Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 410: Fu Xishen's warning

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Chapter 410: Fu Xishen's Warning

Song Ci shook his head uncontrollably and muttered in his mouth: "In other words, is Su Muzhe's mother and Mrs. Fu having a good relationship? Then I will do something wrong in the future, and Su Muzhe's mom will not treat me like that!"

Thinking of this, Song Ci couldn't help but became afraid.

Gu Ninghuan was a little sad at first, but when he heard Song Ci say this, he couldn't help raising his lips and smiled: "Song Ci, then you have to be a little bit, don't do wrong things."

Song Ci looked at the front and vomited in his mouth: "So it's troublesome to marry their family. There are so many rules up and down. It's better to have a small white face. It's both obedient and clever. No one cares."

"You have the ability to speak in front of your grandfather." Gu Ninghuan turned off the phone and said with a smile.

As soon as Song Ci heard the words Grandpa, she immediately became very well-behaved. Of course she dared not say such things in front of Grandpa, otherwise she should immediately drag her to the ancestral hall and kneel according to her grandpa's personality.

Gu Ninghuan wanted to be clean outside for a few days and didn't want to see anyone. Song Ci took her to the small villa in Su Muzhai.

"Is there really no problem living here? What if Su Muzhe suddenly came." Gu Ninghuan sat on the sofa and asked with some worry.

Song Ci poured a glass of orange juice for Gu Ning Huan: "Relax, Su Muzhe and I have been arguing recently. He hasn't been here for a long time, and he went to the United States for a week-long business trip yesterday. Will be back."

"Then did you send him?" Gu Ninghuan took a sip of orange juice in his hand.

Song Ci snorted coldly, and his words were cold: "Of course I didn't give him away. And Ning Huan, I tell you, we women should be tougher, and we shouldn't coax when men get angry.

In addition, I support you to run away from home this time. Instead of being arrested and back to Fu Zhai, it is better to disappear for a few days, especially Qiao's mother actually cheated you with a sender, this is too much! "

Gu Ninghuan nodded, Qiao Jin's mother and daughter were really excessive.

Song Ci reached out and patted her on the shoulder: "As you said, no one can prove your innocence, Qiao Jin'er is enough to pretend to be pitiful, you can have her acting like crying and crying. Do you have nothing to do?"

Gu Ninghuan shook her head heavily, which she could not do at present.

Song Ci was satisfied with Gu Ninghuan's answer and was taught by Gu Ninghuan several times. Today it was her turn to teach Gu Ninghuan.

Fu Xishen took what Gu Ninghuan wanted back to the villa and pushed open the door, but the room was empty.

The little woman who was still having a bad temper and wanted him to buy sugar gourd was missing.

Fu Xishen walked out of the door, his face slightly dull, and his eyes were unconsciously with thin anger.

When the maid was about to go upstairs to clean, she met Fu Xishen in front of her, and she was so scared that she couldn't even hold the vacuum cleaner.

"Where did Gu Ninghuan go?"

The maid hurriedly replied: "I heard Anna say before that, Madam Young took a bag and went out shortly after you went out."

The maid's voice had just dropped, and a knock on the door sounded outside the door of the villa. Her eyes lit up: "Maybe the young lady is back, I will open the door."

Fu Xi deeply heard that the coldness around him dissipated a lot.

The maid hurried to open the door, but when she saw the mother Zhang standing beside Mrs. Fu, there were twenty black bodyguards behind her.

"We are here to ask Mrs. Shao to Fu Zhai to explain some things, Mrs. Shao." Ma Zhang asked with a touch of arrogance on her face.

Although Zhang Ma and the maids in Gu Ninghuan's villa are doing the job of taking care of people, since she can do things at Fu's house, she is naturally superior to those outside.

The man walked towards the door, and after seeing who was standing at the door, his face grew darker and his voice was cold: "I will go back and explain with you."

Zhang Ma never thought that the young master would be at home.

She took a step backwards in fear, and then treated some of the maid's arrogance, but at this time there was nothing left.

Fu Zhai

Mother Qiao looked very ugly at the tall, slender man standing in front of her.

Originally, she always liked Xishen because he always took care of the Qiao family.

But today, for Gu Ninghuan, he came to Fu Zhai by himself.

This does not mean to keep Gu Ninghuan!

She clearly told Xishen, Jin'er is now in danger, does Xishen not care at all?

When Mrs. Fu saw her son, she did not treat Gu Ninghuan as harshly. Instead, her words were very gentle: "Xi Shen, you don’t have to be so nervous. I asked people to come over to Ning Huan. It doesn’t mean anything else. Jin'er fell downstairs too much."

"Oh, let twenty bodyguards ask her?" Fu Xi's face was cold, and the cold in his eyebrows made people panic.

Mrs. Fu's face with her son's questioning was a bit unnatural.

She never thought that Fu Xishen would be at home.

As for the dispatch of 20 bodyguards, it was Qiao's mother's intention. She was worried that Gu Ninghuan would rely on Xishen's maintenance for pride and arrogance.

Mrs. Fu listened to it at the time, but she thought it made sense, and she didn't stop it.

Unexpectedly, the difference between thoughts made his son suspicious of her.

Mrs. Fu paused for a moment and slowly spoke: "I'm also worried that Ning Huan's temper is coming up. I don't agree to come to Fu Zhai. Jiner is still lying in bed. Of course Ning Huan should give her an explanation."

"Jin'er's injury has nothing to do with her. Why should she give an explanation?"

Mother Qiao stood up excitedly: "How could it be! If Gu Ninghuan pushed Jin'er, why would Jin'er roll down the stairs in good order! You go to see Jin'er's face, they are all beaten by Gu Ninghuan What does it look like!

My poor daughter, I brought her up painfully, not to let Gu Ninghuan wantonly abuse. "

"Why did Jiner roll down the stairs? You should ask her, not my wife." Fu Xishen looked indifferent, and there was no worry about Qiao Jiner in his voice.

Mother Qiao was so angry with Fu Xishen's attitude that she sat heavily on the chair: "If Jin'er woke up, Gu Ninghuan said that she pushed her."

"Then you can't move her." Fu Xi said lightly with deep lips, and said lightly.

Mother Qiao endured tears and looked at Fu Xishen, unable to say a word.

Fu Xishen means that no matter whether Gu Ninghuan hurt Qiao Jin'er or not, they can't pursue it.

He even disregarded his blood and family, so he defended Gu Ninghuan's slut.


Before Mrs. Fu finished speaking, she was interrupted by Fu Xishen.

"Mom, I hope this is the last time you use a bodyguard to invite my wife. If there is another time, I will go directly to settle down with Ning Huan." Fu Xishen stood in front of Mrs. Fu with a warning.

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