Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 414: Where did you go today

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414 Where did you go today?

Shang Song held Gu Ninghuan's shoulders with both hands, and there was worry in his casual voice: "Are you all right?"

Gu Ninghuan shook his head, moved his shoulder, and got rid of Shang Song’s hand on her shoulder: "Thank you, Shang Song."

"It's just verbal thanks, don't you come to some actual things?" Shang Song withdrew his hand and asked

Gu Ninghuan stood there and seriously thought about it: "Then what do you want, otherwise I will send you the new high-end dress from LR."

"Invite me for dinner as a thank you." Shang Song lazily glanced at Gu Ninghuan: "Return to LR's high-end dress, do you know how expensive that thing is?"

Will Shang Song have dinner?

Gu Ninghuan thought about it and nodded.

In the past few days, Fu Xishen has not come back for dinner. Every time she eats alone in the empty and scary living room.

Originally she also planned to find a restaurant with a high rating outside today, and Shang Song had saved her just now, and she should have asked him to eat.

The place where the two ate was selected by Shang Song. Gu Ninghuan drove Shang Song to the door of this elegant restaurant. The appearance was just a restaurant built with RMB.

Gu Ninghuan and Shang Song walked in side by side. Shang Song wore a mask and covered his face for seven minutes. However, his overall temperament and thin body were difficult to ignore.

The sight of passers-by on Shang Song was appreciation, and the sight on Gu Ninghuan was surprised.

She was amazed how she could appear with such a handsome man.

Shang Song is obviously a frequent visitor here, and the restaurant manager has just introduced him into the exclusive box.

Gu Ninghuan entered the box and sat down, reaching for the menu in the hands of the waiter, opening a simple glance, and seeing that the dishes above were all very ambiguous and full of passion.

She closed the menu and suddenly had an ominous hunch in her heart: "Wouldn't this be a couple restaurant?"

"Did you know?" Shang Song opened the menu and disliked Gu Ninghuan's hindsight.

Gu Ninghuan's fingers were stiff, and when she was done, she actually came to the couple's restaurant with Shang Song.

She stood up abruptly: "No, I am a boyfriend, how can I come here to eat with you, this will ruin my innocent reputation."

Shang Song put down the menu in his hand and sneered: "Gu Ning, you think we appear in the same box, who ruined innocence."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

Yes, yes, she is not good-looking to make up herself, but Shang Song doesn't bother her face in the line.

Obviously Gu Ninghuan thought he looked okay.

"So sit down and eat. I chose this place because of the good dishes here, not because of your inconsistency." Shang Song picked up the menu again and returned it to the waiter after choosing a few dishes.

Gu Ninghuan saw that Shang Song had already finished the order, and now it was quite troublesome to go, and he could only sit down and follow the order.

Gu Ninghuan ordered a few favorite dishes and gave the menu to the service staff.

While drinking lemonade, she felt that she was a little dull. When she entered this restaurant before, she felt that the people dining in the hall were watching them with a surprised look.

It turned out that they were misunderstood.

When Gu Ninghuan and Shang Song finished their meals, Gu Ninghuan and he both took out credit cards.

The person in charge of checkout looked at Gu Ninghuan unexpectedly.

Shang Song is a regular visitor here. When the regular visitor arrives, he doesn't even need to take off the mask, the service staff know him to the point.

Every time he comes here, there will be a very beautiful girl standing beside him.

But for the first time, the female partner he brought would hand out a credit card to pay the bill.

"Finally, I invited you to dinner." Gu Ninghuan looked at Shang Song and made his intention to withdraw his credit card very obvious.

Shang Song glanced at her and said proudly: "I don't have the habit of letting women invite to dinner."

Gu Ninghuan forcibly took the credit card from Shang Song, and then handed her card to the service staff: "Swipe my card, thank you."

The service staff took the credit card in Gu Ninghuan's hands and swiped the card to settle the bill.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the delicious chocolates at the checkout place, and reached for two boxes: "Trouble these two boxes of chocolates also help me checkout."

"Okay." After the service staff swiped the card, they took the two boxes of chocolates in Gu Ninghuan's hands and helped her pack them.

Gu Ninghuan took the two exquisite bags from the service staff and handed one to Shang Song: "I have put your credit card in it too. You remember to collect it. That thing on the set today, really Thank you."

"You're welcome." Shang Song took the chocolate that Gu Ninghuan gave him. He had a cold face since he started dining today, and he finally had a slight smile.

After Gu Ninghuan drove Shang Song home, he returned to the villa.

Gu Ninghuan, who was parking on the parking lot outside the villa, just saw Fu Xishen's car coming in.

Did he go home?

Gu Ninghuan lowered his eyes, not knowing why, and Fu Xishen suddenly chilled her.

She reached out and pushed the car door. Since the man ignored her, she didn't want to continue to care about him.

Gu Ninghuan walked home with the chocolate, pushed the door open, and walked in.

Fu Xi saw the little woman walking in the thick night. The cold wind of the night blew her up and spread her hair on her shoulders. She pushed open the door and disappeared into his eyes.

Gu Ninghuan puts chocolate on the coffee table, her fat body.

I dare not take the chocolate to the room at night, for fear that she can't help getting up at night to eat.

The maid picked up the chocolate and kept it in the refrigerator. She swept her eyes towards the chocolate packaging and found it was the name of a famous couple restaurant.

She said that no matter whether it was a husband or a young lady, they didn't go home for dinner today. It turned out that the two were going to date together.

Fu Xishen walked into the living room and saw the chocolate held by the maid. After a light glance, she said, "Help me prepare dinner."

When the maid heard the words, she asked in surprise: "Did you not go to the couple restaurant with the young lady?"

Fu Xishen's hand unravelling the diamond cuff: "What a couple restaurant."

The maid did not expect that Mr. Ming and his wife would go home one after another, but they did not dine together.

Is that representative? The young lady went to the couple restaurant with others.

The maid bowed her head and dared not answer.

Taking the chocolate brought back by the young lady, she hurried towards the kitchen.

Fu Xi saw this, and his eyes gradually went upstairs.

Gu Ninghuan was taking a shower at this time, and her wet hair was turned to her chest.

When she saw Fu Xishen coming up, her red lips moved slightly, and she finally said nothing.

"Where did you go today?" Fu Xishen's voice was cold.

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