Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 553: What are the benefits of pretending to be sick (1)

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Chapter 553: What is the benefit of pretending to be sick (1)

After thinking of Gu Yan's dinner, very close to send Lin Weiyin to go out.

Gu Ninghuan suddenly felt that Ye Mingyue's not filming was no big problem.

"No." Fu Xishen picked her up from the bed and hugged her in her arms.

Gu Ninghuan buried his head in the man’s arms with a muffled voice: “Fu Xishen, I care about my brother, and I don’t want him to have anything. The emotional harm is cruel. My brother died because of his first love. Nowadays.

Now, he is willing to contact girls, but that girl is actually Lin Weiyin, why do you say my brother is so miserable. "

"He will not be in trouble." Fu Xishen's finger flicked across Gu Ninghuan's cheek, as if comforting and more like a guarantee.

Gu Ninghuan held Fu Xishen's waist even harder: "Thank you for coaxing my grandpa today. I know that you made him win on purpose."

Although she doesn't understand chess, she can be a spectator, but she clearly sees that several times, Fu Xishen is on the chessboard, pushing grandpa to the corner, and can win the game by simply counting.

But Fu Xishen did not. After he pushed his grandfather into the corner, he gradually gathered up the sense of oppression on the chessboard, giving him a sense of anti-killing.

This will not only make Grandpa happy, but also make Grandpa feel that Fu Xishen is making him happy.

Gu Ninghuan feels particularly incredible that the indifferent man like Fu Xishen can carefully do this step for her.

"Just thank you?" Fu Xi squinted deeply, her dark eyes focused on her lips.

Gu Ninghuan understood the hint in his eyes and raised his head to kiss the corner of his lips.

Fu Xishen thinks that the time of her kiss is too short, her finger catches her chin, and she kisses it directly.

The phone that Gu Ninghuan placed randomly under him suddenly sounded, and a message sounded.

Letting her wake up from the man's kiss, she reached out and tried to get the mobile phone, but the man clasped her wrist and forced it under her.


Qin Yue Office

Gu Ninghuan stood in front of the charming Qin Yue, waiting for her to speak.

Qin Yue has been reading documents since she entered the office.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know how busy Qin Yue was, but since Qin Yue was asked to call her today.

But after waiting for her to come, she just ignored the document and ignored her. This was supposed to leave her on purpose and wanted to teach her a little lesson.

Gu Ninghuan stood there silently. Since Qin Yue had a heart to chill her, Gu Ninghuan had nothing to do with cooperation.

After waiting for twenty minutes, Qin Yue also felt that it was enough to dry. Then he closed the documents in his hand and looked at her: "Gu Ning, although you haven't entered the business for a long time, your work attitude is not bad at all. .. I am also very confident to give Shang Song to you, but have you been slacking recently."

"I also recently wanted to deal with Ye Mingyue."

Before Qin Yue spoke, Gu Ninghuan guessed roughly why she was hanging her.

Gu Ninghuan didn't want Ye Mingyue to ferment.

But she is Shang Song's agent and Ye Mingyue is really unfamiliar, and the relationship between Warner and Qin Yue is not very good.

If she suddenly went to Ye Mingyue, it should only make things worse.

"Do you need to think about how to deal with it? Your friend Song Ci has a good relationship with Mrs. Fu Jiashao, and you have a relationship with Gu's family. This matter should be easily resolved by you.

Gu Ning, I know you want to rely on yourself for everything, but you are a broker. What you should do is to use all the resources you have to help your entertainers. Do you understand? "The hint in Qin Yue's words is obvious.

Gu Ninghuan frowned slightly and used Warner to pressure Ye Mingyue. This is not impossible.

But this is a drama. If Ye Mingyue was forced to come to the studio, wouldn't she maliciously smash it not only ruin the drama, but also affected Shang Song's state.

"Ye Mingyue is also a popular actress anyway, is it not good to use forced behavior." Gu Ninghuan asked in a gentle tone as much as possible.

Qin Yue was expressionless: "Did she leave her so absent from work and affect the filming? Shang Song's schedule for the next year was full. If you missed the movie, there would be no chance of remake. "

"Okay, I see. I will resolve Ye Mingyue as soon as possible."

"Five days later, I want to see Ye Mingyue appear on the set. If she can't appear, we will give up the movie directly."

Qin Yuexia's decision was very decisive, Gu Ninghuan nodded without refuting any words.

When Gu Ninghuan walked out of Qin Yue's office, he was relieved.

After passing Qin Yue, she should now handle Ye Mingyue.

Gu Ninghuan heard about Ye Mingyue's hospital ward.

After buying a bunch of vibrant flowers and fruit baskets, they came to the door of Ye Mingyue's ward and raised their hands to knock on the door.

It was Ye Mingyue's agent who came to open the door. After seeing Gu Ninghuan, the agent had no major accidents.

"Can I go in and take a look at Ye Mingyue?" Gu Ninghuan asked very politely.

But Ye Mingyue's agent flashed a little embarrassment on his face.

"Sorry, Ye Mingyue said she wanted to concentrate on healing, and she doesn't want to see anyone at present." Ye Mingyue's agent refused very politely.

Gu Ninghuan slightly lifted his lips: "I know Gu Ninghuan very well. I haven't disclosed anything to Gu Ninghuan about Ye Mingyue's strike. Now I just want to meet Ye Mingyue and talk to her just chatting.

If you find it difficult to do so, then I think I should be able to find Gu Ninghuan and let her show me to Ye Mingyue. "

Ye Mingyue's agent heard the words and turned into a bitter gourd face. He looked at Ye Mingyue lying on the bed to ask.

As employees of Warner, Gu Ninghuan's people have never seen them, but they often hear Gu Ninghuan's name.

Gu Ninghuan is simply not someone they can afford.

And Ye Mingyue pretending to be sick can only fool fans and directors.

If it was in front of Mrs. Fu Shao, then they would really not be able to walk around.

The legal department of Warner will also tell Ye Mingyue to go bankrupt.

Ye Mingyue, who was lying in the hospital bed, also knew the stakes. She whispered: "Since Agent Gu Ning wants to visit me, let her in."

"Please come in." Ye Mingyue's agent opened the ward door, allowing Gu Ninghuan to enter.

Gu Ninghuan walked into the ward and smelled not a sterilized water but a perfume.

Ye Mingyue, lying on the bed, was ruddy and energetic.

Gu Ninghuan guessed that Ye Mingyue was pretending to be sick before she came, but did not expect her to pretend to be sick even with a sick makeup. Is she really not afraid of people piercing her fake illness?

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