Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 403: Cousin actually helped Gu Ninghuan

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Chapter 403: My Cousin Will Help Gu Ninghuan

"Compared to what you said, I think I should worry about you. The entertainment industry has never lacked beautiful girls. Today you can make Zhang Lian divorce and marry you with beautiful colors. Maybe a new person will take your place tomorrow. Gu Ninghuan said lightly.

She checked Lilian with her mobile phone just now.

A brief glance at the news revealed that Zhang Li'an had a wife of thirteen years who had been together for a long time.

The original wife and him went from poverty to wealth. Even if Zhang Li'an was photographed by reporters for derailing Lilian, the original wife did not discredit Zhang Li'an once in the public, but quietly chose to divorce.

Gu Ninghuan has always disliked Xiao San and Zan Nan. In her eyes, these two kinds of people are the same dirty. Of course, they will not give people such as Lilian the good face.

Lilian's face suddenly became ugly. Gu Ning meant that Zhang Li'an didn't go home last night. It might be where he went to sleep.

Just when the two were deadlocked, Lilyan’s driver ran up breathlessly: “The hospital just called and said that Brother Zhang is lying in the hospital, let you hurry over.”

When Lilian heard that her husband was in the hospital, she couldn't care about Gu Ning at all, and hurried on the heels to the hospital.

Gu Ninghuan was guilty when he heard that Zhang Lian was in the hospital.

Maybe last night, Fu Xishen made Zhang Lian fight all night.

If this is the case, Zhang Li'an is quite a lot of age.

In hospital surgery, Zhang Li'an was lying on a white hospital bed, with large and small wounds on all parts of his body except above his neck.

In particular, the injuries to both legs are more serious, and they have been cast with thick plaster.

"Gosh! What's the matter with you?" Lilian didn't expect to see such a serious scene when she came to the hospital.

Zhang Li'an had been beaten all night, and it was already very uncomfortable in his heart, and now he heard Lilian's shrill voice, which made her more headache.

"Why can't I contact you, what the **** are you doing." Zhang Lian's tone was harsh.

Lilian took out her mobile phone and found that there were a lot of missed calls from the hospital on the phone screen. However, because her phone was accidentally touched by her silently, she did not receive a call from Zhang Li'an.

"It's the fault of Gu Ning's bitch. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't find that the phone was muted, did you know? When I went to her company to ask her to settle the bills, she actually murdered me." Lilian pointed Zhang Li'an complained of grievances.

Zhang Li'an heard Gu Ning's name, and his eyes were magnified several times. He said forcefully: "You apologize to Gu Ning now!"

"What are you talking about?" Lilian looked at Zhang Lian in disbelief, thinking only if he had a bad brain.

Gu Ning is just a small agent, why should she apologize to Gu Ning.

Zhang Li'an is not in the mood to explain so much to Lilian now: "If you don't apologize to Gu Ning now, starting today, don't try to use my secondary card again!"

Lilian didn't want to go no matter what she said.

But when she heard Zhang Li'an threatened to take back her deputy card, she certainly didn't want to.

Without the deputy card, how could she want to buy and buy, if not for money, how could she be willing to be with Zhang Lian.

"I... I'm going right away." Lilian said reluctantly.

She asked the driver to send her to Qinyue Company. At this time, Gu Ning and Shang Song both stood in the conference room using a computer and Joel video to confirm Shang Song's future development.

While talking, the door of the meeting room was pushed open.

Gu Ninghuan looked up and saw that Lilian appeared, and knew that their small meeting could not be held at the moment.

She said sorry to Joel, and then closed the computer: "Is there anything?"

Lilian walked towards Gu Ninghuan, and looked at Gu Ninghuan with a very proud look, and said: "Gu Ning, my husband said that his disappearance has nothing to do with you, I misunderstood you, sorry , I hope you can forgive me."

"Oh, you go out." Gu Ninghuan didn't say forgiveness, nor did he say not forgiveness.

She just wants to send Lilian to leave now, don't stay here to affect their meetings.

When Lilian saw Gu Ning's dull expression, she didn't even put her in her eyes, and she didn't want to control it.

Zhang Li'an just asked her to come and apologize. She had already done what he asked.

Lilian walked out of Qinyue Company and came to the hospital. Zhang Lian was very nervous to see her: "How about, has Gu Ning forgiven you?"

"Well, but Gu Ning is just a little agent. What do you do to be so afraid of her?" Lilian didn't understand.

Zhang Li'an didn't answer Lilian's question, but kept his face sullen.

Lilian saw her face, her face stiffened: "Did you say that the wound on your body was not hit by the car, but that Gu Ning made you hit you?

It is too much, I will call the police now and let the **** go to jail! "

Lilian took out her mobile phone and planned to call the police.

But her actions made Zhang Lian even more annoyed. He cursed at Lily Ann: "Shut up for me, I was injured because the car was hit. It has nothing to do with Gu Ning. If you dare to talk nonsense, Nonsense, you get out of my house."

Lilian couldn't lift her head when she was scolded by her husband.

She thought that Zhang Li'an had Alzheimer's dementia ahead of time. Obviously she was trying to help him. She actually talked to her so fiercely.

Lilian came up with a temper and left angrily with her mobile phone.

Zhang Li'an endured the pain in his arm and dialed Qiao Jin'er's number after Lilian left.

The phone was connected, and Qiao Jin'er's sweet voice came out: "Zhang Producer, what's the matter with you calling me?"

"Jin'er, I have always had a good relationship with you, and I don't know where I offended you. Let you set up such a harm to me." Zhang Lian endured his anger and asked in a calm tone as much as possible.

Qiao Jin'er pretends to be stupid: "Mr. Zhang, you have always been a respectable predecessor in my heart. How could I frame you."

"Really? Then why did you encourage me to block Gu Ning. Did you know that I almost died under Mr. Fu's bodyguards last night." Zhang Li'an was pale.

The **** scene last night made Zhang Li'an even want to remember.

It was so terrible, it was so terrible that it made him reach this age, and he still couldn't help but tremble in retrospect.

Qiao Jin'er squeezed his phone, but did not expect that his cousin would actually help Gu Ninghuan to teach Zhang Li'an.

But Zhang Li'an is something, and she is actually worthy of questioning her.

At first, she only said a few words, Zhang Lian kicked her nose to her face, and ran to shame Gu Ning in private.

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