Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 391: A deep voice with a warning

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Chapter 391   Low Voice With Warning

"Otherwise." Fu Xi said lightly.

Gu Ninghuan was blocked by the man's words. She did not expect the man to admit it directly.

"You and me are really greedy for my beauty, but I am so beautiful, you are seduce like my appearance, and it is normal." Gu Ninghuan's words were proud and charming.

Fu Xi's deep, cold lips slightly aroused, and he likes Gu Ninghuan's occasionally soft and soft narcissism.

"Don't eat at night, and eat after finishing the inspection." Fu Xishen whispered softly.

When Gu Ninghuan thought of going to the hospital, her emotions fell for no reason, she didn't want to go to the hospital.

But she is now determined to let herself out of the shadows of the past, not to be affected by the fear before rebirth, then enter the hospital for a normal medical examination, this is the first step.

Gu Ninghuan hung up the phone, thinking about going to the hospital at night, his heart was cast a shadow.

She stayed at home reading a book this day, and even Song Ci asked her to go shopping, but Gu Ninghuan didn't go.

In the evening, Fu Xi pushed open the door deeply and saw Gu Ninghuan wearing a white long dress without any long dyed hair, and cleverly spread it on the white dress.

Her facial features were small and delicate, her red lips slightly squeezed, and she looked so enchanted that she did not notice Fu Xishen's return.

When the man put on his slippers and walked in front of Gu Ninghuan for a while, he saw her put down the book in her hand, raised her head, moved her neck, and saw him.

Gu Ninghuan put down the book in his hand, and even had no time to wear shoes, trotting towards the man.

Fu Xishen stretched out his hand to catch her and hugged her arms.

He looked down at the white feet of the woman in his arms naked, with a hint of rebuke in his tone: "Why not wear shoes."

"I'm so happy to see you, you have to say me, too bad." Gu Ninghuan was a little unhappy and wanted to loosen the man and went down to wear shoes.

But the waist was picked up and held by the man, holding her to the sofa, waiting for her to wear her shoes, then carrying her to the dressing room, and waiting for her to change clothes.

Gu Ninghuan was afraid of the hospital, but she couldn’t bear to wait for Fu Xi to wait for a long time. She chose a suit and put it on. It only took ten minutes to come out.

When he arrived at the hospital, there were no patients waiting in the obstetrics and gynecology department. Gu Ninghuan, accompanied by Fu Xishen, performed the examination according to the doctor's request.

After the examination, Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen sat side by side in the doctor's office, waiting for the doctor to announce the result.

The female doctor read the checklist in front of her several times, and finally looked at the unsmiling face of the man, and answered carefully: "Mr. Fu, your wife is not pregnant."

Gu Ninghuan was slightly relieved when he heard this sentence, and said with a smile: "Thank you doctor, how about it, now you should believe me, I said that I am not pregnant, I am not pregnant."

"Uh." The man answered.

Stretching out his arms, Gu Ninghuan stood up and the two walked out.

Knowing that she was not pregnant, Gu Ninghuan's face was full of ease.

She looked up at the man next to him. Even though he didn't show it, Gu Ninghuan still knew that he was a little unhappy.

"I'm not pregnant, are you disappointed." Gu Ninghuan asked, raising his ruddy cheeks slightly.

Fu Xi looked down at her deeply and squeezed her soft chin with her finger: "A little."

"Fu Xishen, do you want to be a father like this?" Gu Ninghuan didn't understand.

Heavenly arrogants like Fu Xishen are generally not very resistant to marriage and children.

But men not only get married at a young age, they also expect to have a child.

"Um." Fu Xishen replied.

Before he got married, he had no special feelings about the children.

After getting married, he wanted a child with blood flowing from him and Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan felt distressed when he saw Fu Xishen's displeasure.

But it is really not a good time to have children now.

Gu Ninghuan has a lot of things that he wants to do, but he doesn't want to have a small oil bottle.

She likes children very much, but she doesn't like taking care of a child. What if she accidentally knocks the child down?

Just thinking about raising children, Gu Ninghuan felt a deep headache.

Back home, Gu Ninghuan did not return to the room to rest, but went to the game room downstairs and Song Ci to play online games.

Until 10:30 in the evening, she saw Fu Xishen who had not stopped to go downstairs to catch people.

He walked to see Gu Ninghuan was ending a game at that time, waiting to start there.

Fu Xi frowned deeply and forcibly shut down her computer without giving Gu Ninghuan any chance to respond.

Gu Ninghuan was still discussing with Song Ci in the headset. What hero to choose in the next game? Suddenly the screen in front of her was black, so she didn't even listen to what Song Ci said.

She reached out and took off the headset, with a dissatisfied tone: "Fu Xishen! Why did you forcefully shut down my computer."

"It's too late now." Fu Xi's eyes were unpleasant.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and touched the computer's power button to press, and his tone was a little impatient: "At ten thirty, it's when young contemporary people start nightlife? Don't disturb me."

The man’s muscular fingers slightly curved, and he tapped the screen twice in a hurry, with a warning in his deep voice: "Turn off."

Gu Ninghuan's attention is all on the computer at this time, there is no way to focus on Fu Xishen.

Even she didn't even answer, she moved the mouse to double-click the game icon and waited to start.

Fu Xishen frowned lightly. Gu Ninghuan was not the kind of person who played games very often, but once she played the game, it was difficult for her to withdraw from the game.

For example, now, Gu Ninghuan's eyes have been flushed because of a long game, but she has no awareness of it, and she is still addicted to the game and overdraws her body.

Fu Xishen reached out and hugged Gu Ninghuan out of the chair.

Gu Ninghuan struggled to play the computer, and her game account had just logged in. After all, she waited until she played a game before taking her away.

Moreover, the computer has not been turned off.

Gu Ninghuan watched that he was getting farther and farther away from the computer, and some were crying without tears, and Fu Xi deeply hugged him into the room and threw it on the bed.

She fell on the bed. Although the man did not hurt her, she still felt sore eyes.

Before Fu Xishen thought she was pregnant, no matter what she did, the man patiently coaxed her.

Now knowing that she was not pregnant, she started to fall down. Sure enough, Fu Xishen's tenderness was all false.

All he likes are children.

Gu Ninghuan wrapped her whole body tightly under the quilt. She didn't want to care about Fu Xishen anymore, she was angry.

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