Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 413: Smashing head broke blood

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Chapter 413: The smashed head breaks the blood

Twenty minutes later, the man walked out of the bathroom in a pure black bathrobe. Gu Ninghuan was lying on the bed with his eyes closed slightly. He opened the quilt and slept beside her.

The distance between the two is not far away, Gu Ninghuan can even reach him with his hand.

But Gu Ninghuan felt that the two of them seemed to be separated by the Milky Way.

She could feel that the man did not seem to take care of her. She closed her eyes very sensibly and did not bother Fu Xishen.

For three days in a row, the relationship between the two was so cold. Gu Ninghuan tried to talk to Fu Xishen in the past, but the man always seemed to ignore her.

Over time, Gu Ninghuan did not want to continue to take the initiative.

At the shooting site, Gu Ninghuan sat on the stool, staring straight at Shang Song in the distance with his beautiful eyes with one hand on his cheek. Until Shang Song finished shooting, Gu Ninghuan didn't change his action.

Shang Song walked in front of Gu Ninghuan, and before speaking, Gu Ninghuan reached out and took the water to Shang Song.

After he received the water, he silently put his hands back and continued to look straight ahead.

Shang Song flicked Gu Ninghuan's forehead, and the slight pain made Gu Ninghuan finally look at him with his eyes: "Is something wrong?"

"How do you feel that you have been absent recently? Have you encountered any difficulties? If you encounter difficulties, just say, I will help you." Shang Song said.

Gu Ninghuan bowed his head in frustration: "Thank you for your kindness, but my thing is not something you can help if you want to help."

"How is it possible, I am a popular star, how can't solve your clown's things." Shang Song sat next to Gu Ninghuan, long legs nowhere to lie together, drinking water is chic and charming.

"My boyfriend is strange recently. When I talk to him, he doesn't want to take care of me. Are you boys, tired of the girlfriend's first step, just don't want to talk to her?" Gu Ninghuan decided Still try, take Shang Song as a life-saving straw.

Shang Song took a serious look at Gu Ninghuan: "In fact, it is normal for your boyfriend to be tired of an ordinary face value like you. You might as well break up and concentrate on your work."

Gu Ninghuan listened to her and reached out and touched her face. If Fu Xishen really only looked at her face, then her face should pass anyway.

Her silence made Shang Song mistakenly believe that Gu Ninghuan could not accept him as saying she was ordinary. After all, there are a few girls in this world who don’t want to look good all over the country.

Shang Song didn't want Gu Ning to be unhappy, but in the face of such an ordinary face of Gu Ning, he really couldn't confess his conscience, struggled for a long time, and then said that Duan barely seemed to be comforting: "You You don’t have to be sad, you have ordinary safety, and you are very good, because your boyfriend doesn’t understand you.”

Gu Ninghuan turned his head, although Shang Song comforted people, it was really a bit nonchalant.

But at least he really wanted to comfort her.

Gu Ninghuan politely said to him: "Thank you, Shang Song. Although you didn't comfort me at all, but I should still thank you."

Shang Song: "..."

Gu Ning was obviously thanking him, but why she said, made him feel inexplicably a bit angry.

Shang Song rested for a while, and then went on to shoot. Gu Ninghuan did not continue to immerse himself in the depression, but stared at the shoot.

While watching the shooting, Gu Ninghuan didn't forget to see if anyone was secretly shooting around.

Near the end of the filming, Gu Ninghuan saw a person dressed by a staff member, passing by in front of Shang Song from time to time.

And the scope of the activity is also very small, which makes Gu Ninghuan feel a little strange.

She stepped forward, standing in front of Shang Song, and faced Yan Yue with the male worker: "Can you please turn your phone over and show me your screen."

The male staff immediately put the mobile phone in his hand into his pocket: "Why should I show you the screen, who are you!"

"I'm Shang Song's agent, don't you know me?" Gu Ninghuan was a little strange.

For example, the staff at the scene should know her. How could someone ask her who she is.

The male staff member heard that she was Shang Song’s agent, and her eyes dodged a little: “What agent, I haven’t heard of it, I still have to move things, and I don’t have time to ink with you here.”

"Could you please show me your mobile phone? I am worried about whether you accidentally took something that should not be taken." Gu Ninghuan insisted.

The image of the artist needs the maintenance of the agent. This time, the photographer Song signed a confidentiality agreement. If it is accidentally leaked by the staff, it has nothing to do with them, but it is afraid of being implicated.

The stalemate between Gu Ning and the male staff quickly attracted the attention of others.

Even Shang Song waved his hands to pause shooting and walked towards them.

"what's up?"

"I suspect that the staff member took a photo of the scene, so I want to see his phone screen."

Shang Song swept the male staff: "Show the phone to see."

"No, there are a lot of important things in my cell phone, how can I show you casually." The male staff became more and more nervous, and cold sweat was visible on the forehead.

But the more he did this, the more he made them doubt, and the less likely he was to let the male staff leave.

Shang Song did not speak as well as Gu Ninghuan. He reached out and took advantage of his height and strength, and directly took the mobile phone of the male staff.

When you see the screen that has not been dimmed, the camera is turned on.

He was really filming secretly.

Shang Song's movement on their side also attracted the staff present.

The company executives in charge of the shooting of the advertisement came towards them: "What's wrong?"

Shang Song threw the phone to executives: "The employee you invited is secretly filming."

The executive received the phone that Shang Song threw at him in a panic, and after a few simple glances, he pointed his finger at the male staff who secretly photographed: "You go to the office and wait for me."

The male staff turned around angrily, saw the stool placed not far from him, and took it directly to Gu Ninghuan, smashing it in the mouth, cursing: "It's all your troublesome agent, you give me Die!"

Gu Ninghuan watched the stool smashing towards her. She wanted to dodge, but her body was like being nailed to the spot, and she couldn't move at all.

Suddenly, she felt a force in her right arm pulled her aside, and a heavy wooden stool smashed into the empty space.

The male staff member still wanted to take something to Gu Ninghuan, but it was held by other staff members, which made him unable to move.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Shang Song in horror. If he hadn't taken her a moment ago, she might have been smashed with a broken head.

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