Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 428: This is too thin

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428   This is too thin

Qiao Jiner's smile gradually converged: "Ning Huan, I asked you to come out today, not to hear you say this."

"Then what you want to say, hurry up." Gu Ninghuan looked at Qiao Jin'er with impatience in his eyes.

She didn't know whether she should tell Qiao Jin'er about Ancheng before.

After all, Ancheng doesn't necessarily survive. Besides, according to Qiao Jin'er's resistance to Ancheng, he shouldn't want to know anything about Ancheng.

And now looking at Qiao Jin'er even Ancheng's name, he doesn't want to hear it. Obviously he doesn't want to hear any more information about Ancheng.

"Ning Huan, do you know why this crew was forcibly stopped by Warner General Manager?" Qiao Jin'er's black pupil stared at Gu Ninghuan coldly.

Gu Ninghuan shook her head slightly, she didn't send someone to investigate the matter.

"Because of you." Qiao Jin'er dropped these three words lightly.

Gu Ninghuan was not too surprised Qiao Jiner said so.

"So it was Fu Xishen who asked Warner General Manager to stop this project?" Gu Ninghuan pursed his lips.

She had doubts before, but she felt that Fu Xishen should not be so stingy, but now it seems that Fu Xishen is not only grumpy, but also stingy.

"Yes, in addition, I don't know how you offended your cousin, but because you are the only one who shut down the whole crew, wouldn't you feel guilty?"

Gu Ninghuan rubbed his lips: "No."

"What do you mean?"

"It just means literally, don't you understand?" Gu Ninghuan raised his face, looking calmly.

Qiao Jin'er looked at Gu Ninghuan: "Also, the agent was originally a job of the nature of your ticket, even if Shang Song is not hot, you will not be too bad.

But Ning Huan, the entertainment industry is not as simple as you think, you still resign early, without your intervention, this crew will develop very well. "

"Really? Without my intervention, the old time drama has long been shelved. But when it comes to why the old time drama was shelved, it's much more to thank you.

If it weren’t for you to tell the producers of the ones that didn’t exist, the producers of the chapter wouldn’t fall to this end, and Warner wouldn’t take over the show. "Gu Ninghuan felt very sad because the crew was not able to film this.

But in this crew, everyone is qualified to teach her, but only Qiao Jin'er is not qualified.

If she had not abetted, the play would not be twisted.

Qiao Jin'er smiled coldly: "Ning Huan, I worked hard to call Warner's general manager before I was able to know what happened to the crew's shutdown. You not only thanked me, but also framed me to challenge the producer. Is the relationship with you too much."

"Without you, Fu Xishen will also make me hint from the side. After all, Fu Xishen asked Warner General Manager to send someone to stop shooting, in order to ask for him." Gu Ninghuan finished, not continuing to waste time with Qiao Jiner here.

Qiao Jin'er stood on the spot and looked up at the back of Gu Ninghuan's departure, with a light smile on his lips, but a coolness in his black pupils.

Gu Ninghuan turned to see Shang Song standing behind him, and suddenly understood why Qiao Jin'er said that just now.

"Let's go." Gu Ninghuan glanced at Shang Song and walked towards the scene.

Shang Song followed Gu Ninghuan: "What's wrong with Jiner looking for you?"

"Just told me about the filming of the crew, and wanted to ask me if there is any way to solve it." Gu Ninghuan replied.

Shang Song's eyes were slightly cold: "The film crew stopped shooting. It should be the director who is responsible for communication. Why should Jin'er come here to disturb you."

"Shang Song, I won't be here to take pictures with you tomorrow, I have something to do." Gu Ninghuan sorted out the things in his hand, because there was no way to shoot, and everyone in the crew was playing with mobile phones.

And because there is no way to shoot, she has no meaning to stay here.

Shang Song asked with some displeasure: "Why?"

"I'm going to find a friend to help General Manager Warner take back this strange order." What Gu Ninghuan said before Qiao Jin'er was deliberately annoying her.

The good crew became like this, how could she not feel a little guilty in her heart.

"Okay, but you don't have to be too reluctant. You are my agent. You only need to plan for me. As for others, you don't have to care." Shang Song doesn't want Gu Ning to have any psychological burden.

Gu Ning nodded.

The next day, in the US branch, in the office of the president.

Ji Bai needs the documents signed by the president to be placed on his desktop.

"Did the President's wife call you." Fu Xishen opened the file and asked inadvertently.

Ji Bai shook his head vigorously: "No, from yesterday to now, the wife of the president has not called, and the bodyguard responsible for protecting the wife of the president replied, saying that the wife of the president has gone abroad on vacation with friends since yesterday."

"Gu Ninghuan went abroad for a vacation?" The man's voice was low and cold.

Ji Bai nodded even harder.

"Go out." Fu Xishen closed the document in front of him and threw it to the corner of the table.

Ji Bai hurriedly picked up the documents and bowed his head out.

Fu Xishen stretched out his hand and opened the phone, and saw that there was no phone on the screen that belonged to Gu Ninghuan.

He twitched his finger to find Gu Ninghuan's number and dialed it out.

But he was answered without answering.

Fu Xi's eyes dimmed from inch to inch.

He stopped the filming of the old time crew, don't Gu Ninghuan don't care.

Fu Xishen pressed Ji Bai's phone: "Send me immediately to find out who Gu Ninghuan went abroad with."

"Yes, President." Ji Bai answered quickly.

Having finished speaking, he walked out of the assistant's office, preparing to send someone to investigate the movement of the president's wife, but just out of the office door, he saw the president's wife dragging a large suitcase on the corridor.

When Gu Ninghuan saw Ji Bai, he reached out and took off the sunglasses on his face. He reached for the suitcase and walked towards Ji Bai: "Is my husband in the room?"

"Yes, but Mrs. President, why did you come here suddenly." Ji Bai hadn't recovered a bit, he thought it was incredible.

Gu Ninghuan laughed lightly: "I plan to surprise my husband, please Ji Bai, don't pierce me."

"Okay, Madam President, please give me your luggage." Ji Bai was relieved to see the Madam President coming.

Gu Ninghuan pushed open the door of the president's office, Fu Xi raised his eyes deeply and saw that she had no special expression.

Fu Xishen's expression was so plain, this was in Gu Ninghuan's expectation.

But still disappointed.

She took a plane all night to see Fu Xishen, but Fu Xishen saw her as if she hadn't seen it, which was too kind.

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