Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 407: I think you are too obtrusive

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407   I think you are too obtrusive

There was a hot pain on Qiao's face.

Mrs. Fu didn't reprimand her, and she didn't even say a heavy word to her.

But she felt embarrassed inexplicably. Mrs. Fu's handling of the housekeeper's behavior was to tell Mother Qiao that she became more and more a substitute.

Even if the two of them are relatives and sisters, Mother Qiao cannot cross the line.

"Mom, Qiao Jin'er has so many scars on her face. What do you think of taking her to the hospital for a check tomorrow?" Gu Ninghuan once again mentioned to Mrs. Fu that he would take Qiao Jin'er to the hospital.

Mrs. Fu thought slightly, and finally nodded: "It's okay, if you don't go to the hospital, you might be afraid of any sequelae."

"No, I don't worry. Gu Ninghuan took Qiao Jiner to the hospital. She must want to torture my daughter quietly."

Mrs. Fu persuaded very patiently: "Relax, we will all follow. Jin'er is an actor. If there is something wrong with the face, how to act. And if there is a problem with the face, I am afraid to marry someone in the future..."

For the rest, Mrs. Fu did not continue.

But mother Qiao didn't understand it, she hesitated again and again: "What if the picture was taken like the last time, if Jin'er was in the hospital frequently, I was afraid that there would be rumors on the Internet again."

"You can go to a hospital with Fu's shares, or have a family doctor check, both methods should be feasible." Gu Ninghuan commented.

Mother Qiao snorted, meaning: "I'm not afraid of outsiders leaking, I'm afraid that house thieves are hard to prevent."

"The last time Qiao Jiner's photo in the hospital revealed that it has nothing to do with me. Qiao Jiner has already apologized for this matter, so please don't keep being yin and yang." Gu Ninghuan said coldly.

Mother Qiao said Gu Ninghuan.

Pulling her face down against her, and losing her elder face, she can only stand in front of Qiao Jin'er and maintain her face.

"In that case, it's so settled. I personally took Jin'er to the hospital for examination. If anyone dares to leak a photo this time, I will definitely check it out and won't indulge the unhealthy winds that hurt my family." Mrs. Fu's eyes From across the faces of several people standing in the hall.

Gu Ninghuan, who injured Qiao Jin'er, was left in Fu Zhaiqiang's rest.

She knew that now she was still the demon that hurt Qiao Jin'er. She knew better that no matter who saw the scar on Qiao Jin'er's face, she would feel distressed.

Qiao Jin'er used this technique very well. If it weren't for Qiao's mother's drawing that would make the housekeeper do something that Mrs. Fu didn't like, I'm afraid Mrs. Fu wouldn't want her to follow Qiao Jin'er to the hospital.

Gu Ninghuan was sitting in front of the window, holding his cheeks in both hands, looking at the big and round moon outside the window. He didn't know what Fu Xishen was doing at this time, did he miss her.

In order to be afraid of asking for help from Fu Xishen, Qiao's mother did not allow her to call Fu Xishen. She even took away her mobile phone and asked the maid to take Fu Zhai's tablet to her.

Gu Ninghuan used to like to play on a tablet, but at this time in Fu Zhai, she lost her desire to have fun.

She put the tablet aside and went to bed.

Gu Ninghuan closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

But in a certain room in Fu Zhai, some women were forced to sleep because of the pressure.

On the good mahogany floor, various big-name cosmetics are scattered.

Qiao Jin'er looked at his smooth and clean face. Gu Ninghuan had hit her slap in the face yesterday and it was light. After getting up this morning, she has completely disappeared.

She used cosmetics and cotton **** to fake the scars on her cheeks, and could deceive her mother and aunt, but how could she deceive the doctor in the hospital.

If she enters the hospital tomorrow, the doctor tells her that she used makeup to make up the scars, which makes her face her mother and aunt.


Early in the morning, a nice bird song came from outside.

Having lived in the metropolis for too long, Gu Ninghuan hasn't woke up listening to the song of birds for a long time.

She opened the quilt and pushed open the window.

It was probably a little early, and there was a thin mist in the air. Gu Ninghuan looked out the window with his cheek, and saw a slender figure before her.

Gu Ninghuan reached up and picked up the coat, put it on his body, and walked out immediately.

Qiao Jin'er didn't sleep all night, only to think of ways to solve this matter.

She took the car key and planned to leave Fu's house before her aunt and mother did not get up.

"Qiao Jin'er, are you afraid to go?" Gu Ninghuan's voice sounded coldly behind Qiao Jin'er.

Qiao Jin'er suddenly turned around and saw that only Gu Ninghuan was alone, and the tightness of his body subsided instantly.

"Ning Huan, I just want to drive out and buy soy milk for my mother. I have no other ideas." Qiao Jin'er bit her pale lips, looking weak and helpless.

Gu Ninghuan narrowed his eyes and said indifferently: "Your mother hates me, but her worries about you last night are true. As a child, you deliberately worried your elders for you, just to avenge me, do you think Does it fit?"

"There is no way, who made me born to be spoiled. I am different from you, a person who has never had a mother since childhood. Gu Ninghuan, do you envy me?

Although your brother and grandpa are kind to you, they will not take care of you at all. If they really know how to be good to you, how could you die or live for such a low-level man before?

People who like such rubbish, what qualifications are there to stand next to your cousin, you simply don't deserve it. "Qiao Jin'er smiled softly, even if she was speaking extremely harsh words, she said it with the softest expression.

If an outsider passes by at this time, everyone thinks that Qiao Jin'er and Gu Ninghuan are laughing and coquettish, not meanly mocking Gu Ninghuan without a mother.

"Qiao Jin'er, even the love of a loved one, will disappear if you are disappointed too many times. What you are doing now is to consume your proud family. And, I don't envy you." Gu Ninghuan's long hair draped over his shoulders There is no Fandai on the fair face, his expression is indifferent.

"Gu Ninghuan, you are lying, you are clearly eager for maternal love, you are clearly jealous of my aunt's good to me." Qiao Jin'er found that Gu Ninghuan was telling lies.

Gu Ninghuan stepped forward, grabbed Qiao Jin'er's neck easily with her hand, and pressed her whole body against the body: "Compared to envy, it should be an eye-catcher. I think you are too annoying, every time you are unhappy It’s going to turn upside down, do you know how annoying you are?"

Qiao Jin'er's neck was buckled with Gu Ninghuan's skill. As long as she struggled, she felt out of breath.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes were calm: "Qiao Jin'er, stop playing tricks. Be an anxious star and enjoy your affectionate family. Don't disturb my life. Otherwise, your ending will be better than Gu Shi's. It's miserable."

When she finished, let go of her hand.

Qiao Jiner's coughing stiffly, she was really scared by Gu Ninghuan just now.

Especially the feeling that life was held in her hands made Qiao Jiner feel uncomfortable.

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