Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 419: Biting his lip, slowly sorting out the messy dress

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Chapter 419   biting his lip, slowly sorting out the messy dress

Fu Pingjun bit his lip and slowly sorted out the messy dress.

She stood up and had just taken a step. The soreness between her long legs forced her to tears.

She never imagined that for the first time in her life to attend such an elegant banquet, it would end so.

Fortunately, there was no one in the bathroom at this time, otherwise, she didn't know how to face the stranger's eyes.

She walked in front of the mirror, sorted out her appearance, and after confirming that there were no problems, she walked out of the bathroom.

Fu Pingjun walked to the banquet hall, where he saw Qiao Jin'er talking with a good-looking man.

She walked to Qiao Jin'er and stood there with her head down, trying to reduce her sense of presence.

But the man who was talking to Qiao Jin'er still had a curious look on her. He looked at Qiao Jin'er and asked, "I don't know if this is?"

Qiao Jiner glanced at Fu Pingjun next to her, her smile unchanged: "She is a distant relative of her aunt, named Fu Pingjun, and she went to aunt some time ago."

The man nodded: "It turned out to be only distant relatives, no wonder it's not as pretty as Miss Qiao."

"Ping Jun has her goodness, and the aunt usually mentioned her with great praise." Qiao Jiner spoke softly to Fu Pingjun.

The man standing in front of her did not follow Qiao Jin'er's words and quickly found a new topic. Such a move is undoubtedly a neglect of Fu Pingjun.

Qiao Jiner saw the man's reaction in front of him and ticked his lips with satisfaction.

She attended the banquet today. She wanted to pretend to meet her cousin inadvertently, but she didn't want her cousin not to see her.

After dealing with those ordinary folks, Qiao Jin'er and Fu Pingjun sat aside.

Qiao Jin'er was tired for a long time keeping her decent.

She stared at Fu Pingjun in front of her: "Why did you go to the bathroom for so long before?"

Fu Pingjun bowed his head and said nothing.

She is not good at lying, and she can only respond silently in the face of unanswered questions.

"Fu Pingjun, you should know that although you are a distant relative of the Fu family, that poor blood relationship is almost equal to a stranger.

My aunt is good-hearted and will let you enter Fu's house for you to eat, live, and study. And I, let you accompany you to attend such a high-level banquet today, let you protect me, not let you be a dumb. Qiao Jin'er's lips were raised, and his smile looked very warm on the surface, but his words were still cold and mean.

Fu Pingjun raised his clean face and whispered: "I'm sorry."

Qiao Jin'er was disgusted when he saw Fu Pingjun's appearance.

If she didn’t have a green leaf around her today, she would not let Fu Pingjun follow her.

Qiao Jin'er looked at the center of the banquet hall, and those who wore gorgeous dresses crossed.

There were so many people in the banquet hall, but none of them was the one she was looking for.


Fu Family Villa.

Gu Ninghuan sat in front of the dressing table and removed the makeup from his face.

Walked into the bathroom and took a bath, then opened the quilt and lay in bed.

She thought that waiting for her to be home would be an intimacy.

But Fu Xishen was busier than she thought.

Before getting off the bus, the company called.

As soon as I returned to the villa, I entered the study.

Thanks to that phone call, Gu Ninghuan was able to sleep peacefully in bed to avoid Fu Xishen’s disturb.

When Fu Xishen returned to the master bedroom, he saw Gu Ninghuan looking at the mobile phone and smiled happily.

After seeing him come in, the smile on her face disappeared almost instantaneously, the mobile phone was adjusted to silent and put down, and fell into the quilt to sleep.

Fu Xishen saw that her resistance to him was so obvious, her brows frowned slightly, and her eyes were unhappy.

He lifted the quilt to bed and looked at Gu Ninghuan, who was far away from him, and reached out to try to hug her over.

Gu Ninghuan opened his hand directly: "If you want to sleep, then sleep. If you don't want to sleep, you continue to work in the study."

"What the **** are you doing with me?"

Gu Ninghuan closed his eyes: "There is no trouble, I just want to rest. Not everyone has your physical strength so good that you can do it all night."

Speaking of which, Gu Ninghuan felt strange. As a busy company president, Fu Xishen usually has less exercise time, but how can his physical strength be so good.

Fu Xi's eyes darkened, looking at the woman with his back to him at this time: "Gu Ninghuan, are you going to stay so awkward with me?"

Gu Ninghuan straightened his body, glaring at him with beautiful eyes: "Is it awkward for me to find you? Who first cold me."

"So for whom are you running away from home, is it because you are afraid of Fu's family, or is it because of the man who goes to the lovers restaurant with you." Fu Xi asked coldly.

Gu Ninghuan was a little angry: "I ran away from home not because I was afraid of the Fu family, but because I thought Qiao Jin'er was too annoying. As for the couple restaurant, before I went to Shang Song, I didn't even know that there was a couple restaurant."

"Shang Song." Fu Xishen heard Shang Song's name, his face more gloomy.

Gu Ninghuan was worried that Fu Xishen would banish Shang Song again, and he took his temper to explain: "Because at the shooting scene, some staff wanted to smash me with a stool, Shang Song helped me and I invited him to dinner. Yes, don’t block him."

Fu Xishen heard Gu Ninghuan speak to Shang Song without saying a word, and turned to sleep.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen, so, did the man accept her explanation or did not accept her temper.

She couldn't guess what the man was thinking.

Wasn't she awakening her, just to quarrel with her? Why don't you continue halfway through.

If you don’t continue, don’t continue, she sleeps well.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't guess, but Fu Xishen's attitude was also furious.

But keep in mind that she will participate in the start-up ceremony of "Farewell to the Old Times" tomorrow, and she must not be able to sleep enough.

Early the next morning, Gu Ninghuan picked up Shang Song and went to the crew. The movie "Farewell to the Old Times" was filmed outside of Kyoto.

For her and Shang Song, it is also very convenient.

Shang Song looked at Gu Ninghuan's obviously sleepy look and was a little curious: "Why did you go last night, didn't you sleep well?"

"Large quarrel with boyfriend last night affected sleep." Gu Ninghuan admitted without any disguise.

Shang Song’s eyes looked light: “You are a popular artist’s agent now. If you are confident, if your boyfriend is disobedient, you should dump him. With me in, are you still worried that you will not be better than him? of?"

"There will be no better person than my boyfriend." Gu Ninghuan said firmly while driving.

Shang Song didn't take it for granted, only regarded what Gu Ninghuan said as a blind love of a little woman in love.

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