Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 397: You don't hurt me at all

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Chapter 397: You don't hurt me at all

Gu Ninghuan looked at him innocently. She just wanted to kiss Fu Xishen. Who could think of it, but after a few kisses, he would get started.

If it wasn't for her to stop quickly, it is estimated that Fu Xishen has already succeeded.

"In short, it won't work tonight. Yesterday you tossed me so hard. I still have pain there. You don't hurt me at all. When I knew I was not pregnant, I was not gentle with me." Unhappy grunt.

The man looked at the flushed little woman, his eyes filled with grievances, and he even wanted people to step forward and spoil her.

Gu Ninghuan sensed the danger and slowly moved from his side to the other side of the bed.

But she thought that she was out of Fu Xishen's control, and felt relieved that the next second, she was pulled back by the man. After a hard kiss, Fu Xishen released her and walked to Take a shower in the bathroom.

Gu Ninghuan lay on the bed, looked at the closed bathroom door, and couldn't help raising his lips.

Being a woman, of course, is willing to meet someone she likes and is addicted to her.

Compared with being addicted, men will endure the impulse for the women they like, which makes Gu Ninghuan more happy.

After Fu Xishen finished washing, Gu Ninghuan reached out and poked his chest, feeling a slight coolness: "Wouldn't it be sick to take a cold bath this day?"

"What are you talking about?" The man raised his eyes and gave her a light look.

Gu Ninghuan was a little guilty when he was deeply watched by Fu Xi.

"I think you are in good health and you should not get sick so easily, and some old grandpas still swim in the cold winter." Gu Ninghuan whispered.

The man looked down at her with her thin lips close to her white and tender earlobe: "Gu Ninghuan, I want you again, I can't bear it."

During Fu Xishen's speech, Gu Ninghuan's earlobe was warmly breathed, and she shrank her neck shyly: "But...but I really have to get up early tomorrow. If I sleep late, I will lose my job."

"Then you use other methods to help me, just use what you learned on adult websites." The man kissed her sensitive earlobe with a thin lip.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes widened, staring blankly at the man taking her hand...

After finishing, Gu Ninghuan blushed and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

The two of them had been married for a long time, but she had never helped Fu Xishen to do that.

Unexpectedly, today the man would ask her like that.

Thinking of the blushing heartbeat process, Gu Ninghuan's cheeks were hot.

She washed her hands and went out, opened the quilt and lay on the bed, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

The man stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms. Gu Ninghuan's slightly hot face was attached to the man's silky black robe. She was afraid that the matter just now would come again, struggling to escape Fu Xishen's arms.

But the man stretched out his hand and held her, and his voice was hoarse: "Be good, don't move, or you'll try again."

Gu Ninghuan heard the man say this, stopped immediately, and dared not to move anymore.

"Really good."


Fu Xishen was bullying her on purpose, but she had to pretend to look like she was hurting her. Sure enough, men are all bad guys.

The next day, Gu Ninghuan was one of the few to go out before Fu Xishen went out.

Before Shang Song entered the crew, there were still three commercial endorsements to be filmed.

Their schedule is relatively tight. Fortunately, Shang Song has a bad temper, but the professionalism and coordination of the work is extremely high, and he is not afraid of hardship.

In the morning, the commercial shooting was only halfway through. After receiving a call, Assistant Assistant Song Song looked at Gu Ninghuan with some embarrassment and said nothing.

Gu Ninghuan's attention was on Shang Song at this time, and he did not notice the assistant's suddenly changed face.

After Shang Song finished shooting, he sat on a chair and began to rest. Gu Ninghuan followed the photographer to see the effect of the shooting just now, so that he could see the bad content and modify it in time.

When the assistant saw Gu Ninghuan was away, he walked to Shang Song with his mobile phone: "Mr. Zhang just called and said that Gu Ning's agent offended someone who shouldn't be offended. If you don't expel Gu Ning's agent, he would To cancel the contract."

"You can call him now and tell him that it's just a TV series. If you don't shoot, you won't shoot, but if you want me to fire Gu Ning, I will send him three words for free, impossible!" Shang Song took the kettle and cold Said with a face.

The assistant was anxious: "No! Joel said before, the show by Zhang Producer is sure to be hot, and the play from their studio has never been worse. For Gu Ning to give up a good script, this Not worth it."

"It's not worth my while, it's not you." Shang Song picked up the kettle and walked towards Gu Ning.

At the end of the day of shooting, Gu Ninghuan was sitting in the babysitter's car, using a new mobile phone number to contact Zhang Producer's crew to connect with her.

But she sent the past news, but no one answered for a long time.

Shang Song glanced at Gu Ninghuan's screen and found that she was in contact with the crew. He coughed a little: "Gu Ning, I don't want to make a chapter producer film. You help me to push it away."

Gu Ning's typing hand slightly changed and turned to look at Shang Song: "Why, I remember you said that at the beginning, you like that script very much."

"No, I just don't want to act."

Gu Ning disagrees: "No, the contract has already been signed. We must have the spirit of the contract and not be able to break the contract without authorization. Are you dissatisfied with the contract? If you are not satisfied, tell me. I will call now. Producer Zhang, ask him when..."

"Enough! I said I wouldn't shoot, and I wouldn't shoot, I don't need you to go to the producers of chapters to do business! I'll stop!" Shang Song's tone was extremely poor and impatient.

The assistant who was driving saw Shang Song got angry and was so scared that he stopped the car immediately.

Shang Song opened the door and threw the door firmly.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the back of Shang Song's departure and felt strange in his heart.

Shang Song's temper was indeed bad, but he never got angry at people inexplicably.

Gu Ninghuan put his mobile phone in his bag and sat in the car with his assistant.

"Is something happening that I don't know?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

The assistant hesitated and told Gu Ninghuan what the producer Zhang called today. Finally, the assistant did not forget to add a sentence: "Gu Ning, don't tell Shang Song, I told you this. , Or Shang Song could take my skin away."

Gu Ninghuan sank his heart and nodded: "Relax, I won't tell Shang Song."

What she didn't understand was that it was not long before she lived in Gu Ning's capacity. Which big man would be offended.

More importantly, the country's top film and television leading position company is Warner. No one can cross Fu Xishen and claim to be the first. There is no big man in Kyoto who is bigger than her husband.

Or did Fu Xishen apparently agree with her as a broker of Shangsong, but secretly blocked her?

Gu Ninghuan felt impossible, and Fu Xishen was definitely not so bored.

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