Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 415: Who did you eat dinner with?

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Chapter 415: Who did you eat dinner with?

This is one of the few words that a man actively said to her in these three days.

If Fu Xishen would take the initiative to speak to her a few days ago, she was certainly very happy to respond.

But this time is different now, Gu Ninghuan doesn't want to care about him today.

"Answer me, where did you go today." Fu Xishen saw her not answering and asked again.

Gu Ninghuan felt that this man was really strange. He ignored her a few days ago. Today, she cares about her whereabouts.

She looked down at the tablet in her hand, and some perfunctory answers: "Go to school this morning and work at the shooting venue in the afternoon, what's wrong?"

"Who did you eat dinner with." The man continued his voice in a low voice.

Gu Ninghuan looked up at him with a sarcastic smile on his lips: "Don't you still ignore my love a few days ago? Why did you care about this today?"

"answer me."

In an instant, Gu Ninghuan heard the question in Fu Xishen's voice, which made her a little uncomfortable.

She obviously didn't do anything. Why did Fu Xi come back to her with a derailed tone?

Does he really think that she has coaxed him almost in the past few days, can Fu Xishen hurt her wantonly?

It is simply delusion.

Gu Ninghuan hugged the tablet in her arms, and she was too lazy to answer Fu Xishen. Since he was not pleasing to see her now, she would just read the comics in another place.

Fu Xishen saw her stand up and reached forward to grab her arm: "Gu Ninghuan, don't challenge my bottom line."

"Who is challenging the bottom line between the two of us?" Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen and was unwilling to counterattack.

"Who did you go to the couple restaurant with today." The man continued questioning expressionlessly.

Hearing the words "Lovers' Restaurant", Gu Ninghuan's face flashed a little guilty.

Fu Xishen saw her unnaturalness, and the dark color in her eyes became more dense.

Gu Ninghuan lifted his small chin and said coldly: "Are you sent to follow me, did you not report my whereabouts in time? If not, you can ask them now."

Gu Ninghuan shook his hand away, and now she really didn't want to say anything more to this man.

After a few days of chilling her, the day when she talked to her most was actually using a questioning tone.

Gu Ninghuan was really going to be mad at Fu Xi.

She was sitting on the sofa with her finger drawn on the caricature, which was still a good mood, and it was completely ruined at this time.

In the evening, when Fu Xishen went to the study office, Gu Ninghuan turned off his iPad and went to bed.

After the man returned to the room, Gu Ninghuan had slept soundly.

Looking at her well-behaved and quiet in her sleep, she completely lost the sharpness she had when facing him.

He stretched out his fingers and wanted to touch her soft pink lips.

But the man who thought of going to the couple restaurant with Gu Ninghuan sank unconsciously.

He didn't ask the bodyguard, who exactly went to the restaurant with Gu Ninghuan, he asked Gu Ninghuan to tell him personally.

In the early morning, Gu Ninghuan was awake by a phone call from Fu Zhai before opening his eyes.

She confusedly answered the phone and did not hear what the other person said, so she agreed.

It was not until Gu Ninghuan hung up the phone and sat up a little sober that he knew what a big mistake he had made.

Did she promise that Mrs. Fu would come to Fu Zhai?

Gu Ninghuan reached out and rubbed his face, so that he could wake up a little.

Now that he has agreed to go, Gu Ninghuan does not want to change his mind.

After eating, she drove to Fu Zhai, walked into the hall, and saw Qiao Jin'er sitting on the sofa pruning flower branches.

A few days ago, she still had serious scars on her face. At this time, only a faint impression remained.

Gu Ninghuan looked at her: "Your face is really good."

"All the medicine prescribed by the doctor is good." Qiao Jin'er raised his head, smiling elegantly like a chrysanthemum.

Gu Ninghuan turned his head and stopped looking at Qiao Jin'er.

"Ning Huan, on the day I fell down the stairs, my cousin came to see me at the Fu's house. I always wanted to thank my cousin, I don't know what my cousin likes recently." Qiao Jin'er picked up a properly trimmed one Put the flowers in the vase in front of you.

Gu Ninghuan only felt that Qiao Jin'er was so angry.

What does it mean to go to see Qiao Jin'er specifically? Didn't Fu Xishen come to Fu Zhai originally, not for her?

Gu Ninghuan played with the car key in his hand: "You can rest assured that you will not like it no matter what you send."

"Ning Huan, what you said is too arbitrary. My cousin always likes what I send." Qiao Jin'er smiled gently, and didn't seem to care about Ning Huan's words.

Gu Ninghuan walked to Qiao Jin'er and picked up a lily: "Really? Are you sure that Fu Xishen really likes what you give, or do you have any misunderstandings about it?"

"Ning Huan, what do you mean?" Qiao Jin'er pretended to be ignorant.

Gu Ninghuan was very "kind" and pointed out Qiao Jiner's maze: "I mean, in the future, please have less contact with my husband and less inquire about his preferences. No matter what he likes, Fu Xishen has nothing to do with you.

In addition, I am a person with a bad temper and unpleasant things. I can't tolerate that she has been swaying in front of her eyes. "

After she finished speaking, she threw the lily in her hand directly on the floor tiles, her expression indifferent.

Qiao Jin'er was not angry, but instead smiled softer: "Ning Huan, I always feel that you are a little different from before, did you quarrel with your cousin?"

"What about it." Gu Ninghuan admitted directly.

Qiao Jin'er continued to trim the flowering branches: "My relationship with my cousin is the heaviest blood relationship. I am not Meng Jingwen nor Gu Shi.

The set you use against them is useless to me. What you can do now is to accept my existence and dispel those unthinkable thoughts. "

"for example?"

"Withdraw from the entertainment industry, don't try to make Hongsong Song share my resources."

Gu Ninghuan felt a little funny: "I have nothing to do with you when I enter the entertainment industry. Shang Song is not a Warner. How could you divide your resources."

"If it wasn't for dealing with me, why did you enter the entertainment world, is it for your dream?" Qiao Jin'er said in doubt.

Gu Ninghuan also owns a company at home. As for the comfortable life of the rich second generation, who wouldn’t have lived, but instead he wanted to be a small broker?

Since Qiao Jin'er didn't believe her, Gu Ninghuan didn't want to continue explaining.

A sensitive and suspicious person like Qiao Jin'er, who only likes to live in her own world, why should she act as a good person and drag her out of her own world.

But today this trip, Gu Ninghuan did not come to nothing, at least know why Qiao Jin'er suddenly dealt with her.

Gu Ninghuan was brought in front of Mrs. Fu by the maid. After a few days of meeting, Gu Ninghuan's attitude was colder than before.

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