Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 388: Buy a pregnancy test stick

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Chapter 388: Buying a pregnancy test stick

Gu Ninghuan walked to the living room, only to find that the maid's eyes had always fallen on her.

Before obviously, the maids did not look like this.

Gu Ninghuan stopped a maid and asked with a smile: "Is someone calling you just now and telling me what I didn't like."

When the maid heard Gu Ninghuan's question, she nodded, then shook her head immediately.

Gu Ninghuan's face sank immediately, and there was a little fright in his tone: "Are there any!"

The maid was bluffed by her and immediately nodded vigorously.

"Then Fu Xishen told you again."

"It wasn't the husband's account, but the assistant's assistant called and said, "You are pregnant now, no less than usual. Let's eat more snacks. We must always pay attention to your movements. Never let you bump." Writing."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

She doesn’t know why Fu Xishen believes she has a child. As a girl, doesn’t she know her body better than others?

Gu Ninghuan did not intend to explain, she felt that the facts **** everything.

"Go and buy me two pregnancy test sticks back." Gu Ninghuan said.

The maid nodded.

Gu Ninghuan originally wanted to sit in the living room to watch TV and wait for the maid to come back, but as soon as she turned on the TV, within three seconds, a maid came to her to remind: "Mrs. Young, early pregnancy Can't watch TV for a long time."

She nodded and said that she knew, but she still didn't turn it off.

Another three minutes later, another maid came to her to remind her not to watch TV for a long time.

Gu Ninghuan frowned. She watched TV and didn't like others disturbing her.

Especially when she was watching TV, the maid and their seemingly absent eyes always surrounded her, making Gu Ninghuan feel deeply stressed.

No way, Gu Ninghuan can only go upstairs and wait for the maid.

After ten minutes, the maid pushed the door with the pregnancy test stick in, watching Gu Ninghuan standing on the balcony, and hurriedly took the shawl to the outside: "Young lady, you are pregnant now, how can you stand? Hair dryer on the balcony."

Gu Ninghuan took the shawl on her hand and walked into the room, somewhat helpless: "Okay, I know, am I not here yet? Also, I am not really pregnant."

After she finished, she took the pregnancy test stick in her hand and went to the bathroom.

Five minutes later, Gu Ninghuan sent Fu Xishen the photos taken on the phone, and on the picture, there were two pregnancy test bars showing a line.

Gu Ninghuan was also worried that a straight man like Fu Xishen could not understand it, and even attached the Encyclopedia of Pregnancy Test.

Highlight the pregnancy test bar to show a line, which means no pregnancy.

After Gu Ninghuan sent it, he put the picture in front of the maid again: "Did you see it? I'm not pregnant. I remember everything will be the same in the future, so I don't need to treat me as a pregnant woman."

When the maid saw that Gu Ninghuan was indeed not pregnant, her eyes revealed some regrets.

"Got it, young lady."

Since Gu Ninghuan sent Fu Xishen a picture of a pregnancy test stick, he has been holding his mobile phone and waiting for Fu Xishen's reply, but Fu Xishen has never returned to her.

I don't know if I saw that she was not pregnant, so I didn't want to ignore her.

Sure enough men are bad guys.

Gu Ninghuan deliberately put the phone far away from himself, but his eyes kept looking at the phone.

When the ringtone of the phone rang again, Gu Ninghuan pretended to walk to the table inadvertently, picked up the phone and couldn't even see the name, and pressed the answer button.


"Gu Ninghuan! You bitch!" The voice of the young woman gritted her teeth.

Gu Ninghuan frowned slightly, glanced at the caller ID on the screen, and found that it was a call from Su Shi.

And the person who called was similar to the woman who called and scolded her in the morning.

With this in mind, what else does Gu Ninghuan do not understand, the person calling should be Chu Zi.

"I have recorded now. If you still want to scold me, just continue to scold it. Anyway, I will give the recording to my grandfather and let him listen to how you are crazy." Gu Ninghuan said lightly Threatening.

When Chu Zi thought of Grandpa, he only felt the pain on his right face.

Grandpa knew that she was harassing Gu Ninghuan by calling and didn't even listen to the explanation. She raised her hand and gave her a slap in the face.

If it were not for her father to kneel on the ground to plead for her, she would not only be slapped today.

But Chu Zi was not convinced, but it was just bone marrow. Why did Grandpa favor Gu Ninghuan so much?

Gu Ninghuan saw Chu Zi's silence, with a slight sarcasm in his words: "I tell you, my person has always had a bad temper. If you provoke me once or twice, I may endure.

But if there is a third time, I will not let you go, understand? "

"Gu Ninghuan, what are you proud of? Grandpa likes you, but it's because you gave him the bone marrow. If it's not because your bone marrow matches your grandpa, grandpa won't contact you!" Chu Ziqi went crazy.

Gu Ninghuan's tone was very calm: "Yeah, but I just succeeded in transplanting the bone marrow, but I saved my grandfather's life, but my grandfather just got something valuable, just send it to me, you are angry Not popular.

In addition, the pink diamond ring sent by my grandfather today is really beautiful. I just fit it..."

She hadn't "showed off" yet, Chu Zi was so angry that she hung up the phone

Gu Ninghuan blacked her mobile phone number. Of course, what she said just now was deliberately angry.

Dana gave her the ring, she just glanced at it, and locked it in the room.

Every time the gifts from the Chu family are very valuable, Gu Ninghuan did not dare to move casually, and always wanted to find an opportunity to send it back.

I don't know when that opportunity will be available.

In the evening, Gu Ninghuan was sitting at the dining table, waiting for Fu Xishen to go home.

Holding the soup, she slowly drank: "Will Fu Xishen really come back to eat?"

"Yes, that is what the husband said when he called back." The maid replied.

Gu Ninghuan hummed softly in his heart, Fu Xishen had time to call home, but did not return her news.

It was too much, and Gu Ninghuan decided that she would ignore Fu Xishen.

"Mrs. Young, I think sir might be home a little later today, or would you have dinner first?"

"No, I am planning to lose weight recently, just drink a bowl of soup at night."

"Why lose weight." Fu Xi walked deep, his handsome and gentle face, his expression was very pale.

Gu Ninghuan turned around and glanced at him: "I was suspected of being pregnant just because I ate too much. Since this is the case, of course I should eat less."

Gu Ninghuan was straightforward, but Fu Xishen was very unhappy.

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