Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 551: Fu Xishen can coax people (1)

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Chapter 551   Fu Xishen is very coaxing

But the prerequisite for not interfering is that the person Gu Yan likes must be a reliable person.

Does it mean that you clearly know that your own brother was designed by a girl with deep thoughts.

Not only do you not stop, but also bless them?

"Of course my brother has the right to choose the person he likes to marry, but are you sure that you are the real one? Do you dare to give everything to your brother and Pan everything you live in France?" Gu Ninghuan will hold the hot tea in his hand Put down the question.

Lin Weiyin looked at her: "Your brother knows that I am divorced, he is more enlightened than you think."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

Now the focus is not on divorce at all!

If her brother liked a divorced girl, Gu Ninghuan would not object.

In Gu's family, divorce was not a serious crime.

The fact that Lin Weiyin is in France is far from a divorce.

What's more, it didn't take long for Lin Weiyin to divorce, and the mental depression was not cured, so she returned to China to seduce her husband.

She clearly knew that Fu Xishen was married, and she also received money from the Fu family, and decided to give up Fu Xishen.

But after she squandered the money from the Fu family, she returned to China again and chose to be a primary three.

Gu Ninghuan will not accept a person who once tried to be a small third, and then become her brother's wife.

She felt Xiao San disgusted.

When Lin Weiyin saw that Gu Ninghuan didn't speak, he said again: "Miss Gu, I know you have a prejudice against me, but please think about it for me. I was born in a family like that, and there are no choices for many things.

I originally thought that there would not be any hope in my life, but I met your brother. It was his tolerance and tenderness that made me understand. It turns out that I also deserve to be loved. I really like your brother, please believe me once. "

Gu Ninghuan raised her eyes and looked at her carefully, looking at the sincerity in her eyes, and scorned her lips: "Lin Weiyin, it was not your fault that you were born in a family like yours. But did the Fu family give you choices? They? They gave a way to get rid of the native family, it is because you did not cherish yourself, you chose the husband of France yourself.

It is you who ruined your future. Now that you have fallen to this point, you blame yourself. I will not let my brother be the one who saves you. "

She said that she stood up and looked at her condescendingly: "From today on, you'd better draw a line with my brother. If I see you and appear next to him, don't blame me."

After Gu Ninghuan finished speaking, he opened the door of the partial hall and went out.

Lin Weiyin sat at the spot, lowered his head, and could not see the expression on his face.

Not long after Gu Ninghuan walked out of the side hall, she saw her brother Gu Yanzheng walking towards her with dim sum.

After seeing Gu Yan, she stopped and stood at the door of the partial hall waiting for him.

Gu Yan carried the dim sum and walked to his sister's side: "How about the oil painting question? Need your brother to help you find some good painters?"

Gu Ninghuan looked at Gu Yan and opened his face with a positive expression: "Brother, you need to draw a clear relationship with Lin Weiyin. There are so many good girls in this world. Anyone you like can do it, but you can't like her."


Gu Yan did not deny that he liked Lin Weiyin for the first time, but asked Gu Ninghuan why.

His brother's reaction made Gu Ninghuan feel a trace of danger.

"Because she was the person who called you Fu Xishen on the day of my abortion. Even more than a month ago, she was wearing a tulle nightdress and tried to seduce Fu Xishen." Gu Ninghuan did not hide anything and would do what Lin Weiyin did. All things are said.

She wanted Gu Yan to see Lin Weiyin and knew she had to stay away from Lin Weiyin.

But what is unexpected is that Gu Yan is very calm: "Ning Huan, I know all the things Lin Weiyin does, but I also think that everyone has a chance to change."

Gu Ninghuan reached out and touched Gu Yan's forehead: "Brother, did you have a fever and burned your head, do you still know what you are talking about?"

"I know, Ning Huan. I have no way to stay away from Lin Weiyin for the time being, but please believe that I will always be your brother." Gu Ninghuan's eyes spoiled Gu Ninghuan and reached out to squeeze her. Soft cheeks.

Lin Weiyin, who was hiding behind the door of the side hall, overheard Gu Yan's words, and there was a triumphant smile on his eyes.

Gu Ninghuan really looked at her too little, saying that Shibei should be taken aback for three days.

And she has been driven out of Fu Xishen by Gu Ninghuan for more than a month. If she is not fully prepared, of course she will not expose herself to Gu Ninghuan's eyes.

The door of the partial hall was pushed open. Gu Yan saw Lin Weiyin standing behind the door. He just wanted to know that he was eavesdropping on the conversation between him and Gu Ninghuan just now.

"Your sister really cares about you, so envious of your brothers and sisters." Lin Weiyin smiled softly, showing envy in the eyes.

Gu Yan's calm voice was as cold as ice.

He threw the dim sum in his hands directly on the desktop closest to him: "Lin Weiyin, recognize your identity, don't mess with my sister."

"How dare I provoke your sister, you look at Gu Ninghuan so fiercely, can I bully?" Lin Weiyin said pitifully.

Gu Yan gave her a cold look and walked out of the hall.

After knowing that Lin Weiyin was staying with the woman beside Fu Xishen that night, Gu Yan was really angry.

But even so, he had to calm down.

People cannot be influenced by emotions, Lin Weiyin now has a reason to stay beside him.

Gu Ninghuan returned to the living room, and Grandpa was playing chess with Fu Xishen.

Probably in front of Grandpa, Fu Xishen lacked a lot of indifference and alienation from others.

"Haha! I won again! But Xishen you are really good at playing Go. No one has ever forced me to this point. This game is so enjoyable! Come and come, we will play again." Grandpa laughed heartily The spirit of the whole person seems to be alive because of winning the chess.

Gu Ninghuan, who was watching them from a distance, didn't understand why. Grandpa would be so happy because he won Fu Xishen's game.

When Grandpa wins her and her brother, she is not happy to get to this point.

In other words, Fu Xishen is more important to her grandfather than to her brother.

Gu Ninghuan stepped forward with some jealous openings: "Grandpa, are you a little bit eccentric, but is it a pleasure to play a game with Fu Xishen? My brother and I are also playing chess with you."

"You and your brother are playing chess so badly, there is no ups and downs in playing chess with you, there is nothing so happy." Grandpa Gu went straight back.

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

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