Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 408: Qiao Jin'er pushed her hand away

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Chapter 408   Qiao Jin'er pushed her hand away

After she felt comfortable breathing, Gu Ninghuan had already left.

Qiao Jin'er bent over and looked at the neck in the rearview mirror, leaving no scars, making her unable to play by the question.

Gu Ninghuan returned to the room, pulled out disinfectant wipes, and wiped the hand that had touched Qiao Jin'er's neck.

When Fu Zhai's maid prepared breakfast, he came to inform Gu Ninghuan to dine.

Gu Ninghuan walked to the restaurant, and Qiao Jiner was picking up the soybean milk pot and pouring it into the glass in front of Mrs. Fu.

Qiao Jiner's eyes swept to Gu Ninghuan, and the action of pouring soy milk was a slight pause.

"Jin'er, you don't have a full face now. Don't go out and buy soy milk anymore. What if you are recognized?" Qiao mother looked at Qiao Jin'er distressedly.

Qiao Jin'er reached out to hold Qiao's mother's hand and shook his head grievously: "It doesn't matter, mother, as long as you and your aunt feel delicious, I will be content."

Mother Qiao heard Qiao Jin'er say this, took the napkin, and shed tears in the corner of her eyes.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the scene of mother and daughter filial piety in front of her, and wondered why Qiao Jin'er mother and daughter had acted inexplicably.

Even if she had no mother since she was a child, she had never experienced any mother-daughter relationship.

But Qiao Jin'er is already a girl in her twenties, so she won't get up early to buy a portion of soy milk.

Gu Ninghuan chose a seat farthest away from Qiao Jin'er to not disturb their affection.

Mother Qiao looked at Gu Ninghuan sitting so far, but still felt that she was a little eye-catching: "Ning Huan, as Fu's daughter-in-law, sat so far. I don't know if I would not consider myself as Fu's family from the bottom of my heart."

Gu Ninghuan looked at Mother Qiao without a word.

So many maids in the restaurant watched, and she didn't want to get up in the morning, just at the table and faced Qiao mother.

Gu Ninghuan didn't talk, and left Qiao mother alone to dry, only to make Qiao embarrassed.

Mrs. Fu pretended not to hear what Qiao said. Gu Ninghuan was the daughter-in-law of Xi Shenxuan. She would not easily contradict Gu Ninghuan and make Xi Shen resent her.

Gu Ninghuan finished his meal and sat in the seat, drinking hot tea slowly.

Qiao Jin'er was still eating slowly, and Gu Ninghuan saw her eating a small piece of broccoli for half an hour, and most of it remained.

But since Qiao Jin'er is still dining, of course Gu Ninghuan can't leave early, only to spend with her.

Qiao Jin'er eats so slowly, should be worried that the cotton in the mouth will fall out.

Or, she was just delaying time.

It took another half an hour for Qiao Jin'er to completely eat the small piece of broccoli, but he picked up the soy milk in front of him again.

Gu Ninghuan saw that she hadn't rubbed enough, put down the third cup of hot tea, got up and went to the bathroom, not going to wait.

When she came out of the bathroom, Qiao Jiner was standing outside the bathroom.

"Ning Huan, my aunt asked me to come up to you, we should leave."


Gu Ninghuan and Qiao Jin'er walked towards the stairs one after the other.

They had just reached halfway, Qiao Jin'er standing behind Gu Ninghuan, suddenly reached out to grab Gu Ninghuan's arm.

Gu Ninghuan felt pain in his arm, and instinctively flicked her hand. The next second, he heard Qiao Jin'er cry behind him, and the whole person fell down.

She was also scared by Qiao Jin'er, and she tried to hold her by reaching out, but she still pushed Qiao Jiner's arm away without touching her arm.

Gu Ninghuan could only watch Qiao Jin'er fall down the stairs.

"Miss Joe."

The sound of Qiao Jin'er falling down the stairs was heard by the maid in the living room, and she panicked and ran to Qiao Jin'er.

The maid raised Qiao Jin'er's upper body and looked up at Gu Ninghuan who was standing on the stairs. She asked in horror: "Young lady, don't...you...you..."

Gu Ninghuan stood on the stairs and walked downstairs without expression.

The stairs that Qiao Jin'er fell are not long, and it will not be life-threatening, but if he falls, it will hurt a lot.

But Qiao Jin'er was able to treat himself so cruelly, and fell when he suffered pain.

I would rather sacrifice myself, but also make her irreversible, really ruthless.

Gu Ninghuan walked out of Fu Zhai and ignored the messy maids.

After Mrs. Fu and Qiao mother walked back from the garden, they saw the picture of Qiao Jin'er with her eyes closed, lying in the maid's arms.

When the family doctor arrived, Qiao Jin'er had been moved to bed by the maid.

The female doctor checked Qiao Jin'er's body opening: "Please rest assured that the two ladies did not suffer multiple injuries, only some bruises that fell off the stairs."

Even though the doctor said so, Mother Qiao was still not assured: "Doctor, are you sure you don't need to be hospitalized? I only have one daughter, Jin'er, she must never have an accident."

"Relax, I just checked. Miss Qiao had no obvious trauma all over her body, it would be fine," said the female doctor.

When Mrs. Fu heard that Qiao Jin'er was fine, she was a little relieved: "Why hasn't Jin'er been awake till now?"

"Miss Qiao hasn't woken up so far, probably because she was over frightened, causing her to fall asleep." The female doctor continued.

Mother Qiao reached out to touch Qiao Jin'er's forehead and couldn't help but want to cry.

Mrs. Fu comforted Mother Qiao softly: "Okay, the doctors said that Jin'er is all right. Don't cry anymore. If Jin'er wakes up and sees you so sad, she will be uncomfortable."

"Sister, you said what happened to Jin'er this year, and it was so unsatisfactory." Mother Qiao's tears fell, and she was uncomfortable in her heart.

Mrs. Fu frowned and looked at the maid: "What the **** is going on, how can Jin'er fall off the stairs."

The maid approached and hesitated: "When Miss Qiao rolled down the stairs, I heard the sound and passed immediately. I didn't see the whole process of what happened, but when I got there, I saw little Madam is standing on the stairs."

As soon as the maid's voice fell, Qiao's mother stood up, and her fingers were shaking with anger: "Gu Ninghuan again! My daughter's second injury is related to her again!"

"Ning Huanren now?" Mrs. Fu was a little more suffocated than Mother Qiao.

Jin'er hasn't awakened yet. Now her priority is to find Gu Ninghuan and ask her what is going on.

Mrs. Fu did not believe that Gu Ninghuan would push Qiao Jiner down the stairs for no reason.

The maid looked down and continued, "Just when I asked someone to call the family doctor, the young lady left..."

"Call Ning Huan immediately and ask where she is now!" Mrs. Fu ordered slowly.

Mother Qiao's eyes were flushed and she hated her mouth: "You also have to call Xishen and tell Xishen how bad Gu Ninghuan has tortured my family Jin'er, so that Xishen can watch out for Gu Ninghuan."

The maid looked up at her wife and asked silently if she wanted to do what Qiao said.

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