fu Xishen. She wanted to understand what Fu Xishen wanted to do.

Gu Ninghuan called in the past and was connected after a few seconds. The man's voice was a little low: "Wake up?"

"I woke up long ago, Fu Xishen, why did you turn off the indoor swimming pool, I couldn't swim if I wanted to." Gu Ninghuan complained.

Fu Xi deeply said: "Gu Ninghuan, what is your situation now, don't you know? You still want to swim while pregnant, do you want to murder my son in disguise?"

"Fu Xishen, I will say it again, I am not pregnant. Besides, how can you know it is a son even if you are pregnant and have not done B-mode ultrasound." Gu Ninghuan was helpless.

It's clear that Fu Xishen is still so young, how can he be so concerned about the child.

Like the rich second generation of his age, they are in constant love, and almost no one will want to have a child to drag themselves at such a young age.

"The daughter is also very good." Fu Xi said in a low voice.

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

Is Fu Xishen not listening to her? Now is not the time to discuss men and women. The key is that she is not pregnant.

"Fu Xishen, I'm not pregnant. If you don't believe that I can buy a pregnancy test stick to show you." Gu Ninghuan does not want to go to the hospital, nor does it mean that she cannot prove that she is not pregnant by other means.

"No, the pregnancy test is not allowed. If you want to be tested, come to the hospital."

Gu Ninghuan bit his lip: "But my husband, I don't want to go to the hospital, you just let me use a pregnancy test stick to pay for my innocence, OK?"

There was a touch of tenderness in her voice.

The man's thin lips on the phone evoked a nice arc: "No, I have to go to the hospital for examination."

"Don't go, bye." Gu Ninghuan finished, and hung up the phone.

Fu Xishen looked at the hung up phone, not only was not angry, but also had a touch of tenderness in his eyebrows.

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