Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 396: Do not allow to eat

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Chapter 396

After the two had finished talking, the producer Zhang was almost thankful to send Qiao Jiner out of the studio.

"Jin'er, I really thank you this time. If it weren't for you, the drama I prepared this time is probably not in the end. I don't even know." Zhang producer looked at Qiao Jin'er's eyes full of grateful.

Qiao Jin'er smiled: "Why the producer Zhang is so polite, all of them are peers. In the future, I still want to work with you, of course I have to take care of each other."

"I also look forward to working with you." Zhang producer said hurriedly.

People in the entertainment industry know that Mr. Fu is standing behind Qiao Jin'er, but they have no idea what the relationship between Qiao Jin'er and Mr. Fu is.

But no matter what the relationship is, as long as the artist who is next to Mr. Fu is all in the eyes of the producer.

Li Xia saw Qiao Jin'er coming out, and hurriedly asked the driver to stop by Qiao Jin'er.

The producer Zhang did not wait for the driver to get off, so he spontaneously stepped forward to drive the door for Qiao Jiner.

Qiao Jin'er got in the car and waved goodbye to the producer.

"Jin'er, why are you looking for a chapter producer today?" Lixia was a little strange.

Qiao Jiner’s resources have always been brought to her by Warner with the best book. She only needs to choose a few of the best and sign the name. As for seeing the producer and some other things, it’s basically There is no need for her to do it.

Qiao Jin'er's white fingers fiddled with the bracelet on his wrist: "The recent dramas produced by Zhang Producer's Studio are basically fine works, and I'm all direct movies, and recently I want to play a TV series like Shang Song. Closer to the audience, but it's a pity that the drama I want has already set the female lead."

"This is too much. You should talk to Mr. Fu carefully. Mrs. Fu promised that Mr. Fu should take care of you.

Moreover, since it is something Jin'er likes, of course, it is the best, how can someone else grab it. "Lixia was sitting in the co-pilot's position, so angry that she was dancing.

Qiao Jin'er gently raised the corner of his lips and did not answer Li Xia's words, but his eyes were inevitable.

Regardless of whether Gu Ninghuan wants to take Shang Song to share the resources Warner gave her, Qiao Jin'er must kill this possibility in the cradle.

Warner's top resources can only be hers, and only hers.

"Jin'er, would you like me to call Sister Milo and let her help you talk to Zhang Producer and grab the show for you." Li Xia saw Qiao Jin'er not speaking, only as if she had been bullied.

Jin'er is such a kind and weak girl, how can she survive in a dangerous performing arts circle if she is not protected by Fu's family?

"No, don't bother Milo with this little thing."


After Gu Ninghuan sent Shang Song home, he drove back to the villa.

While driving, Joel made a phone call to Gu Ninghuan. Joel's wife was not safe for life but had a comminuted fracture of one leg.

This made Joel not at ease to leave her alone and return to China, only to allow Gu Ninghuan to immediately take over Shang Song's work.

For Gu Ninghuan, there is no problem in taking over the matter in advance.

She drove home and turned on the computer to log in to the mailbox, and saw a few messages from Joel lying in the mailbox.

This is about Shang Song's schedule and precautions. After reading it briefly, Gu Ninghuan took the computer to Fu Xishen's study room and planned to print it out.

She pushed open the door of the study, connected the laptop to the printer, then turned it on, put away the printed things, and turned around holding the notebook and the things just printed out.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Fu Xishen came out.

Gu Ninghuan walked in front of him, and the whole person slammed into his arms.

The man reached out and hugged her directly.

"Is very happy today?" Fu Xi lowered his head and looked at the smile on her lips.

Gu Ninghuan hugged the computer in her arms and could not reach out to hug the man. She tipped her toes to kiss the man’s chin. The soft lips and the man’s skin were at one touch: “Today Joel’s wife has an accident, I’ll just I was very nervous to accompany Shang Song to the producer, but the process was very smooth, and I am very happy."

Although the man was not pleased with the appearance of other man's names in her mouth, she was so happy and lost her temper.

He reached out and rubbed her fluffy hair: "Go put the computer and wait for dinner."

"Uh huh."

Gu Ninghuan walked out of the study holding the computer. She put the laptop and the printed paper on the coffee table.

The mobile phone placed on the table for charging sounds a ringtone.

Gu Ninghuan walked over and clicked on smoothly: "Hello, who is it?"

"Hello, Miss Gu, this is the Kyoto Women's Prison. Gu Shi accidentally slipped and injured when she went to the toilet yesterday. She wanted to see you after being injured. Is it convenient for you to meet her?"

Gu Shi? A distant and disgusting name.

Gu Ninghuan has always disliked remembering irrelevant people, but the irrelevant people always like to jump out in front of her in various ways when she has forgotten them.

"Miss Gu, do you have time?" The police in the prison did not hear Gu Ninghuan's answer and could not help asking again.

Gu Ninghuan smiled slightly: "Yes, I will see her tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, please give me a call before you come, I will help you to confirm the time to register." said the prison guard.

"That's the time to trouble you." Gu Ninghuan finished talking and hung up the phone.

Gu Shi wants to see her, is it still not giving up, trying to do something.

In this way, Gu Ninghuan went to see Gu Shi so that she could die completely and beat down the water dog. Even thinking about it would make people feel good.

Gu Ninghuan placed the phone on the table to continue charging, and went downstairs to eat.

She was sitting opposite Fu Xishen, drinking hot soup in small guts, and chatting with Fu Xishen from time to time about work.

Fu Xishen listened quietly and occasionally gave some advice.

After dinner, Gu Ninghuan returned to the room and Fu Xishen went to the study room to deal with official duties.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Fu Xi pushed the door open, and Gu Ninghuan was lying on the bed at this time, reading a book quietly.

After seeing Fu Xishen coming in, he threw the book in his hand on the thick blanket.

She lifted the quilt, stepped barefoot on the bed, reached out to hook the man's neck and kissed it.

Fu Xi reached out and hugged her, and the two fell on the bed.

"Fu Xishen, I am going to work tomorrow, this... I can't do it tonight."

The man buried his head in her kissing lips and stopped, looking up at her somberly: "Gu Ninghuan, don't let you eat after plucking, are you owed to packing."

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