Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 552: Fu Xishen can coax people (2)

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Chapter 552   Fu Xishen will coax people (2)

She and her brother used to think that Grandpa liked to play chess with them.

But now I know that Grandpa has always disgusted them.

Gu Ninghuan feels aggrieved, she thinks she can play chess skills!

"Fu Xishen, you let it go and let me and grandpa fight for another round. I want to use my strength to let grandpa know that I am not losing to you in playing chess." Gu Ninghuan tried to conquer grandpa with his strength.

Fu Xishen is used to Gu Ninghuan, so he has to stand up.

But Grandpa Gu refused, and reached out to grab Fu Xishen's arm and said nothing to let Fu Xishen go.

That's fine, even Grandpa Gu looked at her with particularly disgusted eyes.

This made Gu Ninghuan feel particularly hurt, and the key is that she can't grab grandpa, she can only take a bottle of yogurt and sit by to watch the lively variety show.

Grandpa Gu and Fu Xishen were playing chess, and Gu Yan and Lin Weiyin didn't know where they were going until the dinner time.

When Gu Ninghuan saw Lin Weiyin, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes.

The servant reminded Grandpa Gu that the dinner was ready, and Grandpa Gu stopped it.

At the dinner table, dinner was also fun, and Gu Ninghuan and Lin Weiyin did not speak in a tacit understanding.

And Lin Weiyin's eyes have not dared to look at Fu Xishen.

That night, when she was in the Fu Family Villa, she had exhausted all the courage and self-esteem of herself as a woman.

So much so that she meets now, she doesn't even dare to look at Fu Xishen.

Lin Weiyin took half a sip of the sweet juice on hand, but found that the entrance was full of bitterness.

When the dinner was over, Grandpa Gu took Fu Xishen to play chess again, and unwilling Gu Ninghuan pulled Gu Yan into the garden: "Brother, will you marry Lin Weiyin? One who once did me and Fu Xishen The person in the middle three."

"Ning Huan, Lin Weiyin and I have just met, and haven't thought about it for so long, you don't have to worry too much." Gu Yan's tone is very gentle, but the softer his voice, the more it makes Gu Ninghuan Feel dangerous.

She thinks that her brother is a silly boy now, thinking that she has encountered an object that can be committed to the rest of her life, but in fact that person is a liar who is good at using means.

Gu Ninghuan brutally stabbed him with words: "But I will feel uncomfortable when I see Lin Weiyin, brother, can you not be so selfish, if you really can't control your heart and Lin Weiyin together , Have you ever thought about how I should face her.

Moreover, such a thing as Xiaosan becoming sister-in-law just sounds so ironic. Are you really not able to draw a line with her right now? "

When she said these words to hurt Gu Yan, her heart was still in pain, but Gu Ninghuan had no choice.

But whenever she has a little choice, or Lin Weiyin has any point that Gu Yan likes, she will never use the word "selfish" to describe her brother.

Gu Yan's eyes moved slightly, and his emotions were still very calm. He looked behind Gu Ninghuan: "Xi Shen, please take Ning Huan away. She is too excited now to talk to me."

Gu Ninghuan wanted to continue to say something, but Fu Xishen raised his arms around his waist and brought him into his arms.

She wanted to break free from Fu Xishen's arms. She wanted to tell Gu Yan that she hadn't finished speaking yet. How could he let him leave like this.

And Lin Weiyin is really not a good person, she did not lie to her brother.

"Fu Xishen, you let me go, I can't let my brother get entangled with Lin Weiyin again."

"Why do you think Gu Yan is an unbelievable person." Fu Xi spoke lightly, and the hand on her waist did not loosen.

Gu Ninghuan stopped, turned to look at him, and there was a daze in his eyes: "You mean let me let my brother go down? But you clearly know who Lin Weiyin is, she deliberately raised the level of oil painting, just to deceive My brother."

Speaking of this, Gu Ninghuan felt a little angry.

In her view, Lin Weiyin is simply a bad and patient representative.

Fu Xishen's thin lips whispered: "Your brother is not as weak as you think. If he is a person who can't even get a basic view, then the original chaotic Gu's enterprise will not be prosperous."

Gu Ninghuan's eyes stunned slightly, and the struggling movement gradually slowed down.

Since the uncle and the uncle completely disappointed the grandfather, the elder brother was responsible for taking over the dying company.

Not only need to open source for the company, but also need to clean up the mess left by the uncle and uncle.

My brother suffered a lot, but he also proved his ability from these sufferings.

"What if Lin Weiyin finally married into Gu's family?" Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen.

Although she knew that Fu Xishen didn't like Lin Weiyin.

But dislike does not mean that there is no mercy.

Fu Xi looked down at the suspicion of the little woman in her arms and chuckled: "I will send someone to stare at Lin Weiyin and I will report to you at any time."

"Good." Gu Ninghuan reluctantly agreed.

If she can grasp Lin Weiyin's trends in real time, then maybe she can trust her brother once.

In other words, even if the brother finally believed Lin Weiyin, he decided to marry her.

Then Gu Ninghuan could at least prevent them from getting married in time.

She closed her eyes and felt uncomfortable as soon as she thought of Lin Weiyin wearing a hypocritical mask in front of Gu Yan.

As the sky was getting late, Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen were about to leave Gu's house and return to Fu's villa.

But Grandpa refused to let others go, insisting that Fu Xishen stay.

Gu Ninghuan didn't want to ruin Grandpa's mood, and finally agreed.

After Grandpa Gu left the two of them, he took Fu Xishen to play chess. Gu Ninghuan watched for a while, and when he was bored, he went upstairs to take a bath and rest.

Gu Ninghuan didn't bring a laptop with her because she was just eating. She went back to the room and answered the message with her mobile phone.

From time to time, I also took a look at the group in the studio. When I saw the assistants, they said that if Ye Mingyue continued to not come to the studio, the film could only be put on hold.

In the later period, if the film is re-shot, Shang Song may not be able to spare time to cooperate.

It is equal to Shang Song. Because of Ye Mingyue, this movie must be missed.

The assistant felt unworthy for Shang Song. Gu Ninghuan looked at the screen and wondered what Ye Mingyue was trying to do.

She left her cell phone on the bed and turned over how she wanted to convince Ye Mingyue to get her back to the filming scene.

Fu Xi pushed the door open and saw Gu Ninghuan's long black curly hair scattered behind her. She was lying on the soft bed, and she looked a little low.

"Thinking about it." The man approached her and raised her hand to rub her hair.

Gu Ninghuan turned his head and looked at him: "I'm thinking about work, is my brother back?"

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