Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 418: Even if you sleep, you are legally protected and hold a certificate

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Chapter 418 Even if you sleep, you are protected by law and go to work with a certificate

Gu Ninghuan walked into the bathroom, carefully checked her makeup, and found that there was no need for makeup, and put the foundation just taken out of the bag again.

Just as Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand to separate the zipper of the purse, suddenly there was a bang in the hand washing compartment.

Gu Ninghuan looked in the direction of the sound, thinking who had fallen in the bathroom.

She walked to the sounding compartment and was about to knock on the door, but heard the female voice intermittently: "Ah... Um... Don't go in... It hurts... Um..."

Gu Ninghuan heard the voice and suddenly took a step back.

She reached over and covered her lips, and a sense of shame rose to her cheeks. She couldn't believe it. Someone was doing that kind of thing here.

Gu Ninghuan lowered his footsteps quietly, intending to leave quietly, to avoid the people in the compartment coming out suddenly, seeing her, and then embarrassing each other.

She had just reached the door, her hands had not touched the door handle, and the bathroom door was pushed open.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the man who came in, tipped his toes before reaching out, and covered his lips with his hand: "Hush, we went out quietly. Someone did that in the bathroom."

She lowered her voice, and her ears were all hot because she heard others doing things.

Instead of listening to her and going out secretly, Fu Xishen reached out and locked the door of the bathroom, holding her slender waist in her arms, pressing her against the edge of the sink.

Gu Ninghuan didn't have time to refuse, Fu Xishen bowed his head to live with her, and the tip of her hot tongue penetrated between her red lips, forcing her to cooperate with the man's plunder.

She thought Fu Xishen was crazy. He knew that there was someone in this toilet.

But she actually kissed her like that while she was still outside, and the two of them are now in the Cold War.

Gu Ninghuan was angry and annoyed, and ruthlessly, the man took a bite on the lips.

The pain from the thin lips did not make Fu Xi converge, but he kissed it more heavily.

He reached out and touched the zippers on Gu Ninghuan's side, pulling down hard, and the woman's white and tender skin was exposed, and the man reached out and squeezed gently.

Gu Ninghuan was pressed by the man in the bathroom at this time, his red lips were sore and numb by his kiss, and the dress was also loosened by him, and his skin fell on Fu Xishen's hands to let him play.

In the cubicle, there are even men and women who are working, and do not know when they will come out to see them.

In the face of all this, she was powerless to stop, and was only able to let Fu Xishen arbitrarily ask for anything.

Gu Ninghuan felt more and more wronged, and his tears did not consciously fall.

Fu Xishen felt something was wrong with his own kiss, raised his head, and saw Gu Ninghuan staring at him with a reddish eye, coldly opening: "Let me get enough, let me go."

He didn't let go of his hand, his eyes gloomy, and his thin lips pulled away slightly: "Now I can't even kiss you."

"Fu Xishen, how strong are your exposure sensations, so you want to do that kind of thing in public." Gu Ninghuan lowered her voice, or she had quarreled with Fu Xishen because of someone in the bathroom.

He stretched out his hand and slowly zipped up Gu Ninghuan's skirt, and lifted her thin lips to her hot ear: "No way, who makes you too hooky."

After listening, Gu Ninghuan extended his hand and pushed Fu Xishen away, reached out to unlock the door of the bathroom, opened the door and went out.

Fu Xishen followed behind her, walking slowly and slowly, her deep eyes falling on her skin exposed outside the dress, looking at it wantonly.

Gu Ninghuan panicked at him, stopped, turned around, and looked at him with a cold face: "Can you not look at me like this."

"Gu Ninghuan, we are legal couples, let alone look at you, even if you sleep, you are protected by law and hold a certificate."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

She found it. She didn't have any advantage in the argument with Fu Xishen.

"Fu Xishen, I finally found out, under your noble and alienated appearance, what a forbidden heart! I'm going home, so I don't want to hear you continue to play rogues here." Gu Ninghuan finished his murderously. Turn around and leave.

Fu Xishen stood at the same place, took out his mobile phone from his pocket to make a call, and the volume of the speech was not too big or small, just to let Gu Ninghuan not far from him hear what he said: "Without my order, you will not be allowed tonight Take Gu Ninghuan wherever she wants to go, understand?"

Although the driver did not understand what the husband said, he certainly did not rebelliously, but agreed quickly.

When Gu Ninghuan turned to prepare to question the man, he had just hung up the phone.

"Fu Xishen, what exactly do you want to do, do you believe me go home."

"Unbelief." Fu Xi said faintly.

Gu Ning was so annoyed that he wanted to take off the high-heeled shoes under his feet and smashed it **** his handsome face.

But today is after all another person's engagement banquet. Even if the two of them are at a certain distance from the banquet hall, she can't do such a thing, or tomorrow they are estimated to be the laughing stock in the circle of Kyoto's giants.

Gu Ninghuan bit her lip and kept telling herself that she could not be angry. She approached the man and stretched out her hands with a very pitiful appearance, pulling on the man’s sleeve: "Fu Xishen, please, let the driver send me back Is your home okay, or I walked on the road in such a beautiful dress, wouldn’t you be careful if others bullied me?"

"What did you call me just now?" Fu Xi glanced down at her deeply, his face expressionless.

Gu Ninghuan dragged Fu Xishen's sleeve even harder, and just changed his mouth: "My husband, I'm a little sleepy."

Seeing her acting so well, he pretended to stretch out his hand and pinched Gu Ninghuan's cheek: "Her husband took you home."

"No, I just go home alone." Gu Ninghuan refused.

She is really a little afraid of Fu Xishen now. If they go home together, wouldn't it mean that they will be forced to perform adult plots as soon as they go home.

"Either go back with me, or continue to stay here, you choose one." The man looked back, his tone calm without any ups and downs.

Gu Ninghuan slowly loosened the hand that pulled Fu Xishen's sleeve.

When the man saw this, the gloomy color of his eyes grew thicker, but his face was cold and calm.

Gu Ninghuan stood beside him, bowing his head: "I will go back with you."

It is also dangerous for her to stay here. I don’t know if Fu Xishen will be interested. He dragged her to a corner.

If all can not escape the fate of being eaten, Gu Ninghuan would rather choose to do at home.

The man looked at her, and the icy aura around him dissipated a little, reaching for her hand and leaving the lively engagement party.

After they left the engagement banquet, the toilet cubicle door of the engagement banquet was opened, and the tall, handsome man walked out of the cubicle, ignoring the woman with her long legs apart and sitting in the toilet cubicle.

Fu Pingjun breathed hard, trying to get out of the ridiculous situation of Fang Cai.

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