Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 400: Qiong Yao will always be a soft girl

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Chapter 400 Every School of Qiong Yao's Mistresses Will Be a Gentle Party

After Fu Xishen's luxury car slowly drove out of her sight.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes suddenly became very cold.

She returned to the villa and got the car key and mobile phone to go out.

Earlier I heard from Fu's descendants that Qiao Jin'er moved to Fu's residence to avoid Ancheng's harassment.

Fu Zhai's security system is excellent all over the world.

There is no place in Kyoto that is safer than Fu Zhai. Qiao Jin'er can live in Fu Zhai safely and avoid all injuries.

But if someone who wants to hurt her is part of the Fu family, such as Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan drove to Fu Zhai. Although Fu Zhai's servant wondered why Mrs. Shao suddenly came to Fu Zhai, no one dared to ask.

She parked the car, pushed the car door, and the housekeeper walked in front of her: "Mrs. Young, Mrs. and Mrs. Su went to the temple to eat Zhai and pray for blessings. They are not in Fu Zhai now. Do you need me to call Mrs. to tell you that you are here? "

"No, I came here to find Qiao Jin'er. You don't need to disturb your mother." Gu Ninghuan replied softly.

The steward heard the words and said with a smile: "It turned out to be the case, then I will take you to Miss Qiao."

"sorry to bother you."

The butler took Gu Ninghuan to Qiao Jin'er's room. He just reached out and wanted to knock on the door, but was blocked by Gu Ninghuan: "Just bring it here, I just knock on the door, thank you."

The housekeeper owed his body: "Then I will retire first."

After that, the housekeeper left.

Gu Ninghuan waited until he could not see the figure of the housekeeper at all.

"Come in." Qiao Jiner's voice was cheerful, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Gu Ninghuan stepped into it. The eye-catching decoration style of high-grade gray smoke with pink light, which was full of girls and not yet immature. The bright bead curtain flashed beautiful light under the crystal lamp.

"Blood Swallow is placed on the coffee table in the living room." Qiao Jiner said softly, apparently treating Gu Ninghuan as a servant.

After Qiao Jin'er finished speaking, he continued to sit in the bedroom and talk to friends in the circle.

"What, Zhang producer just said Gu Ning a few words, she dared to pour coffee on Zhang producer, this is too much."

"It's all blame I didn't tell Zhang producer in advance, Gu Ning is a bad person, want to..."


Qiao Jin'er's half-open door was pushed open by Gu Ninghuan with a loud noise.

She turned her head and saw that Gu Ninghuan appeared suddenly, startled, and did not forget to reach out and cut off the phone while she was on the phone.

Qiao Jin'er didn't know when Gu Ninghuan came or how much she listened.

"Why hang up the phone and continue to say, I'm listening." Gu Ninghuan smiled softly.

Qiao Jiner bit his lip: "Ning Huan, I just discussed the script with my friends just now, and I just talked about the conflict between Zhang producer and Shang Song's new agent."

"So what do you think of the new dealer Song Song?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

Qiao Jiner hesitated: "Actually, I am not very familiar with Shang Songxin's agent, and I don't know how she is. I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't answer your question."

Gu Ninghuan slowly walked towards Qiao Jin'er: "Qiao Jin'er, the strange phone I hung up at the magazine cover shooting scene the day before yesterday, should you call the staff around you, right?"

Qiao Jin'er shook his head anxiously: "Ning Huan, I don't understand what you are talking about. What magazine cover shooting site, what strange phone call, I don't even know."

Gu Ninghuan closed his eyes and eased the anger in his heart.

She finally understood why at the beginning, whether it was Ai Yu or Meng Jingwen, when she mentioned Qiao Jin'er, she always looked so clenched.

Because she is so good at acting, she is obviously a perpetrator, but she will always be a weak girl.

"Ning Huan, haven't you been too hard recently, causing mental problems and conjecture." Qiao Jin'er looked at her and asked softly.

Gu Ninghuan sneered and didn't answer. He heard the voice of the maid outside from far to near: "Miss Qiao, I'm sorry that Xue Yan was late, did you just ring the call bell?"

The maid carried the tray and walked from the living room of Qiao Jin'er's room to the bedroom.

"Young lady, why are you here." The maid walked into the room and saw Gu Ninghuan with surprise in her eyes.

Gu Ninghuan stood straight and looked at the maid: "What did you mean by calling the bell just now?"

The maid felt a strange atmosphere in the room and stood aside with blood swallowed, daring not to speak.

Qiao Jiner stood up apologetically: "Sorry, I was so scared just now that my finger accidentally touched the call bell in the room."

Gu Ninghuan sneered and could press the wrong call bell. Why didn't she press the wrong alarm!

Every room in Fu Zhai will be equipped with a call bell and a siren. The call bell is to call the maid. The moment the siren is pressed, the security personnel of Fu Zhai must come over to check within a minute.

Within three minutes, the Kyoto Criminal Police will arrive.

Qiao Jin'er didn't press the alarm, not because he didn't want to make trouble.

She was worried that if there was any trouble, Gu Ninghuan would come up with any evidence that would prevent her from closing.

You can only press the call bell to warn Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan turned sideways, looking at the maid: "I have something to tell Qiao Jin'er, you go out first."

The maid looked at Qiao Jin'er and asked her for her opinion.

Qiao Jin'er said slowly: "Ning Huan, I'm a little hungry now, no matter what you want to say, can you say it tomorrow."

"No." Gu Ninghuan refused indifferently.

The maid did not know what happened between Miss Qiao and Mrs. Young.

But seeing how Miss Qiao was so scared, she knew that it was Mrs. Young who bullied Miss Qiao.

But Mrs. Shao is the owner of Fu Zhai, and Miss Qiao is only a guest. Even if they are in conflict, she should help the young man.

Thinking of this, the maid intended to let go of Xueyan and left, but her eyes touched Miss Qiao's begging sight, and she felt that Miss Qiao was a little too pitiful, she couldn't hold her heart.

The maid tentatively persuaded: "Mrs. Young, Miss Qiao is not in good health. If she does not eat in time, she will have a stomachache."

Gu Ninghuan looked at the maid with a smile: "That's right, then you really can't be hungry and give me the blood swallow."

Gu Ninghuan reached out to the maid and asked the maid to give her the tray.

The maid did not dare to give it, she could only give Gu Ninghuan what she had in her hand.

Gu Ninghuan took the tray, and in a second, the gentle look instantly changed, and threw the tray and Xueyan directly into the living room.

The wooden pallet smashed on the bright tiles, making a loud noise.

The stew with blood swallows fell lightly on the carpet and spread all over the floor.

The maid reached over her lips to avoid exclaiming.

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