Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 561: Do not know how to control Fu Xishen

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Chapter 561: Fu Xishen

The assistant scratched his head: "No need to thank you."

"Since you like burgers, mine will also give you." Shang Song also handed his afternoon tea to Gu Ning.

Gu Ninghuan took the burger and milk tea handed over to her by Shang Song.

Shang Song is an entertainer. Of course, he cannot eat such high-calorie foods as burgers.

"Why haven't you changed clothes yet, and getting wet will make you sick." Shang Song looked at Gu Ning, a little worried.

Gu Ninghuan was quite pleased and raised his hand and wiped his eyes: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I can go back later."

Shang Song knows that Gu Ning has always been more assertive, and the things she decides are often not subject to the opinions of others.

When they got into the car, Gu Ninghuan took out the makeup mirror and looked at himself in the mirror. The makeup remained pretty good, and he was too lazy to make up.

Shang Song was sitting next to her with her eyes closed and recuperating. Gu Ninghuan was tired for a day, but it was too cold and hot to endure long ago. She leaned on the window and slept.

Suddenly, the body bumped, Shang Song was awakened, and subconsciously looked at Gu Ninghuan around him.

Seeing the black foundation on her face has become uneven.

The assistant and the makeup artist in the car were sleeping at this time. Shang Song hesitated and took out the makeup remover wipes and wiped on Gu Ninghuan's cheeks.

He didn't dare to move too much, he only dared to move gently, and soon a large piece of black on Gu Ninghuan's cheek was wiped away, revealing a dazzling white.

Relying only on the half-clear cheeks, Shang Song recognized who she was.

Such a stunning look, as long as you have seen it, will not forget.

Gu Ninghuan, Mrs. Fu Jiashao...

Shang Song's face was calm, and the dark under his eyes surging, Gu Ning was Gu Ninghuan.

She is such a high status, but came to be his agent.

Shang Song lowered his eyes and concealed his distress. In a flash, he understood why Gu Ninghuan wanted to make himself ugly.

If she is wearing such a beautiful face, how dangerous it is to walk in the entertainment world.

Suddenly, Song Song was a little lucky. Fortunately, Gu Ning knew to protect himself.

He took a makeup brush, dipped enough black eyeshadow in his hand, and swept it on Gu Ninghuan's face.

Shang Song doesn't want to break through Gu Ninghuan's disguise. Since she likes to be ugly, he is willing to fulfill her.

When the car stopped outside the hotel, Shang Song woke Gu Ning: "Gu Ning, got up, and has arrived at his destination."

Gu Ninghuan heard Shang Song's voice, raised his hands and rubbed his eyes, and covered his lips with one hand and elegantly yawned a little.

"Okay, then I'll go back first. See you tomorrow." Gu Ninghuan opened his eyes and took the bag and walked to the parking space outside the hotel.

She got into the car, closed her eyes and unloaded her makeup, and she felt very tired when she thought of driving home later.

Gu Ninghuan was lying on the steering wheel, a little tired, raised his hand to apply some cool oil to his temple, and drove home.

After entering the villa, Gu Ninghuan entered the bathroom, took off the clothes that had dried quickly, and the whole person entered the bathtub filled with hot water.

It wasn't until he lay in the hot water that Gu Ninghuan felt completely alive.

After soaking, Gu Ninghuan, who was too lazy to move, dried his body indiscriminately, opened the quilt and lay naked on the bed, and didn't even want to move.

Fu Xishen came home from get off work and saw the empty table by the table, without Gu Ninghuan's figure.

"How about Mrs. Young?" Fu Xishen asked, looking at the maid.

At this point in the past, she would not always sit at the dining table, waiting for him to come back to eat.

The servant put the soup on the table and answered: "The young lady said she was very sleepy and didn't want to eat anymore."

Fu Xi deeply heard that he handed off his suit and briefcase to the maid and walked upstairs to open the door of the master bedroom.

He walked over to the bed and saw Gu Ninghuan was all under the bed, black hair was scattered on the light-colored pillow, as smooth and beautiful as silk.

The man lowered his eyes and saw the girl's brow furrowed, reaching for her forehead, feeling the temperature was a little high.

He took a thermometer and measured the temperature for Gu Ninghuan who was asleep. The number displayed on the screen on the thermometer was: 37.5

She was suffering from a low fever. Fu Xishen asked the maid to bring the cooling water up, opened the quilt and intended to wipe the temperature of the little woman in front of him.

But when he raised his hand to lift the corner of the quilt, Gu Ninghuan's uncovered body appeared clearly in his eyes.

Fu Xishen's eyes were dim, and he covered the quilt again for Gu Ninghuan.

The servant who stood aside saw the gentleman who said he would wipe the young lady, and put the quilt back on again. Some doubts: "Do I need to help the young lady?"

Fu Xi took a deep look at the maid beside her, and said softly: "No, you go out."

The servant heard the words and turned away very obediently.

When only two of them remained in the master bedroom, Fu Xishen lifted his finger and scraped Gu Ninghuan’s face: "I slept naked and didn’t feed you last night. Gestures seduce me."

Gu Ninghuan is sleeping at this time, where can he give Fu Xishen any answer.

Originally working as a manager is a very hard physical labor. Because of the large amount of physical consumption every day, her sleep quality is particularly good.

Coupled with the low fever, he couldn't help falling asleep.

But if she is awake now, she will jump up and refute Fu Xishen.

Fu Xishen, the man, was really unrestrained in that matter recently.

If Gu Ninghuan was resting, she would often have to be pressed on the bed by a man for a whole night.

And if she is a working day, the man wants to pull her to zero.

Such a sweet and intensive husband and wife's life was actually Fu Xishen's repression of her body.

When Fu Xishen helped Gu Ninghuan wipe his body twice, Gu Ninghuan's low fever also dropped.

The mobile phone thrown on the bed by Gu Ninghuan randomly rang.

Gu Ninghuan, who was a little better, was awakened and touched his phone. He looked at the call from his brother on the screen and connected: "Brother, is there anything wrong with calling me?"

"It's me, Gu Ninghuan." Lin Weiyin's voice came with provocation.

Gu Ninghuan's face was light and he wanted to hang up the phone.

Lin Weiyin, who knows Gu Ninghuan's temper, said quietly: "Gu Ninghuan, if you dare to hang up the phone, believe it or not, I will send your brother and my intimate photos to Weibo for everyone to watch."

"Are you going to bed with my brother?" Gu Ninghuan frowned, suddenly feeling sick in his stomach.

Lin Weiyin admitted: "Yes! Is this strange?"

"You are not my brother's girlfriend, how could he go to bed with you." Gu Ninghuan asked with disgust.

Lin Weiyin laughed wildly: "When I was at Gu's house, I may not have been Gu Yan's girlfriend, but how do you know that I am not yet."

"Whoever believes in your words, like a liar like you, can't believe every word you say." Gu Ninghuan won't be fooled easily.

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