Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 404: She got up a little bit faster

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Chapter 404

It was because he couldn't hold his breath, and even now he was suffering, it was his own business, and it was nothing special.

Qiao Jin'er smiled faintly: "Producer Zhang, I don't understand what you said. When did I encourage you to block Gu Ning?"

Moreover, Gu Ning is a business song agent. My relationship with business song is acceptable. How can I let you block Gu Ning? "

Qiao Jin'er's tone of speech was very gentle. In the past, Zhang Li'an heard her voice, but she just felt like it.

But now heard in this situation, Zhang Li'an only felt extremely irritable.

Feelings are broken now, Qiao Jin'er began to pick himself out.

"Qiao Jin'er, I really can't see that you still have this hand. Are you pretending to be stupid with me now? If that's the case, don't blame me." Zhang Li'an has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and it is not a good deal.

Qiao Jin'er lost half of his life, and he also had to make a stubborn grin on Qiao Jin'er.

"Then I don't know what Zhang Zhang wants to do?" Qiao Jin'er's voice was soft and soft, and he heard Zhang Li'an feel at ease.

He aggravated the tone: "It's very simple. You will accompany me for three months and give me another 10 million. This matter is considered to be over now, or else I will tell Mr. Fu everything you did.

Or broke the news to the media and let them see. The national goddess, who has always been called Qingliu in the entertainment industry, is actually a free and easy ambition. I don’t know if your literary artist can continue to sell at that time. "

Qiao Jin'er raised the corner of his lips and wasn't in a hurry: "Really? Then do you have any evidence that I said something like that? If it doesn't, I have something small for you to listen to."

After talking, Qiao Jiner hung up the phone, and then Zhang Lian received a voice on his mobile phone.

Zhang Li'an opened it with his finger, and his voice suddenly sounded in the voice.

"You have been with me for three months...this matter..."

Zhang Li'an angrily called Qiao Jin'er's phone immediately, and no content was recorded between the people in the circle. This is almost the default rule.

He did not expect that Qiao Jin'er would openly violate this rule.

"Qiao Jin'er, do you think a section of recording can threaten me?" Zhang Li'an felt that Qiao Jin'er was too naive.

Qiao Jin'er sneered to counterattack: "Of course, such a short recording can't, but the evidence I have in hand is not just that. I also have a video of you and Zhang Qian going to bed three years ago.

I heard that the husband Zhang Qian is now married to is a very powerful man in the underworld. Before that, a male artist accidentally touched Zhang Qian's arm, and his husband broke his hands.

Because of this incident, Zhang Qian was forced to resign from the entertainment industry, but she didn't know if Zhang Qian's husband would see you and Zhang Qian's love video killing you on impulse. "

After Qiao Jin'er finished speaking, Zhang Li'an was already trembling.

Last night he was always beaten by covering his mouth, so it was really difficult to make a confession against Gu Ninghuan by Qiao Jin'er.

Until today, after he woke up, he no longer wanted to go to Mr. Fu to confess Qiao Jin'er.

Because there is no need, he has been beaten, and what is the meaning of it.

It is better to use this as a handle and let Qiao Jin'er be his mistress.

But he never imagined that Qiao Jin'er was so insidious.

"Zhang Li'an, you are really professional in making dramas, but life is really stupid. I advise you not to touch me, otherwise, I will tell you some of the wisdom of life."

Qiao Jiner sneered and hung up the phone.

Zhang Li'an was so angry that he threw the phone directly at the wall, and the thin phone became cracked when it hit the wall.

In the conference room, Gu Ninghuan and Joel had a similar conversation, and then the computer was put away.

"Shang Song, let's go, I'll take you home." Gu Ninghuan looked at the conference table not far away. Shang Song was playing games there.

After hearing her voice, Shang Song closed the laptop in front of him and looked at Gu Ning slightly: "Warner just emailed me that they would take over the drama "Farewell to the Old Time", my The pay is the same, but I know that Warner will never make a TV series, why did they suddenly take over."

"With good scripts and good actors, why didn't Warner take over?" Gu Ninghuan asked lightly.

Shang Song heard Gu Ning say this, but did not refute it. The script of "Farewell to the Old Times" is indeed very good.

Shang Song, the male character, also appreciated it. After knowing that he could not act, he did have a trace of regret.

But now he can act, and he still feels a little lost for some reason.

Gu Ninghuan didn’t notice Shang Song’s little emotions. When she brought Shang Song to her house, Shang Song didn’t get out of the car, but sat in the back seat of the car: “Gu Ning, do you think I’m very serious? It’s nothing, it’s not going to protect you.”

"Why do you say that?" Gu Ninghuan felt a little strange.

Shang Song looked at her ordinary but unobtrusive face: "I think after you became my agent, many things that should have been my protection for you, you did it for me."

"The show of "Farewell to the Old Times" itself is because of my reasons that you can't shoot it. Since the thing started from me, of course I should solve it." Gu Ninghuan said calmly.

But the more plain and reasonable she behaved, Shang Song felt that there was something wrong in her mind.

Shang Song stretched out his hand to unfasten the seat belt, and without speaking, pushed the car door and walked away.

Gu Ninghuan looked at his apparently depressed back and didn't quite understand the reason why Shang Song was unhappy.

Everything was resolved, and Shang Song was able to make his favorite drama, so there is nothing to be unhappy about.

Sure enough, it was a man's heart, a needle in the sea.

Gu Ninghuan turned around and decided to drive back to bed.

Today Shangsong finished work early, and she was able to relax and sleep well.

Gu Ninghuan returned to the villa, after bathing and wiping her body milk, she lay in a comfortable bed and enjoyed her sleep.

Fu Xishen came back at night and looked at the living room with only a maid and asked, "What about Gu Ninghuan."

"The young lady stayed upstairs since she came back, and she didn't come down," the maid replied.

Fu Xishen handed the blazer on his arm to the maid, walked to the master bedroom and pushed open the door, and saw the room full of dimness. Gu Ninghuan's favorite perfume smell was flowing quietly in the air.

The man reached out and turned on the bedside lamp, and the soft light turned on, diluting the darkness of the room.

Gu Ning opened his eyes confusedly, sat up, leaned against the bed and stared at Fu Xishen.

Because she moved up a bit faster, she slid her shoulders down on the side wearing the suspenders, and the shoulders as warm as white jade appeared softer and more beautiful under the lights.

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