Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 411: Fu Xishen, I am hungry

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Chapter 411: Fu Xishen, I'm Hungry

After seeing Fu Xishen coming in, he threw the book in his hand on the thick blanket.

She lifted the quilt, stepped barefoot on the bed, reached out to hook the man's neck and kissed it.

Fu Xi reached out and hugged her, and the two fell on the bed.

"Fu Xishen, I am going to work tomorrow, this... I can't do it tonight."

The man buried his head in her kissing lips and stopped, looking up at her somberly: "Gu Ninghuan, don't let you eat after plucking, are you owed to packing."

This made Joel not at ease to leave her alone and return to China, only to allow Gu Ninghuan to immediately take over Shang Song's work.

For Gu Ninghuan, there is no problem in taking over the matter in advance.

She drove home and turned on the computer to log in to the mailbox, and saw a few messages from Joel lying in the mailbox.

This is about Shang Song's schedule and precautions. After reading it briefly, Gu Ninghuan took the computer to Fu Xishen's study room and planned to print it out.

She pushed open the door of the study, connected the laptop to the printer, then turned it on, put away the printed things, and turned around holding the notebook and the things just printed out.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Fu Xishen came out.

Gu Ninghuan walked in front of him, and the whole person slammed into his arms.

The man reached out and hugged her directly.

"Is very happy today?" Fu Xi lowered his head and looked at the smile on her lips.

Gu Ninghuan held the computer in her arms and could not reach out to hug the man. She tipped her toes to kiss the man’s chin: “Today Joel’s wife had an accident, I accompanied Shang Song to see the producer. I was very nervous Yes, but the process is very smooth, I am very happy."

Although the man was not pleased with the appearance of other men's names in her mouth, she could see that she was so happy and lost her temper.

He reached out and rubbed her fluffy hair: "Go put the computer and wait for dinner."

"Uh huh."

Gu Ninghuan walked out of the study holding the computer. She put the laptop and the printed paper on the coffee table.

The mobile phone placed on the table for charging sounds a ringtone.

Gu Ninghuan was like a small animal. He crawled in front of him, reached out to hug his waist, and slapped his red face against his body: "Her husband, I am hungry."

"Well, my husband feeds you right away."

As soon as the voice fell, he pressed Gu Ninghuan under him

Gu Ninghuan walked over and clicked on smoothly: "Hello, who is it?"

"Hello, Miss Gu, this is the Kyoto Women's Prison. Gu Shi accidentally slipped and injured when she went to the toilet yesterday. She wanted to see you after being injured. Is it convenient for you to meet her?"

Gu Shi? A distant and disgusting name.

Gu Ninghuan has always disliked remembering irrelevant people, but the irrelevant people always like to jump out in front of her in various ways when she has forgotten them.

"Miss Gu, do you have time?" The police in the prison did not hear Gu Ninghuan's answer and could not help asking again.

Gu Ninghuan smiled slightly: "Yes, I will see her tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, please give me a call before you come, I will help you to confirm the time to register." said the prison guard.

"That's the time to trouble you." Gu Ninghuan finished talking and hung up the phone.

Gu Shi wants to see her, is it still not giving up, trying to do something.

In this way, Gu Ninghuan went to see Gu Shi so that she could die completely and beat down the water dog. Even thinking about it would make people feel good.

Gu Ninghuan placed the phone on the table to continue charging, and went downstairs to eat.

She was sitting opposite Fu Xishen, drinking hot soup in small guts, and chatting with Fu Xishen from time to time about work.

Fu Xishen listened quietly and occasionally gave some advice.

After dinner, Gu Ninghuan returned to the room and Fu Xishen went to the study room to deal with official duties.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Fu Xi pushed the door open, and Gu Ninghuan was lying on the bed at this time, reading a book quietly.

Shang Song continued: "You wear it all around, and the car you drive is of great value. In this case, why would you agree to be my agent."

Gu Ninghuan smiled: "This car is not mine, and all the clothes I wear are Gu Ninghuan."

Shang Song heard the words and looked at Gu Ninghuan with sympathetic eyes: "It turns out this way, no wonder you are called Gu Ning, and she is called Gu Ninghuan.

It's uncomfortable to be underestimated by the family, but it doesn't matter. Now that you are a prince, I will cover you. "

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

Shang Song seems to have misunderstood something. She said that the car is not her fact, but this is because she does not like this luxury car with a strong business atmosphere.

As for the clothes, there is nothing more wrong.

Shang Song seemed to understand that she was not valued by her family, and she had to wear Gu Ninghuan even for her clothes. The name was only peaceful Ning, and there was no joyful joy, which meant that Gu family only wanted her to be quiet, not joyful.

This has also become evidence that the Gu family does not value her.

Gu Ninghuan did not explain, but concentrated on driving.

When they arrived at the appointed place, the two got out of the car, and the assistants got there early and waited.

This afternoon I just met with the producer to see if Shang Song is suitable for the role of male one.

But everyone knows that Shang Song's appearance as male one is almost a fixed thing. Whether he is acting or other, he is a top talent.

Besides, nowadays countless people are rushing to cooperate with him. If he is not fully prepared, how can he meet the producer?

The meeting in the afternoon was very smooth. In order to make an early chant, Zhang Producer even asked people to prepare the contract on the spot.

After Shang Song signed his name, the next step was to prepare to enter the group.

This time it was a youth drama, Joel wanted to let Shang Song take advantage of the drama.

At the same time, because Shang Shang's upper drama is too realistic, he took too much pain when shooting, and specially made him relax.

Gu Ninghuan has also seen the script, and it is indeed very good. There is no vulgar plot of abortion, breakup, and self-mutilation in those youth films.

It's a very warm drama. Gu Ninghuan also likes it very much. The producer and producer are also very professional, and it's almost a big hit.

Qiao Jin'er learned about Shang Song's signing and immediately asked the driver to send her to Zhang Producer's studio.

Producer Zhang learned that Qiao Jin'er had come, and hurried to the meeting room to meet guests.

Qiao Jin'er wore an off-white coat, and her long hair was braided into a loose fishbone braid hanging on her chest.

The producer Zhang met Qiao Jin'er with a smile on his face: "What's the matter with Jin'er coming here today?"

"I heard that the producer Zhang signed Shang Song today?" Qiao Jin'er did not turn around, but asked straight into the subject.

Zhang producer nodded: "Yes, what's wrong?"

"Shang Song recently changed a broker. The broker had offended a big man, the person of Warner, did not want her to continue to stay in this circle, so I will teach her a lesson next.

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