Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 390: Men are bad guys

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Chapter 390   Men are Big Bad Men

"Yeah, I really want to be slept by you, but my husband, I want to prove myself with my work, you agree to let me be a broker, OK." Gu Ninghuan stretched out his arms and held Fu Xishen's neck tightly. The softness of the front was close to him, trembling slightly as her breathing fluctuated.

The man lowered his eyes, and his faint eyes fell on her snowy neck.

Gu Ninghuan's skin is white and tender, and a little heavier, the skin will be stained with beautiful marks.

"Okay, my husband, I love you the most, as long as you agree to me, I will listen to you in the future, and you can do it, okay." Gu Ninghuan said softly, her beautiful eyes, Covered with a touch of water, it looked pitiful.

Fu Xi knew that the little woman in her arms was deliberately weak at this time.

But he still couldn't help being soft for her. The man lowered his head and pressed her red lips. Gu Ninghuan closed his eyes and let the man kiss him very cooperatively.

The man kissed very softly, and Gu Ninghuan couldn't help being emotional. His long and slender legs rubbed against him.

Sitting in Fu Xi's deep arms, she could also feel that the man wanted her.

Just as Gu Ninghuan was looking forward to the next step, the man let go of her, her long fingers crossed her kissed red lips, and her voice was mute: "Will you keep distance from Shang Song?"

"Of course, I'm not interested in him at all. I would say that before, and I was deliberately angry with you." Gu Ninghuan said sweetly.

Fu Xishen bowed her head and kissed her soft cheek, but did not answer.

Gu Ninghuan thought that he disagreed and worked harder to coquettishly: "When I was his agent, I would deliberately paint myself ugly. And for fun-loving people like Shang Song, every girlfriend is so beautiful.

How can I like ordinary people like me, of course, he just likes me, I will not like him, because my whole heart is given to you. Gu Ninghuan finished talking, almost kissing the man's chin.

"If you have any improper contact with the opposite **** at work, this will be your last work."

Gu Ninghuan heard Fu Xishen say this, but thought it was too cruel.

But if she gave up this opportunity, Fu Xishen might not agree so easily next time.

She also didn't want to let Warner's blessings keep her in the entertainment circle.

It seems that the only way now is that she needs to make herself uglier.

Gu Ninghuan hesitated and nodded.

In the entertainment circle of beautiful people like clouds, her appearance after makeup is really ordinary. Gu Ninghuan also believes that no one should leave the abalone wing belly to eat, and come to eat her nest.

Seeing Gu Ninghuan nodded, Fu Xi's dark mood eased.

"Go for the exam tomorrow. If you are pregnant, you can't work until the baby is born."

Gu Ninghuan lowered his eyes and mumbled: "But I don't like going to the hospital alone. I'm scared. I'll show you another pregnancy test stick, OK?"

"I will go with you and be obedient." The man hugged her and coaxed.

Gu Ninghuan nodded reluctantly, and the whole person shrank back into Fu Xi's arms.

I don't know why. Gu Shi went to prison and Ji Zixing died.

But the shadows they caused her still existed, and even as soon as she smelled the smell of disinfectant water, she would remember those memories that she tried to forget.

Those who obviously threatened her could not hurt her now, but the painful memories would suddenly appear to torture her every time she thought she had forgotten.

Gu Ninghuan closed her eyes. She likes Fu Xishen. She wants to spend a lifetime with Fu Xishen. Then she will try to get out of those shadows. She will try to be a normal person.

Thinking about it, Gu Ninghuan fell asleep slowly.

Fu Xishen put her on the bed and pulled her under the covers to cover her.

Gu Ning Huan fell asleep at nine o'clock, and naturally woke up. She raised her hand and glanced at the time, and found that it was still too early.

Fu Xishen said yesterday that she would be taken to the hospital for examination, but she didn't know what time it was.

Gu Ninghuan first sent a message to Fu Xishen to ask him what time to go to the hospital, and then sent a message to Shang Song, asking him if he still needed a broker.

The message to Shang Song was just sent successfully, and Shang Song's call came immediately.

Gu Ninghuan didn't dare to answer Shang Song's phone with the original sound, hurriedly opened the bedside table, reached out and took out the voice changer, and immediately connected the phone after wearing it.

"Hello there."

"Your friend said yesterday that you are not allowed to enter the entertainment world at home, is this true?"

"Well, but I persuaded them last night, they are willing to let me try, I will send you a message." Gu Ninghuan explained.

Shang Song snorted: "It's your family's interest, otherwise I'm going to let Joel take me to find your home and convince them personally."

Gu Ninghuan couldn't help laughing when he thought of Shang Song meeting Fu Xishen's picture.

Shang Song heard Gu Ninghuan’s laughter and couldn’t help raising his lips: “You let me wait for so many days before agreeing to be my agent. You must take me well in the future, otherwise I will turn your face. "

"You can rest assured that since I promise to be your agent, I will be responsible for you." Gu Ninghuan assured him softly.

Shang Song nodded with satisfaction, even though Gu Ning was not a beauty in his eyes, but his character was quite clever and his temper was not bad.

He used to hate people with soft tempers like Gu Ning, but now it seems that people with Gu Ning's temper are quite good.

"Then you will come to the company this afternoon. I will wait for you next time." Shang Song was sitting in the lounge, expecting to meet Gu Ning.

Gu Ninghuan apologized in his tone: "Sorry, Shang Song, I will go to the hospital for an examination this afternoon, and I might not be able to go to the company to find you tomorrow."

"Okay, who made you grow like this, I believe you can't find a new job without me, I will barely wait for you, be charity." Shang Song was a little lost in his heart, but did not show it.

Gu Ninghuan briefly talked with Shang Song and then hung up.

After hanging up Shang Song's phone, Fu Xishen's phone immediately rang on the screen.

Gu Ninghuan connected, and the man's beautiful voice was unpleasant: "Who did you call just now?"

"Shang Song, talked about work." Gu Ning replied with a smile.

After hearing the two words of Shang Song, the man was expressionless: "Take off the voice changer. I don't like this sound."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

This man kissed her so tenderly yesterday, and today she actually disgusted her voice of the voice changer. Sure enough, the men are all bad guys.

"Fu Xishen, are you with me completely because I have a good voice." Gu Ninghuan took off the voice changer and played with it in his hands.

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