Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 389: It turns out you want me to sleep with you so much

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Chapter 389

She looked at Fu Xishen's apparently changed emotions, and she didn't understand.

In the current standard of thinness and beauty, she strictly demands that she is not wrong.

"Serve the young lady with a bowl of rice." Fu Xishen ordered to the maid.

Gu Ninghuan looked at him unhappy: "I should have said just now, I don't plan to eat today, I want to lose weight."

"I disagree." Fu Xi reached out and opened the chair beside her, as if he was going to stare at Gu Ninghuan for dinner.

Gu Ninghuan was irritated by Fu Xishen’s overbearing attitude, and she stood up, with a strong tone in her voice: "I said that if I don’t eat, I don’t eat. Can you still give me this bowl of rice?"

"I heard that Shangsong's agent called you. He really became more and more unruly. He was rejected once and didn't know if it was good. Should he give him a lesson." Fu Xishen sat At the table, the tone was very cold, and the words in the words were very threatening.

Gu Ninghuan held his breath, not expecting this man to use Shang Song to threaten her.

If she disagrees, you should use Song Ci to threaten her next time.

She sat down and tried to suppress her anger: "Fu Xishen, I'm not pregnant. Even if I don't eat dinner, it won't be too bad. Do you understand?"

"If you use the pregnancy test stick improperly, you will have a great chance of making a mistake." Fu Xishen reached over and took the meal, using chopsticks to put her favorite dish on the white rice in the spoon, and then sent it to Gu Ninghuan's lips.

Gu Ninghuan pursed his lips and didn't open his mouth. His eyes were all unhappy. Fu Xishen suspected her. Is it a person who doesn't even use a pregnancy test stick?

"Open your mouth."

She glanced at the man who insisted on letting her eat and opened her lips slightly.

Fu Xishen ate the meal without hurrying. After she finished eating, the man's next spoonful of rice appeared on her lips in a timely manner.

Gu Ninghuan had no choice but to obey the food he fed to his lips.

After Gu Ninghuan finished eating, Fu Xishen put down the bowl and spoon in his hand. Gu Ninghuan sat at the dining table.

Gu Ninghuan looked at his unhurried meal.

At the bottom of my heart, even if I had more anger to want to be born before, most of it disappeared after Fu Xishen's patient feeding.

"Do you think I am pregnant, so gentle to me." Gu Ninghuan asked, there was still obvious grievances in his voice.

Fu Xishen had a slight meal, and looked down at her with low eyes: "I used to be fierce to you?"

Gu Ninghuan thought about it with his cheek in earnest.

Fu Xishen was good to her before, but since she knew she was pregnant, she was even better for her.

If it was only good in the normal range, then now she is regarded as a fragile porcelain doll.

Gu Ninghuan likes freedom, he doesn't like being watched, and he doesn't like being guarded.

Fu Xishen, who thought she was pregnant, was probably afraid that she would accidentally kill the child in her belly, so she would take care of her that way.

Gu Ninghuan wants to be free, should he prove that he is not pregnant?

"Fu Xishen, I agreed to go to the hospital for examination, but the same thing, you have to promise me one thing." Gu Ninghuan tried to negotiate a deal with the man.

"what's up."

"It's not impossible for me to go to the hospital for a medical examination, but after you finish, you will let me be the agent of Shangsong." Gu Ninghuan proposed the specific content of the transaction.

The next second, the man spoke up and directly rejected: "No."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

She thought Fu Xishen would at least think about it and then refuse, but she didn't even think about it, so she refused her so decisively.

Does Fu Xishen really need not think about it again? Just refused her so decisively, wouldn't his conscience hurt?

Gu Ninghuan was angry. She stood up and kicked up and ran upstairs, took out her mobile phone and called Song Ci to complain.

After hearing about what Fu Xishen did, Song Ci still couldn't hold back. After giving Fu Xishen a higher praise than worship, he began to return to the topic.

"Ning Huan, in fact, you can try to be soft, not so hard, maybe Mr. Fu is coaxed by you in two or three sentences, and you are not sure if you agree." Song Ci gave Gu Ninghuan an idea.

Gu Ninghuan turned over on the sofa and carefully considered the feasibility of this matter: "I tried to talk to Fu Xishen and the effect was not so good."

"Oh, then you should try to dress less and coax again, as the old saying goes, nothing is as good as a pillow."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

Why hasn't she heard this old saying.

"Fu Xishen thought I was pregnant, and I wouldn't even let me play anymore. Even if I wear less, he shouldn't do anything to me, so how can he use the hue." Gu Ninghuan was more depressed when thinking of this Too.

Song Ci smiled evilly while holding a mobile phone: "In fact, there are many ways to make her husband happy without entering, such as..."

Gu Ninghuan held his mobile phone and didn't expect that Song Ci played so big on weekdays.

Even knowing a lot of things, probably a conversation between girlfriends, so that Gu Ninghuan would not feel shy, but listened very interested.

"Okay, I'll teach you so much today. I'll post a few websites to you later. You can learn more." Song Ci said a lot, and said that his throat was a bit dry.

Gu Ninghuan nodded: "Okay, remember to post it earlier, I'm good to collect it."

After talking, Gu Ninghuan hung up the phone.

She walked to the dressing room, only to find that she couldn't find a **** pajamas.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't find the **** pajamas, nor was she discouraged, but reached out and took Fu Xishen a white shirt and put it on the stool in the dressing room.

Then he stripped off his clothes and walked out of the dressing room with only that white shirt.

The floor was warmed up early in the room, and Gu Ninghuan sat cross-legged on the wooden floor and didn't feel cold.

Song Ci sent the website, and Gu Ninghuan was waiting for Fu Xishen while watching adult websites to learn.

Until Fu Xishen entered the room, he didn't even know.

Fu Xi raised his eyes deeply and saw Gu Ninghuan slightly open in his shirt, revealing a slender collarbone, with a charm of charm.

"What are you looking at."

Gu Ninghuan heard Fu Xishen's voice for a moment, but he was a little stunned. The phone in his hand was taken away by the man before she could react.

She hurriedly reached out and wanted to grab it, but the man stretched out his hands and clasped her waist, leaving her almost vacuum-like body, tightly pressed against him.

The woman in her arms is struggling, but her strength is not enough to shake the status of the man.

Fu Xi lowered his eyes briefly and glanced at the screen, and found that the men and women above were doing things between the couple in various bold poses.

He posted the website where the picture was on his WeChat, then threw Gu Ninghuan’s mobile phone on the sofa not far away, and picked up the little woman who was still struggling in his arms and sat on the bed: "Gu Ninghuan, it turned out You want me to sleep with you so much."

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