Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 420: What do you count, so wide

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Chapter 420   What are you thinking about?

Waiting for the crew, everyone was waiting for Shang Song to hold the start-up ceremony.

The female lead in this drama with Shang Song is Shu Yu who won one of the three best domestic female awards not long ago.

Shu Yu is only eighteen years old this year. He looks energetic and is loved by the media.

Shu Yu’s agent is her eight-year-old sister Shu Yun.

Gu Ninghuan had met with Shu Yu's brokerage team before the start-up ceremony to discuss some marketing issues.

Gu Ninghuan had a good impression of Shu Yun, and he felt very comfortable in communication, and Shu Yu didn't have the squeamishness that most stars had.

After the boot-up ceremony, the director in charge of the play was talking to Shang Song, and he looked very happy: "Shang Song really thanked you this time. If it were not for you, the big star Qiao Jin'er would not be willing to come Our crew came on."

"Director, are you really telling me? Sister Qiao Jiner will come to our crew to make a guest appearance?" Shu Yu was a little excited.

She has always regarded Qiao Jiner as an idol and a direction of effort.

The director nodded: "Yes, I was still troubled before. Who should play the role of Xuelin Lin's unfamiliar literature and art? Now I don't have to worry about it. Qiao Jin'er is simply Lin Xuejie himself."

"Then I will be able to find Qiao Jin'er's contact information later, maybe we can still be friends." Shu Yu was obviously looking forward to seeing Qiao Jin'er.

Gu Ninghuan stood aside and listened to their words, his expression as usual.

Shang Song's tone with a little joke component, breaking Shu Yu's fantasy: "You want to add Qiao Jin'er is not so simple, you must know that she never likes to get along with people."

"Really? Why doesn't she like to get along with people? I think she is very kind." Shu Yu didn't quite understand.

Shang Song lightly replied: "I don't know this, but as far as I know, everyone in the entertainment industry wants to add Qiao Jin'er WeChat, and in the end it is Qiao Jin'er's staff."

"Does it also include you?" Shu Yu asked.

"I didn't add her, Qiao Jin'er looks so good-tempered, not the type I like." Shang Song Mingming answered Shu Yu's question, but glanced at Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know what he was thinking at this time. He didn't pay attention to their chat at all.

After the start-up ceremony, they entered the formal shooting, although they were not in a hurry this time.

But hot actors such as Shang Song and Shu Yu have many announcements themselves. The director naturally has to grasp every minute to avoid the actors in the later stage, but the film can only be cut off after the film is not finished.

On the scene of the crew, Qiao Jin'er also came when the actors arranged the scene.

As soon as she arrived at the scene, almost the director and screenwriter Shu Yu gathered around and asked her all kinds of booby.

Gu Ninghuan sat beside Shang Song, his face was plain.

Shang Song was also paying attention to the script, and after glancing at the noise, there was no response.

Qiao Jin'er had just sat down not far from Gu Ninghuan, and saw the florist's employees holding a large bouquet of glamorous roses to the studio.

When Lixia saw the rose, she asked, "Who is that! Who is this rose for you?"

Although she asked in this way, everyone on the scene knew that Qiao Jin'er had just arrived, and some people gave flowers, which was obviously for her.

A staff member said anxiously: "Lixia, what else do you ask? Qiao Jin'er just came, and someone sent flowers. Anyway, it must be given to Qiao Jin'er."

"Yeah, it might be that Qiao Jin'er's new suitor sent it. I can't be sure. This flower looks so beautiful. I haven't seen this before. It must be very expensive. I feel that even the fragrance of this flower is revealed. Share the taste of RMB."

"Qiao Jiner's life is so good. It didn't take long for him to debut, and he was regarded as a sister by a leading entertainment company like Warner. Now he says goodbye to the wrong feelings, and he soon welcomes Duo Jin's new suitor."

Qiao Jiner enjoyed the feeling of being envied by everyone, but after hearing the staff say goodbye to the wrong feelings, the smile began to become a bit stiff.

So far, she and Ancheng have not officially dismissed their marriage.

But after the news that she committed suicide before, she and Ancheng never shared the same frame, which makes people think that she and Ancheng have broken up.

"Lixia, go take the flowers, I don't want to listen to others talking about me anymore." Qiao Jin'er whispered.

Of course, Lixia immediately trot over and said to the employee who sent flowers: "Give me the flowers." The employee who gave flowers looked at Lixia and asked, "Are you Gu Ning?"

The crew of the crew who had been staring at the flower delivery staff all the time, and they were surprised when they heard this question.

So this flower turned out not to Qiao Jin'er, but to Gu Ning.

Li Xia withdrew her hand awkwardly and hurriedly said: "No... I'm not."

Qiao Jin'er was embarrassed to hear the flower clerk say this. She lowered her head and pretended not to hear the flower shop employee.

It is better to let people around you think that Li Xia is passionate about fetching flowers, which has nothing to do with her.

When the flower shop staff saw Lixia gone, he stood there and asked: "Who is Miss Gu Ning."

Shang Song heard someone call Gu Ning, raised his head and asked, "Who is looking for Gu Ning."

The florist walked up to Shang Song along the voice and said, "Hello, this is Gu Ning's flower."

Shang Song saw the big bunch of precious roses in front of him and felt inexplicably dazzling.

Gu Ninghuan, who was looking down at Shang Song's itinerary, saw that the florist's staff had come to her before they realized that Gu Ning was calling her.

And she is not used to it now, others call her Gu Ning.

Gu Ninghuan put down the itinerary in his hand and reached for the bouquet in the hands of the florist's staff: "I am Gu Ning, thank you for sending it specially."

"No need to thank you for signing a word." The flower shop staff handed her the pen. Gu Ninghuan picked up the pen and signed Gu Ning.

Then, in the midst of attention, the flowers were set aside.

"It's really blind. Someone will send such expensive flowers to such ugly monsters." Lixia stared at the bouquet and whispered.

This Gu Ning is not as good-looking as she is, and she doesn't know what the person giving the flower is.

Although Li Xia's voice is small, Qiao Jin'er's seat is not far from Gu Ninghuan. Li Xia's voice clearly passed into the ears of Gu Ninghuan and Shang Song.

Gu Ninghuan doesn't care what Lixia said, she is really not pretty now.

Moreover, her current status is that of Shangsong Brokers. Some people can avoid conflicts and stop conflicts.

She chose to endure, and Shang Song could not bear it. His cold eyes looked at Lixia: "What does my agent's collection of flowers have to do with you, what kind of thing are you, so wide-ranging."

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