Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 395: Looking down at the marks on the body

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395   Looking down at the traces on his body

She lifted the quilt and sat up.

Looking down at the traces on the body, the kiss marks are scattered and scattered, and it seems to feel like being violent by the family.

Fortunately, the weather is not hot now, otherwise she should apply concealer to all the skin exposed to the air.

Gu Ninghuan got up and changed clothes, like an artist's activities are very free.

There is no such concept as 9:5, but when will there be a notice and when will construction start?

Shang Song is about to enter the crew for filming. In order to prepare him for the role, Joel does not plan to arrange much work for him.

Today is the day when they went to see the producer together. The time was around 3 pm. While Gu Ninghuan was washing, he suddenly received a call from Joel.

She picked up the voice changer and put it on again, and then answered Joel's call: "Agent Joe, what's the matter?"

"Gu Ning, my wife has a car accident. I'm going to Canada now. The matter of signing the contract with Shang Song this afternoon will trouble you to follow up. Well, I'm going to board the plane now, and I'll hang up first." Joel was very anxious After talking, just hang up the phone.

Gu Ninghuan took the phone and didn't have time to answer a word. There was no Joel's voice in his ear. When he took the phone down, he found that the phone had hung up.

Gu Ninghuan thought that Joel was here this afternoon, and she would be just a student. Suddenly her role reversed, and she became the sole agent of Shang Song.

Gu Ninghuan should take it seriously and solemnly chose a casual and professional black and white professional suit to go out.

She went to the garage and picked a low-key luxury car to drive for Shang Song.

When she drove to Shang Song's house, she pressed the password of the door of the villa and pushed open the door to see that Shang Song was well-dressed.

"Let's go." Gu Ninghuan said lightly.

Shang Song glanced at Gu Ninghuan's outfit and frowned slightly, but said nothing.

The two went out to get in the car, Gu Ninghuan was in charge of driving, and Shang Song sat in the co-pilot and asked: "Your family is so rich, why do you still have to do the hard work of my agent."

"Ah?" Gu Ninghuan didn't understand, why Shang Song suddenly said this.

Shang Song continued: "You wear it all around, and the car you drive is of great value. In this case, why would you agree to be my agent."

Gu Ninghuan smiled: "This car is not mine, and all the clothes I wear are Gu Ninghuan."

Shang Song heard the words and looked at Gu Ninghuan with sympathetic eyes: "It turns out this way, no wonder you are called Gu Ning, and she is called Gu Ninghuan.

It's uncomfortable to be underestimated by the family, but it doesn't matter. Now that you are a prince, I will cover you. "

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

Shang Song seems to have misunderstood something. She said that the car is not her fact, but this is because she does not like this luxury car with a strong business atmosphere.

As for clothes, there is nothing more wrong.

Shang Song seemed to understand that she was not valued by her family, and she had to wear Gu Ninghuan even for her clothes. The name was only peaceful Ning, and there was no joyful joy, which meant that Gu family only wanted her to be quiet, not joyful.

This has also become evidence that the Gu family does not value her.

Gu Ninghuan did not explain, but concentrated on driving.

When they arrived at the appointed place, the two got out of the car, and the assistants got there early and waited.

This afternoon I just met with the producer to see if Shang Song is suitable for the role of male one.

But everyone knows that Shang Song's appearance as male one is almost a fixed thing. Whether he is acting or other, he is a top talent.

Besides, nowadays countless people are rushing to cooperate with him. If he is not fully prepared, how can he meet the producer?

The meeting in the afternoon was very smooth. In order to make an early chant, Zhang Producer even asked people to prepare the contract on the spot.

After Shang Song signed the name, the next step was to prepare to enter the group.

This time it was a youth drama, Joel wanted to let Shang Song take advantage of the drama.

At the same time, because Shang Shang's upper drama is too realistic, he took too much pain when shooting, and specially made him relax.

Gu Ninghuan has also seen the script, and it is indeed very good. There is no vulgar plot of abortion, breakup, and self-mutilation in those youth films.

It's a very warm drama. Gu Ninghuan also likes it very much. The producer and producer are also very professional, and it's almost a big hit.

Qiao Jin'er learned about Shang Song's signing and immediately asked the driver to send her to Zhang Producer's studio.

Producer Zhang learned that Qiao Jin'er had come, and hurriedly went to the reception room to meet guests.

Qiao Jin'er wore an off-white coat, and her long hair was braided into a loose fishbone braid hanging on her chest.

Producer Zhang saw Qiao Jin'er with a smile on his face: "What's the matter with Jin'er coming here today?"

"I heard that the producer Zhang signed Shang Song today?" Qiao Jin'er did not turn around, but asked straight into the subject.

Zhang producer nodded: "Yes, what's wrong?"

"Shang Song recently changed a broker. The broker had offended a big person, the person of Warner, did not want her to continue to stay in this circle, so I will teach her a lesson next, and I will be careful. Come to your play, to remind you specifically." Qiao Jin'er said kindly.

Producer Zhang heard Qiao Jin'er say this, and immediately became nervous: "Is that the one named Gu Ning? I saw her today and I think she is more professional. I didn't expect that she actually offended someone."

"Yes, I was also surprised by this matter." Qiao Jiner took the coffee in front of him elegantly and took a sip.

The producer Zhang is puzzled: "I don't know who offended Gu Ning? I asked this matter for nothing else. You also know how hot Shangsong is. Now he finally took a fancy to our book.

If I want to do something trivial, I will be unhappy with Shang Song, and there is no way to explain it to investors. "

The meaning of the producer Zhang is obvious. After knowing who the man is, he carefully weighs whether the man is enough for him and Shang Song to tear his face.

Qiao Jin'er smiled softly on his lips: "Gu Ning's offense is that he can determine Warner's life and death."

After producer Zhang thought a little, he soon understood that there was a little panic in his eyes: "It's Fu Xian..."

Qiao Jin'er's index finger pressed against his red lips: "Hush, just know, not to mention so clear."

The producer Zhang nodded hurriedly. A character like Mr. Fu was simply not able to offend him.

If Mr. Fu is not happy, his studio will not disappear without a trace.

"Actually, Zhang producers don't have to worry too much. It's Gu Ning who offended that, not Shang Song. As long as Shang Song changes the agent, I believe it won't affect your show." Qiao Jiner reminded the producer very kindly.

Zhang Producer heard her say this and thought it made sense.

He just needs to persevere to persuade Shang Song to change his agent.

One is a show that will definitely explode, and the other is a fledgling agent. He believes that Shang Song will understand how to choose.

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