Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 427: This man has a bad temper

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Chapter 427: This man's temper is too bad

He waited for Gu Ninghuan to come out of the bathroom and put on his mobile phone after putting on his makeup.

The phone screen is very clean, only Fu Xishen missed the call.

Gu Ninghuan had no intention of calling back, and went downstairs with his mobile phone and briefcase. The maid in the restaurant had already calculated the time for her to get up and helped her arrange the breakfast.

Seeing her come down with ugly makeup, she said hello to her.

One of the maids, holding a landline phone in his hand, saw what she was talking about, and then gave the phone to Gu Ninghuan: "Young lady, sir looking for you."

Gu Ninghuan took a sip of milk and slowly took the call from the maid.

"Did my phone wake you up this morning." The man was sitting in the brightly lit office at this time, with a cigar in his finger.

Because Gu Ninghuan hates the smell of smoke, he rarely smokes in China.

But after going abroad, every time an inch passed, Fu Xishen's miss for Gu Ninghuan increased a little, making him have to rely on cigars to suppress his heart's liking for Gu Ninghuan.

But missing this kind of thing seems to be his only from beginning to end, otherwise Gu Ninghuan will not start from his boarding to landing, and no text message is sent.

Gu Ninghuan said flatly: "No, I only received your call after I switched on the phone."

As soon as her voice fell, there was no sound from the man.

Isn't Gu Ninghuan's meaning obvious? After the phone was turned on, she saw Fu Xishen's call, but she didn't answer it.

This subtext is simply not wanting to answer Fu Xishen's call.

Gu Ninghuan was drinking milk while waiting for Fu Xishen to speak.

But she hadn't heard anything in her ear for a long time. She took the phone in her ear and glanced at her. She found that the call had been hung up by the man.

The man's temper is too bad.

Gu Ninghuan handed the phone to the maid and continued to eat.

"By the way, did the maid in the hospital come to talk, is he still alive in Ancheng?" Gu Ninghuan asked what he thought when he picked up his bag and was about to go out.

The maid replied: "The news came just now that the doctor said that Ancheng's wound was some distance away from the heart, but it was heavy but not dead, and it has not yet passed the dangerous period."

Gu Ninghuan nodded.

She drove out the door and waited for the hotel where Shang Song was located. After receiving him, she rushed to the studio and saw that there was no one to start work there, all sitting there.

Gu Ninghuan was a little strange, and went to the staff and asked why they didn't shoot.

The staff said helplessly: "The general manager of Warner Company suddenly came over today and told us to stop shooting, but all the staff should not leave the scene."

"Then when do we have to stop?" Gu Ninghuan felt very strange, what exactly was General Manager Warner thinking.

Obviously, investors now can’t wait for the TV series to finish as soon as possible, so as to save budget, but they will mainly ask for delays in progress.

This is too incredible.

"I don't know. The director is very depressed now. He doesn't know exactly what the person above thought." The staff whispered.

Shang Song and Shu Yu lay on the chairs, since investors said they were not allowed to go.

They dare not go, if they go, they are likely to be prosecuted by the crew for breach of contract.

Qiao Jin'er arrived late, and after hearing that Warner's general manager would actually make such a request, she was no less surprised than Gu Ninghuan.

"You can rest assured, director. I will let Lixia call the general manager of Warner and ask if there are any misunderstandings before they will stop us." Qiao Jiner said softly.

Hearing Qiao Jiner say this, the director's half-hanging heart finally let go: "Thank you Jiner, fortunately, you have a good relationship with Warner General Manager, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

Qiao Jin'er ticked his lips: "Director, what's your politeness? I know this drama is your hard work. Of course you don't want it to stop for some inexplicable reason."

"Jin'er, the phone was connected." Li Xia said, holding her mobile phone and standing in the distance to Qiao Jin'er.

Qiao Jin'er walked towards Lixia and took the mobile phone in her hand: "Hello, I'm Qiao Jin'er. I want to ask, why did the crew of the old days suddenly request a shutdown. Is it not good for us to do it?"

"Miss Qiao, I don't know very well. Just ten minutes ago, Assistant Ji Bai called me and told me to force the old time crew to shut down forcibly. I dare not ask what happened," General Manager Warner said. There are also puzzles.

But in the whole country, who doesn't know who can make Ji Bai mobilized, only Mr. Fu.

How dare he go against Mr. Fu's words.

"I understand, thank you." Qiao Jin'er said.

"Miss Qiao is polite."

Qiao Jin'er hung up the phone, returned the phone to Lixia, and then went to Gu Ninghuan.

"Agent Gu Ning, I have something to discuss with you. I don't know if you have time." Qiao Jin'er stood in front of Gu Ninghuan with a very good attitude.

Shang Song reached down and took off the script covering his face: "What are you doing with my agent? Would you like to dig a corner?"

"Of course not, I just want to talk to Gu Ning's agent about the crew shutdown." Qiao Jin'er explained.

Gu Ning took the coffee and stood up: "Then go."

When Shang Song saw Gu Ning leave without looking back, he was a little unhappy in his heart. When someone called Gu Ning, she left.

There is no sense of security at all, even if he is familiar with Qiao Jin'er, but Gu Ning should not go with Qiao Jin'er so easily.

Shang Song stood up and followed.

Instead of eavesdropping on what the two of them were talking about, he stood in the distance and looked at the actions of the two of them to prevent Gu Ning from having an accident.

Qiao Jin'er looked at Shang Song in the distance and smiled slightly: "Sometimes I really admire Ning Huan's masculine maneuver, which not only makes cousin spoil you, but also makes Shang Song so arrogant. People care about you."

Gu Ninghuan turned his back to Shang Song. He didn't see him at all, and he didn't know what Qiao Jin'er was sour.

"Jin'er, you are too humble to say this. If you can say that the technique of controlling men can catch up with you. You have divorced Ancheng's parents, and Ancheng will never leave you." Gu Ninghuan laughed lightly. With a loud voice, unwilling to fight back.

As soon as Qiao Jiner heard Ancheng's name, he remembered the image of Ancheng dropping the pier in her eyes last night.

"Enough is enough, I told you to come out today, not to listen to this." Qiao Jin'er didn't seem to continue on Ancheng topic.

Gu Ninghuan didn't let her go: "Qiao Jin'er, you seem to be very afraid of Ancheng, why is it because he saw most of your dark side?"

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