Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 402: Of course she can't betray her husband

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402   Of course she cannot betray her husband

Gu Ninghuan ignored the missed call from Zhang producer and clicked on the text message of Shangsong. There were only three simple words: sorry.

She glanced at the time when the text message was sent.

It's too rare for someone as proud as Shang Song to apologize.

Gu Ninghuan returned three words: It doesn't matter.

After showing that the text message was sent successfully, Gu Ninghuan thought again whether these three words seemed to be too alienated.

After thinking about it, I added another sentence: I know that you didn't lose your temper on purpose. I will solve the matter in the script. Rest assured.

Gu Ninghuan's two messages just showed that the message was sent successfully. The next second, Shangsong phone call came.

She connected, and Shang Song's tone was serious: "Gu Ning, did you meet Zhang Li'an yesterday."

Gu Ninghuan pinched the small plush ball on his pajamas: "Yes, what's wrong?"

"you you……"

Shang Song has been with you for a long time, and there is no reason for you to come out.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know what happened to him.

Could it be said that she saw Zhang Li'an privately yesterday, was Shang Song unhappy after knowing it?

"You...you...how stupid!"

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

Unexpectedly, Shang Song has been talking to you for a long time.

"What do you mean?" Gu Ninghuan didn't quite understand.

Shang Song was anxious and corrupted: "I have said that without cooperating with Zhang Li'an, why do you still want to grieve yourself to see him, are you bullied by him, or did you promise him something. If you are bullied by him, you are now Tell me, I will protect you."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

She now understands what Shang Song is saying.

Does Shang Song think that she and Zhang Li'an did something that should not be done.

Gu Ninghuan explained softly, "When I met Zhang Li'an yesterday, he asked me to take off my clothes in the cafe and kneel before telling me the name of the person who made the rumor.

I couldn't stand the insult, so I picked up coffee and poured it on his face. I was not bullied by him, but I was impulsive. "

Shang Song gritted his teeth: "You are indeed wrong, because you should throw sulfuric acid on his face!"

Gu Ninghuan said with a chuckle: "No, it is illegal to splash sulfuric acid."

"But it's strange, since you weren't bullied by Zhang Li'an yesterday, why did Zhang Li'an's scum suddenly disappear last night." Shang Song's eyes narrowed slightly.

Gu Ninghuan said unnaturally, "I don't know."

Zhang Li'an's disappearance last night must be related to Fu Xishen, but now in the face of her own artist, she certainly cannot betray her husband.

"Why would you know that Zhang Li'an disappeared last night, did you go to him last night?" Gu Ninghuan changed the subject.

Shang Song said with irony: "His wife used his WeChat group message to find someone, saying that his husband didn't come back last night. Zhang Li'an's friends on WeChat all knew that the scum did not return home last night."

"I'm going to the event this afternoon, you remember to drive over to pick me up," Shang Song ordered.

Gu Ninghuan asked lightly: "Shang Song, don't you own a car?"

"I just like someone to pick me up, is there a problem?"


Gu Ninghuan reached out and squeezed the temple. She and Shang Song were about the same age, but from the age of her heart, she was at least several years older than Shang Song. The sudden sense of oldness hit her.

In the afternoon, Gu Ninghuan drove Shang Song to the event venue.

This event only needed 30 minutes to attend, but the reward was over one million.

But Gu Ninghuan didn’t feel envious. The stars had to pay too much. The entire life had to be exposed to the spotlight, and countless eyes were staring at their every move. Such a life was replaced by Gu Ninghuan, she Can't survive a day.

At the end of the event, Shang Song had planned to go home to rest and pick a script.

"Farewell to the Old Times" is already a dead script in Shang Song's heart. He can't ask Gu Ning to ask for a beast like Zhang Li'an.

After Shang Song finished the activity, Gu Ninghuan and his assistant sorted out his suit, and then Qin Yue called.

Let Shang Song bring Gu Ning back to the company.

Gu Ninghuan and Shang Song returned to Qinyue Company, opened the door of the meeting room, and saw a young, beautiful woman sitting opposite Qinyue.

She heard the door open and looked up at Gu Ninghuan's eyes.

"You are Gu Ning, where did you get our family Zhang Li'an last night!" Lilian glared at Gu Ninghuan and questioned.

Gu Ninghuan is somewhat inexplicable.

Who is this man in front of me?

"Gu Ning, let me introduce you. This is Zhang Li'an's wife, Lilian." Qin Yue coughed and introduced Gu Ning.

Gu Ning heard Qin Yue say that the woman at this age who looked so young was actually Zhang Li'an's wife.

Zhang Li'an was already in his fifties, and actually married such a young wife.

However, in the entertainment circle, the match between the old man and the young wife is not too small, but when Gu Ninghuan saw it with his own eyes, he felt a little weird.

"I'll ask you again, where did you get my husband, why is he gone after drinking coffee with you." Lilian continued to force.

Gu Ninghuan frowned: "I can't find anyone. You can call the police and run to me and shout what is called."

Lilian was angry with Gu Ninghuan's disrespectful attitude: "You pretend to be innocent. I have seen the circle of friends sent by my husband and said you poured him coffee!"

"Then you call me and tell me that I splashed Zhang Li'an with coffee to see if the police will file a case for this kind of thing." Gu Ninghuan walked into the meeting room and found a place to sit down. The appearance of Yundanfeng was undoubtedly light. It made Lilian more angry.

Qin Yue didn't want them to continue tit-for-tat, and persuaded: "You all calm down, make money with harmony, and make money with harmony."

"What is not agreeable, it's not Gu Ning's fault to get to this point today!" Lilian's voice was sharp, which made Gu Ninghuan's headache hurt.

She looked up with cold eyes: "If you have evidence that your husband's disappearance is related to me, you should go to the police.

If you have no evidence, please shut up and stop framing me. But if you don’t understand people, then I’m not talking. "

Gu Ninghuan finished talking and took the bag to leave.

She didn't want to waste time on people like Lilian.

Lilian, probably following Zhang Li'an for several years, was used to being flattered.

Also accustomed to being confessed by someone, suddenly a person appeared, disdain her.

This made Lilian feel very unaccustomed, and did not consciously rely on her identity, trying to suppress Gu Ninghuan: "You are a little broker, you have such a temper, you really don’t worry about it. The artist you brought is not filmed."

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