Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 406: Qiao Jin'er should be restrained

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406 Qiao Jin'er Should Be Restrained

"That slap, Qiao Jin'er deserves it. If you want me to show mercy to Qiao Jin'er's men, you should restrain Qiao Jin'er well." Gu Ninghuan expressionless.

Mother Qiao heard Gu Ninghuan say this, and the anger in her heart could no longer be restrained: "What the **** are you qualified to say Jin'er, Jin'er is better than you anyway."

"She is better than me, better than me, and re-engaged after escaping marriage. It is better than me to keep framing others behind others. After being caught, she will only shake her head and say not me." Gu Ninghuan stood Straight, said coldly.

Everyone in the Fu family spoils Qiao Jin'er. They think Qiao Jin'er is the simplest woman in the world.

When she did not clash with Qiao Jin'er, everyone respected her as a young lady.

But once she had a conflict with Qiao Jin'er, she became the representative of the bad woman in their eyes.

Why, why should everyone let Qiao Jiner.

She refused to let it go.

Mother Qiao's face was ugly to the extreme: "Look, look at the good daughter from Gu's house, you inexplicably beat my daughter first, and now splash her with dirty water, you are not a thing!"

"Oh, I can't tell you the truth, you can't accept it, so I don't know if there is a day, if you see the vicious heart under your daughter's pure dermal sac, will you faint directly." Gu Ning Huan sneered.


The cup with hot tea hit Gu Ninghuan's feet, hot tea splashed on her black high-heeled leather shoes, and loose water drops landed on her leather shoes, ruining the beauty.

"Shut up for me." Mrs. Fu's face was so ugly that she said word by word.

Gu Ninghuan bit his lip and said nothing.

"No matter what is under Jin'er's skin, it's your fault if you call her like this." Mrs. Fu stared at her slowly.

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes and looked at Qiao Jin'er.

Qiao Jin'er's eyes still had wet tears. It seemed that Gu Ninghuan had cried before coming.

"Qiao Jin'er, I don't know how you slapped me in the face, and rumor became a battering." Gu Ninghuan looked at Qiao Jin'er's miserable pretense and endured the urge to go forward and make up another slap. .

Qin Jiner has been sitting sideways since Gu Ninghuan walked into Fu Zhai's hall. Gu Ninghuan couldn't see her other half of the face.

But now that Gu Ninghuan asks this question, Qiao Jin'er is certainly willing to let Gu Ninghuan die.

Her body turned slowly, and the other half of her face was exposed to Gu Ninghuan's eyes.

The other half of Qiao Jin'er's face was swollen and tall, covered with purple bruises.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't believe that she could slap Qiao Jiner like this with a slap in the face.

Mother Qiao saw the scars on Qiao Jin'er's face and cried out in distress: "My daughter! I put a big baby on my apex, and now I am beaten like this."

"What else do you have to say." Mrs. Fu asked Shen Sheng.

Gu Ninghuan walked towards Qiao Jin'er step by step: "It's just slapping you. I don't believe it will cause such a big scar. In order to prove my innocence, I personally take you to the hospital for examination."

Mother Qiao rushed forward, pushing Gu Ninghuan vigorously, like a hen protecting a chick in front of Qiao Jin'er: "You vicious woman, don't want to hurt my daughter anymore."

vicious? Qiao Jiner framed her with such exaggerated scars, she was malicious.

Gu Ninghuan stood firm and did not fall in front of them.

"What's the harm of taking her to the hospital? If you really want to hurt her, you should take her to the cliff." Gu Ninghuan sneered.

Qiao Jin'er reached out and grasped Qiao's clothes and shook her head desperately. She seemed to be very afraid of Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan stared at Qiao Jin'er. From the moment she entered the hall, Qiao Jin'er didn't say a word.

Isn’t this weird? In the past, Qiao Jin'er didn't like to cry and talk, how did she change her style today?

In other words, her mouth was filled with cotton **** that could swell her face, so that she could not speak.

"Gu Ninghuan, you're enough! I think for Xishen's sake, I have been tolerant of you, but you are getting more and more excessive, what exactly do you want to do!" Mother Qiao really hated Gu Ninghuan.

She hated the woman who bullied her so seriously.

She hated Madam Fu for failing to teach Gu Ninghuan in time.

She hated her even more why she followed Mrs. Fu to the temple. If she didn't go, her Jin'er would not have to suffer now.

"It seems that everyone is in a bad mood today. In this case, I will take Qiao Jiner to the hospital for examination tomorrow." Gu Ninghuan said.

Today, she came to Fu Zhai alone, and she would not care about her with a soft Qiao mother, not enough with hard hands.

"Do you want to lengthen the time and wait for Xishen to save you? I tell you, even if Xishen comes, it will only stand on our side." Mother Qiao looked at Gu Ning with vigilance. Huan, I don't know what idea she had in her abacus.

Gu Ninghuan smiled softly: "If you really are so sure that Fu Xishen will stand by your side, why do you still ask the housekeeper to tell me what comer character you want to come by yourself."

Qiao mother's mind was pierced by Gu Ninghuan, and she panicked immediately. The whole body's body language was not as firm as before.

Mrs. Fu asked Gu Ninghuan: "What did you just mean?"

Gu Ninghuan called the housekeeper and said what she said, and repeated it very carefully to tell Mrs. Fu.

Mrs. Fu's face slowly deteriorated. When she was young, she was a very possessive person.

If it weren't for her strength, how could a family as big as the Fu family have no one to dare to remember.

Similarly, Mr. Fu is also a person who does not have any lace news. What little three and four, mistress illegitimate children are all things that have never appeared in the Fu family.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Mrs. Fu's ugly face, and Mrs. Fu's possessiveness was always what Gu Ninghuan knew.

Every time she came to Fu Zhai, she did not try to do things that might encounter Mrs. Fu's authority.

But today, Qiao's mother told the housekeeper to pass the message without any knowledge of Mrs. Fu. How could a person like Mrs. Fu allow others to carry her and give orders to her housekeeper.

"Who called Ning Huan just now." Mrs. Fu's tone was cold, and her tone was not as serious as when she scolded Gu Ninghuan before.

The housekeeper who just called came out in a hurry and stood in front of Mrs. Fu with her head down: "Madam."

"Is Ning Huan saying true?" Mrs. Fu asked.

The steward certainly did not dare to hide, hesitated and nodded.

"Get out." Mrs. Fu ordered coldly.

Fu Zhai's bodyguard immediately stepped forward and dragged the butler down.

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