Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 399: I will help you solve this matter

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399   I will help you solve this matter

The clothes worn by the producer are full of brown coffee.

Gu Ninghuan threw the empty glass heavily on the ground, with a sharp cold look in his eyes: "Mr. Zhang, I sincerely want to solve the misunderstanding between the two of us. I will come here today.

But now it seems to be wrong. I hope you will not regret every word you say today. "

Gu Ninghuan finished talking, took a stack of hundred dollar bills from the bag, threw it on the coffee table, got up and left.

Gu Ninghuan feels sick, even if he is just in the same room as the producer, such as Zhang producer.

Zhang was so angry that he wanted to say nothing, but he couldn't curse his voice.

He has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, no matter how ugly, he has scolded others.

But it has never been refuted.

Now it's just a small broker, who dare to pour his coffee, and it's fat! This is it!

Zhang producer slowed down for a while, and then calmed his anger a little, he was so angry that he took out his phone with shaking fingers and sent a circle of friends

"We kindly asked the new agent of Shangsong to come out to discuss cooperation, but in the end was thrown a cup of coffee, and now the young man is really grumpy."

After the producer Zhang finished this, he had not forgotten to match the photo of the cup below the coffee house.

As soon as his circle of friends came out, he immediately received the attention of his peers.

Producers like them, there are many director actors and investors in mobile phones.

Most of the people with heads and faces in the circle know almost instantly how bad it is for Shang Songxin to get along.

After contacting with their team in the future, it is inevitable that they will wear colored glasses.

Gu Ninghuan drove home and went straight to the room. After taking off her makeup, she took out her mobile phone and dialed out the number: "Xie Yu, help me check. Who has been to Zhang's studio in the last three days."

"Yes, Miss." Xie Yu answered.

Gu Ninghuan tossed the phone aside.

Xie Yu's work efficiency is very high. Two hours later, Gu Ninghuan sent the video surveillance video outside the Zhang production studio.

Gu Ninghuan didn't watch them one by one. She thought about it. When signing the contract that day, Zhang producers still had a very good attitude towards them.

But just over night, the attitude has changed so much.

Someone must have done something after they signed the contract.

Gu Ninghuan opened the video and jumped the video until they left the studio. Fast forward an hour and Qiao Jin'er's face appeared in the video.

She pressed pause and looked at Qiao Jin'er's face on the computer screen, her eyes cold.

Gu Ninghuan closed the computer in front of her, and she didn't need to continue watching the remaining videos.

After seeing Qiao Jin'er and then joining the cafe, Zhang's performance was enough for her to understand everything.

Gu Ninghuan changed clothes and planned to go to Qiao Jin'er to settle the account.

Qiao Jin'er dares to stab a knife behind her, so don't blame her for being cruel.

Gu Ninghuan opened the door and saw Fu Xishen was standing outside.

When the woman saw Fu Xishen, her eyes turned red for an instant.

Before, she clearly felt that the words of the producer Zhang were unpleasant, but even more unpleasant, she was not unheard of before rebirth.

At that time, I didn't feel wronged, only ordinary.

But now, after seeing the man, I suddenly feel wronged.

Does he know that his careful cousin is dealing with her like that in his back?

Gu Ninghuan lowered his head, not wanting to show her vulnerability in front of the man, and his voice choked with a slight voice: "I want to go out and come back later."

After finishing speaking, step away.

The man reached out and clasped her arms: "What happened in the cafe today."

Gu Ninghuan heard his inquiry and raised his head in surprise: "You haven't removed the person who followed me?"

"Withdrawn, you will be wronged in the future, how do I know." Fu Xi deep eyes, with a touch of warmth.

Gu Ninghuan blinked, and the tears in his eyes fell uncontrollably.

Fu Xishen's slightly cool fingertips gently wiped the tears from her eyes: "Tell me, what Zhang Li'an said to you."

"Who is Zhang Li'an." Gu Ninghuan's watery eyes filled with doubts.

Fu Xishen: "..."

With some helplessness, he stretched out his hand and led Gu Ninghuan toward the room: "The person who was splashing coffee with you is Zhang Li'an."

"Really bad name." Gu Ninghuan hates the name.

Gu Ninghuan obediently allowed Fu Xishen to walk into the room and told Fu Xishen what Zhang Lian said about her today.

Of course, she didn't say that Zhang Li'an was suddenly provocative after Qiao Jin'er provoked her.

After the man listened, his eyebrows were cold, and he bowed his head and kissed her face: "I will help you solve this matter, obedient, waiting for me at home."

"Shang Song really likes the script "Farewell, Old Time". If Zhang Li'an had an accident, then this drama will be put on hold. I can't let that drama be destroyed. You promised me not to let that drama be destroyed. Okay? ?" Gu Ninghuan reached out and grabbed the man's shirt, begging.

She was also very angry with what Zhang Lian said, but she could not only focus on her own interests and forget the development of Shang Song.

"Good." Fu Xi reached out and hugged her.

Gu Ninghuan was buried in the man's arms, his voice was small and muffled: "Am I a very troublesome person."


Gu Ninghuan heard Fu Xishen answer, and the hand holding his waist was tighter.

Fu Xishen's cell phone in his pocket suddenly sounded, and Gu Ninghuan helped the man take out the cell phone from his pocket and handed it to him.

The man connected, and after a few words, hung up the phone.

He kissed her: "Do you want to teach your offender with your husband."

Gu Ninghuan let go of his hand and tilted his head: "What's the lesson? Didn't you promise not to let the drama "Farewell to the Old Time" put on hold?"

"The play will proceed as usual, but Zhang Li'an can't let it go like this." Fu Xi looked down at her deeply, gently raised her finger, and hooked her hair that fell on the cheek behind her ear.

Gu Ninghuan blinked and blinked. She probably saw Fu Xishen so gentle for the first time.

IQ was not online for a while, and it took a while to react.

Fu Xishen means that the crew of "Farewell to the Old Time" is left, but the producer changed it?

If this is the case, of course Gu Ninghuan will not stop it.

After all, there are a few more girls who can release themselves from Zhang Li'an's abuse.

Moreover, isn't there a Qiao Jin'er who is inflaming?

Thinking of Qiao Jin'er, Gu Ninghuan's IQ came back in an instant, and she stood up from Fu Xishen: "Then you must pay attention to safety."

"Stay at home, call me something." Fu Xishen reached out and squeezed Gu Ninghuan's soft cheeks.

Gu Ninghuan nodded obediently and sent the man out the door reluctantly.

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