Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 401: I will hit you

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401   I will hit you

She could not believe that the young lady who had just smiled and talked suddenly would change her face.

Gu Ninghuan stared at Qiao Jiner with a chuckle: "Qiao Jiner, go to the carpet and eat your blood swallow, don't be hungry."

After Gu Ninghuan threw Qiao Jin'er's Blood Swallow, she looked at Gu Ninghuan's eyes and instantly became resentful.

But when the maid looked at Qiao Jin'er, she immediately regained her usual weakness.

Qiao Jin'er smiled helplessly: "Ning Huan, I don't know what I did wrong, you will choose the trouble of coming to Fu's house when my aunt is not there, but no matter what you do to me, I don't account In contrast, because my cousin has always been kind to me, I have always been grateful to him, how can he blame his wife."

The maid stood by and looked at Qiao Jin'er. Her eyes were full of distress. Miss Qiao was so kind.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the maid standing in the room: "You go out."

"Young lady..."

"Go out!" Gu Ninghuan increased his tone.

The maid didn’t dare to listen to Mrs. Shao’s words, tolerating the worries about Qiao Jin'er in her heart, and slowly walked out, daring not to pick up the tray on the ground.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Qiao Jin'er who was still in acting, smiled and stepped forward, raised his hand and gave her a slap in the face.

She started quickly, and her strength was heavy.

Qiao Jin'er didn't respond at all, and Gu Ninghuan's face was missed.

She widened her eyes and unbelievably reached out to cover one cheek and took a step back: "Gu Ninghuan, you dared to hit me, even my aunt never touched me with a finger, you dared to hit me, never No one dared to beat me!"

Gu Ninghuan moved his wrist and said lightly: "Since this is the case, should I feel honored."

Qiao Jin'er let go of his hand, probably because there were only two of them in the room at this time, so the expression on his face was not so bitter: "Gu Ninghuan, you don't sleep at night, what madness went to Fu Zhai.

Do you think that when you become Mrs. Fu Jiashao, you can override everyone else, even I have become the object of you to beat and scold at will? "

"Qiao Jin'er, you have asked for this slap in the face today. If I remember correctly, I was warning you last time on the cruise ship. But how long has it been since, you are in trouble again and again, it's me Weekdays are too tolerant of you, or do you think I am a good person?" Gu Ninghuan stared at her and asked word by word.

Qiao Jin'er didn't show any expression on his face: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"It doesn't matter if I don't know, as long as I encounter any problems in the entertainment industry next time, I will definitely come to you in the first place and find the account with you." Gu Ninghuan smiled lightly and said slowly.

Qiao Jin'er hung his hand on his side, and slowly tightened his clothing corner. He hated Gu Ning for the extreme.

Gu Ninghuan finished speaking and left on high heels.

She had been out long enough, if she continued to stay, she would have no way to explain when Fu Xishen came back.

Gu Ninghuan was not afraid that Fu Xishen knew she was in trouble for Qiao Jin'er, but she had no evidence that Qiao Jiner framed her.

The monitoring at the entrance of Zhang Producer's studio can only prove that Qiao Jin'er had sought him. As for Qiao Jin'er's conversation with friends in the circle, she did not record it and could not use it as evidence.

And Qiao Jin'er used the staff to call her cell phone, even more unable to prove anything.

The place where Qiao Jin'er is so powerful is probably here. She is the one who hints at hurting you.

When you want to find her confrontation, you can't find any useful evidence.

There is no way for you to take her, and you can only anger yourself into an internal injury.

Ai Yu is like that, Qiao Jin'er is slowly forced to nowhere.

But Gu Ninghuan was not Ai Yu, she didn't care what strong evidence was useless, as long as she confirmed that it was Qiao Jin'er who hurt her, she beat her.


Fu Zhai

After the young lady left, the maid knocked on Miss Qiao's door uncomfortably.

But did not hear Miss Qiao's answer.

The maid reached out to open the door and walked in. There was no sound in Miss Qiao's room and she could hear it quietly even if she dropped a needle.

After hesitating, she pushed open the door of Miss Qiao's bedroom and saw Miss Qiao crouched in a corner.

"Miss Qiao, are you okay." The maid hurried forward.

Qiao Jin'er shook his head abruptly, and the tears in his eyes hit the ground, which was distressing.

The maid looked at Qiao Jin'er's other side with obvious puffiness and could see the clear five-finger prints. She was terrified: "Miss Qiao, did Mrs. Shao hit you."

"You don't need to say, go out, I'm tired." Qiao Jin'er bowed his lips and looked weak.

Of course, the maid did not dare to ask Mrs. Shao what she did. She took out her mobile phone and took pictures of Qiao Jin'er’s right face.

After that, the maid walked out in relief.

She took the phone to the housekeeper, and only the housekeeper could contact the lady and let the lady call Miss Qiao.

After the maid left, Qiao Jin'er was still in tears, and stopped instantly.

Her bedroom door was locked, sitting in front of a makeup mirror, slowly removing the "scars" on her face with a makeup remover wipe, and then taking out the cotton ball in her mouth that was used as a swollen face and throwing it in the trash together with the makeup remover wipes In the bucket.

After doing everything, she looked at the shallow marks on her face hit by Gu Ninghuan and pulled her lips.

Gu Ninghuan hit her, she decided not to forget so easily.


Fujia Villa

Gu Ninghuan pushed open the door lightly.

The maid who came out to pour water and drink saw her, a little surprised: "Young lady, you are back."

"Hush, don't talk so loudly. Is my husband back?" Gu Ninghuan asked in a low voice.

The maid shook her head: "Sir has not returned yet."

Gu Ninghuan was relieved when he heard that Fu Xishen had not returned.

She ran into the room with her mobile phone, closed the door, changed her outing clothes to pajamas, pulled a book from the shelf, and lay down on the sofa to read.

I thought Fu Xishen would come back soon, but she didn't wait until she fell asleep.

When Gu Ning was awake, he reached out and touched his side, and there was no temperature left by the man on the bed.

She sat up and looked at the bright sunshine outside.

Last night, if she remembered correctly, she should have fallen asleep on the sofa.

As soon as I woke up in bed, it was explained that Fu Xishen came back to hold her in bed at night.

Gu Ninghuan rubbed her eyes and reached up to pick up the mobile phone placed on the bedside. She was still so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes.

She turned on her cell phone, and there were 23 calls and a message from Shang Song.

There are also 53 calls from Zhang Producer, as well as several calls from Shang Song Assistant.

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