Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 409: Sell ​​worse than anyone else

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Chapter 409

Mrs. Fu nodded. Mother Qiao was terrified by the fact that Jin'er rolled down the stairs.

So this matter follows her.

Anyway, she is also her sister.

The maid followed the instructions of Mrs. Fu to call, but the call she made to the young lady was not answered.

Just when the maid was about to call the Fu's villa, Qiao's mother came out.

She stood beside the maid and looked at her frostyly: "Did you call Xishen?"

"I'm going to contact the young lady first, and then call the young master." The maid answered with a microphone in her hand.

Mother Qiao sneered again and again: "Gu Ninghuan is in such a big disaster now. How could she dare to take Fu Zhai's phone? You immediately contact Xi Shen to tell him how much his good wife did to us Jiner thing."

"Yes." The maid put the microphone on and picked up the master's number again.

Just after connecting, the maid said a word, and the microphone was snatched away by Qiao's mother.

"Xishen, Xishen, please come back and have a look. Your cousin will be killed by Gu Ninghuan..."

Mother Qiao cried and said that the maid stood beside Mother Qiao. She could not hear the voice of the young master, but she could clearly see how mother Qiao was adding oil and vinegar. How did the young lady push Miss Qiao upstairs? .

The maid stood there and dared not speak. Mother Qiao was half of Fu Zhai’s owner, not her little maid could question.

After Qiao's complaint was enough, she put down the microphone in her hand.


Fu Family Villa.

Gu Ninghuan came out of the bath and saw a few missed calls from Fu Zhai on the mobile phone placed on the coffee table.

After a brief glance, she didn't call back.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know how to explain it.

Qiao Jin'er fell off the stairs. She was the only one on the scene.

At such a scene, Qiao Jin'er didn't even need to say anything, Gu Ninghuan would be directly regarded as a sinner.

She sat on the sofa, opened the address book, looked at Fu Xishen's number, hesitated, and wondered whether Fu Xishen should be called.

Will Fu Xishen believe her?

Qiao Jin'er's fake wounds on her face had already looked very pitiful.

Now she deliberately rolled down the stairs. Doesn't that look even more pitiful, otherwise she would also roll down the stairs, and it would be more miserable than anyone else.

The phone's ringtone rang, it was Fu Xishen's call.

Gu Ninghuan connected: "Husband."

"Where are you?" The man's voice sounded a little serious.

The tears of Gu Ninghuan's grievances are about to fall. He really didn't believe her.

"I'm at home." She reached out and wiped her tears, even if she was wronged, she couldn't show it.

"I'll be back soon." The man finished and hung up.

Gu Ninghuan threw the phone on the coffee table, and Fu Xi was really angry.

Does he think she is the kind of bad woman who will push Qiao Jin'er down the stairs?

Gu Ninghuan told herself not to cry, but she couldn't help it.

Fu Xishen returned home quickly, and Gu Ninghuan heard the sound of his parking from a quiet room.

She stood up and walked towards the window, watching the man get out of the car and enter the villa.

He wore a straight ironed suit and looked solemn.

Gu Ninghuan didn't dare to read on. She turned around and squatted slowly against the wall. Will Fu Xishen believe her explanation?

If Fu Xishen did not believe what to do, how would she prove her innocence.

Gu Ninghuan raised his head, his eyes were helpless for the first time.

The door was opened and the man came in.

Gu Ninghuan looked at him as he strode forward, his body suddenly became tight, and the man squatted in front of her, reaching for the bottom of her eyes, and felt a touch of dampness.

"I didn't push Qiao Jin'er downstairs. She fell down by herself." Gu Ninghuan said a little wronged.

The man reached for her face and spoke lightly: "I know."

"Do you really believe that Qiao Jin'er's injury has nothing to do with me?" Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes, and there was doubt in his dark eyes.

"I believe you."

Gu Ninghuan loosened his hand around his knee and looked at him in disbelief.

Fu Xishen should not know how much she and Qiao Jin'er were in Fu Zhai, but he would choose to believe her.

Gu Ninghuan's nose was sour, he couldn't help crying again.

The man reached out and hugged her horizontally, put it on the bed, pulled out a tissue and wiped her tears patiently.

When Gu Ninghuan was crying enough, he raised his red eyes and looked at him pitifully: "I was bullied by your cousin."

"How did Jin'er bully you." the man asked quietly.

Jin'er? I don't know if it is because Gu Ninghuan is angry now, but she is very angry that Fu Xishen calls Qiao Jin'er this way.

Obviously Fu Xishen would not be so intimate to her, and Gu Ninghuan screamed from time to time.

"Forget it, I don't want to say it anymore, I want to eat rock sugar gourd now." Gu Ning cheered.

"I'll ask someone to buy it for you."

"No, I want you to buy it yourself."

"it is good."

Fu Xishen followed her very much and stood up and walked out the door.

He went down and watched the maid telling her, "If Fu Zhai will send someone over, don't let them go upstairs to disturb Gu Ninghuan."

"Yes, sir."

Fu Xishen drove out for Gu Ninghuan to buy rock candied gourds.

Gu Ninghuan came down with his backpack on his back.

"Young lady, are you going out?" the maid asked.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes were still red, nodded, and went straight out.

She didn't drive, not far from the gate, where Song Ci's car was parked.

Gu Ninghuan directly opened the door of the co-pilot, sat up, and put his shoulder bag on his knee.

"Ning Huan, are you sure you want to run away from home with such small luggage?" Song Ci was a little surprised.

Gu Ninghuan nodded. She basically wears cosmetics and two sets of clothes for change.

As for other things, she needs to be able to buy it again.

Song Ci stepped on the throttle: "Ning Huan, why are you running away from home."

Gu Ninghuan did not conceal anything, and told her and Qiao Jin'er the matter in great detail.

Song Ci was a little surprised: "If it weren't for you to tell me, I really don't believe Qiao Jin'er is actually that kind of person."

Song Ci was right in saying this, like Meng Jingwen or Gu Shi, they were all people who put their ambitions on their faces.

But Qiao Jin'er, he couldn't see it at all.

She always smiles so softly, and looks like an indisputable goddess. Who can expect that she will be so different in private.

"But why are you running away from home, Qiao Jin'er lives in Fu's house, but not in your house."

"I know the style of Fu Zhai too, they will send someone to the villa to catch me." Gu Ninghuan explained.

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