Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 394: Her mid-length dressing gown was pulled up to the base of her leg

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394   Her mid-length gown was pulled up to the base of her leg

"I see." Lixia said reluctantly.

Gu Ninghuan glanced at Qiao Jin'er. She just persuaded Lixia to pay attention to her words and deeds, but actually said that Mrs. Fu Jiashao had a bad temper.

Gu Ninghuan stood beside Shang Song, his lips slightly raised, and Qiao Jin'er clearly had such a clever wrist. Presumably he was so weak in front of Ai Yu that he was playing a pig and eating a tiger.

She had deceived Gu Ninghuan in the past, making her think that Qiao Jin'er would suffer in front of Ai Yu.

It now appears that Gu Ninghuan should have been worried about nothing.

A person like Qiao Jin'er, who is thoughtful, not to mention one Ai Yu, even if ten Ai Yu are bundled together, is not her opponent.

I don't know if Ai Yu was suddenly exposed to the xi poison scandal. Is it related to Qiao Jin'er?

"Joel, is this the one from your team? Is this the last Gu Ning." Milo has looked at Gu Ninghuan for a long time, only to feel that she is very clever and quiet, standing inexplicably, standing behind Shang Song. Some good feelings.

"Gu Ning? Was it Gu Ning who helped Shang Song solve the **** scandal last time?" Qiao Jiner heard Gu Ning's name, and his eyes fell on Gu Ninghuan, with an inquiry in his eyes.

"Yes, it's her. She has now become my agent." Shang Song's tone was proud.

Qiao Jin'er smiled faintly: "Gu Ning, how do you know Song Ci?"

"Well, I know Miss Song Ci." Gu Ninghuan did not deny it and let Qiao Jiner look at it.

She thought that Qiao Jin'er would ask her that, it should have been the last time she met on the street.

Gu Ninghuan did not expect that one side will make Qiao Jin'er remember now, maybe Qiao Jin'er will doubt her, but the more he is suspected, the more frank Gu Ninghuan will be.

"Song Ci is my fan, and because of this, Gu Ning will come to help me." Shang Song said.

Qiao Jin'er stared at Gu Ninghuan again for a while, then withdrew his gaze: "It turns out that this is the case. Song Ci always likes boys with beautiful faces. It's normal for your fans."

"Okay, we won't delay Jiner's makeup, we will go to the shed to prepare first." Joel raised his hand and glanced at the time.

"Wait for the meeting." Milo said.

When he was at the shooting site, Shang Song went to take a single photo, and Gu Ninghuan was watching.

Suddenly, the phone in the pocket was shaking slowly. Gu Ninghuan took out the phone and saw a strange number. He reached out and hung up, and then put the phone in his pocket.

Qiao Jin'er stood in the dark of the recording studio and saw Gu Ning hang up her phone, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Before, she just suspected that Song Ci's relationship with the celebrity circle has been good for so many years, but Gu Ninghuan is the only one who can really stand so close to her.

In addition, Gu Ninghuan's disguise was indeed good, so when he met for the first time, Qiao Jin'er did not doubt her.

When Qiao Jiner looked at her carefully today, he did not feel any difference.

But she was suspicious by nature and decided to give it a try. She borrowed the staff's cell phone and called Gu Ninghuan.

As a result, it was really her.

Why did Gu Ninghuan give up his wealthy life and study so hard while working part-time, is it not to give Warner’s resources to Shang Song, so that she can divide her resources.

Now the boundaries between male and female celebrities have been blurred. In terms of endorsements such as jewelry and cosmetics, female celebrities have many endorsements, but male celebrity endorsements are not bad.

Qiao Jin'er's face is somber, if Gu Ninghuan really has such an idea to enter the entertainment circle, then don't blame her for driving her out of Shang Song.


One day's shooting was smooth, and Qiao Jiner didn't have any conversations with Gu Ninghuan again.

When Gu Ning dragged his body home, the whole person was lying on the sofa. She was wearing a high heel for a day, and she was tired.

When Fu Xishen came home, Gu Ninghuan got up from the sofa.

Seeing Fu Xishen, the atmosphere between the two was a bit cold.

Fu Xishen stared at Gu Ninghuan's face after half a look, and said coldly: "This is the ugly makeup you are quite confident in?"

Gu Ninghuan picked up the phone, took a picture of his face, and nodded: "Well, is this kind of face that I can't find in the crowd?"

Fu Xishen looked at her: "Add another pair of glasses."

"Why." Gu Ninghuan didn't want to continue tossing his eyes.

"Because your eyes are like stars."

Gu Ninghuan was taken aback for a moment. She was still angry at the bottom of her heart. Fu Xishen did not care about her last night.

But now after hearing the man say this, the sadness that haunted her was suddenly dissipated.

She walked in front of Fu Xishen and exposed her ordinary face to the extreme, exposing the man's eyes.

"Really? Do you also think my eyes look good?" Gu Ninghuan hooked his lips, and the person was very close to Fu Xishen, so close that Fu Xishen could smell her good perfume.

"Well." Fu Xishen did not deny it.

Gu Ninghuan saw that Fu Xishen was so honest, the smile on his lips was deeper, but he pretended to be arrogant: "Sure enough, you just like my face, it is superficial."

Fu Xishen stretched out his hand to hook Gu Ninghuan's waist and bowed her head to kiss her neck: "But you are still not very happy."

Gu Ninghuan was deeply guessed by Fu Xishen and unnaturally reached out and pushed him away. He was very straightforward: "There is no way, who told you to tell the truth, but I am so beautiful now, it is difficult for someone to dislike me, it’s normal if you like it. ."

After that, Gu Ninghuan went upstairs to remove makeup.

She really does not care to go out to work with unsightly makeup on her face, and she was not ugly before being framed by Gu Shi.

But she cares about showing her unsightly side in front of people she likes.

When Gu Ninghuan removed the makeup, he restored the white and tender look that used to be.

She sat at the dining table and had dinner with Fu Xishen. After eating, Gu Ninghuan returned to the room and played a game with Song Ci before taking a bath.

After taking a bath, Gu Ninghuan rubbed his body milk while sitting on the edge of the bed.

The man pushed open the door and saw the picture of Gu Ninghuan rubbing body milk on his leg.

Gu Ninghuan did not know what kind of temptation she did for the man at this time.

After she finished wiping, she was just about to get up and put her body milk in the bathroom, but before she stood up, she was pressed on the bed by the man.

The man's slender, good-looking fingers pulled down the shoulder strap of her nightdress, thin lips pressed against her lips and kissed heavily.

Gu Ninghuan was forced to separate his lips and teeth, and there were few clothes on his body. Under the action of the man, there was no more left.

She didn't know if it was because she didn't do it last night. Fu Xishen wanted to be extra fierce tonight. It wasn't until dawn that the man stopped motioning and hugged the woman who had been tired to the extreme, and walked into the bathroom.

Gu Ninghuan slept deep and woke up again by the alarm clock.

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