Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 412: There is a little tiredness in the beautiful eyebrows

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412   Good-looking brows with a little tiredness

After finishing the speech, Song Ci didn't care about Gu Ninghuan's resistance, and directly pulled her out of the house, pushing Gu Ninghuan to Fu Xishen's side.

"Thank you."

Fu Xishen thanked Song Ci and lowered his eyes to Gu Ninghuan: "Come back with me."

Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand and held Song Ci: "How can Song Ci pull me out of the room and say yes to support me in running away from home?"

"Mr. Fu has come to you in person. What else is wrong with you? If you are like Mr. Fu, if you are not at home one day, there may be girls who want to be higher. I am thinking about your happiness." Song Ci Zhen Zhen said eloquently.

Gu Ninghuan: "No, Fu Xishen will never give them a chance."

"This is inaccurate. As the saying goes, men chase after women."

"Gu Ninghuan, when do you still have to spend time?" the man asked coldly.

Gu Ninghuan saw that Fu Xishen was impatient, and some turned reluctantly: "Oh, I know, I will come immediately."

She jogged to keep up with the man’s footsteps, only to feel a little strange. Normal couples are awkward. Isn’t her girlfriend running away from home all crying and crying for her girlfriend to come back?

How to get to her is completely different.

Could it be said that the two of them have been married for some time, so the man has no such freshness for her, and will treat her so coldly.

Song Ci said that women chasing men's veil, should there already be girls chasing Fu Xishen without her knowledge?

Gu Ninghuan walked slowly, thinking about the possibility of Fu Xishen's derailment, he was fascinated, and suddenly his forehead hurt.

She looked up and met the man's deep eyes, preemptively complaining: "Why don't you stop and say nothing, don't you know that I'm following?"

Fu Xishen frowned slightly: "Don't you walk by touch."

Gu Ninghuan was offended by Fu Xishen's words. Doesn't he mean that she didn't look at the road?

She also knew that she didn't read the way, but she didn't need a man to say it.

Gu Ninghuan didn't want to talk to Fu Xishen anymore, keeping a distance with him and walking slowly step by step.

When he reached the man's car, he stretched his hands and opened the back door to sit up.

She thought that if Fu Xishen asked her to take the co-pilot, she would refuse, and she would not change positions.

What surprised Gu Ninghuan was that Fu Xishen did not ask her to change positions but drove quietly.

Gu Ninghuan was a little unhappy. She always felt that Fu Xishen was not good to her. Before that, she would help her buy sugar cane in the villa.

Now that there is no sugar gourd, it's still cold to her.

Does Fu Xishen really have other favorite people?

But they were only two hours apart. In such a short time, could Fu Xishen like other people?

Gu Ninghuan leaned his head against the window of the car and looked at the street scene outside. He suddenly saw an ad flashed: "It only takes a minute to meet true love, and the rose quickly hits the net."

Seeing that ad sentence, Gu Ninghuan's already bad mood became even worse.

What the **** is this broken advertisement, and if you can meet true love in a minute, are there so many single people in this world?

Gu Ninghuan straightened up and stopped looking at the scenery outside the window.

When he arrived at the Fujia Villa, Gu Ninghuan pushed the car door to get off and walked fast, leaving Fu Xishen behind him.

She entered the villa, trot upstairs after changing shoes.

Fu Xishen then entered the room, instructed the maid to prepare Gu Ninghuan for food, and turned to leave.

Gu Ninghuan sat on the sofa in the room. She wanted to eat, but what if she went downstairs and met Fu Xishen.

Now Gu Ninghuan doesn't want to see Fu Xishen at all.

She thinks back and forth between food and face, but her thinking is broken by the maid who walks upstairs with the food.

"Mrs. Young, this was given to you by your husband just before leaving."

The maid took the food out of the tray and placed it on the coffee table in front of Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the steaming food, and the tip of her nose was full of the smell of food, which made her already hungry stomach, and now she was even more hungry.

She reached for the hot soup closest to her and took a sip: "Okay, I know, thank you."

When Gu Ninghuan was full, put the empty network disk in the tray.

She placed all the tableware in the dishwasher and pressed the start button.

"By the way, did the Fu family come here this morning." Gu Ning asked, looking at the maid.

The maid nodded: "Mother Zhang stood outside with 20 bodyguards looking for you, or the door I opened. At that time, I saw so many people, but I was terrified. Fortunately, Madam, you don't At home, otherwise how can you get away with so many people?"

Gu Ninghuan didn't expect that for the sake of Qiao Jin'er, Mrs. Fu asked twenty bodyguards to come over and grab her.

"Then did they leave without finding me? It shouldn't embarrass you." Gu Ninghuan was a little worried, because other people were implicated because of her reasons.

The maid shook her head: "No, the sir went back with them. When the sir returned, he brought you back with the young lady."

Gu Ninghuan realized that so many things had happened in the two hours after she left.

I don't know what Fu Xishen said after following them back.

Will Mrs. Fu continue to send people over.

But Gu Ninghuan thought that Fu Xishen had helped her to block the person sent by Fu's family. If Fu family sent someone again, Gu Ninghuan would face it this time.

She went to her room upstairs to read a book, and turned on her phone by the way.

Just after turning on the phone, I saw several missed calls from Fu Zhai among the mobile phones.

As for Fu Xishen, neither SMS nor missed calls.

Does he care if she disappears at all?

Gu Ninghuan was in a slightly better mood, and at this time he was somewhat depressed.

She waited from day to night, and Fu Zhai had never sent someone, and should have given up.

Fu Xishen did not return to dinner with her at night.

Gu Ninghuan ate dinner alone, took a bath and lay in bed, waiting for Fu Xishen.

She now began to worry about whether Fu Xishen didn't come back at night in order not to see her.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Fu Xi pushed open the door deeply, with a little tiredness in his beautiful eyebrows.

Gu Ninghuan saw him coming back, put down the tablet in his hand, and wanted to talk to him, but when he thought of Fu Xishen's cold day, he still didn't speak.

The light in the corner of the man's eyes saw Gu Ninghuan's words stop talking, his eyes changed slightly, but there was nothing on the surface.

As soon as Fu Xishen returned to the room, he walked into the bathroom and took a shower. Gu Ninghuan was bored with the quilt while waiting for him to come out.

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