Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 562: I had already held my phone and sat in Fu Xi's arms to kiss

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562   Hold the mobile phone and sit in Fu Xi's deep arms to kiss

How can a person who lied like Lin Weiyin believes.

Even Gu Ninghuan received bed photos of Lin Weiyin and his brother.

Gu Ninghuan should always find a professional photo-retoucher to see if the photo was synthesized.

Lin Weiyin's lips smiled gradually, but in the words he still pretended to be calm: "It seems that you want me to send you the bed photos of me and Gu Yan to you, then you will believe that I will become your sister-in-law. ."

"You send it! As long as you send me the bed photo, I will show this photo to Grandpa. A woman who is not married and will send the photo to me. Guess if Grandpa believes you are a talented woman with tutoring." Gu Ninghuan was unwilling to show his weakness against Lin Weiyin.

Lin Weiyin was furious, and just wanted to say something, knocking on the door came from outside.

She hurriedly hung up the phone in her hand, deleted the call record with Gu Ninghuan and then got up and opened the door, and handed out the mobile phone in her hand: "When cleaning the sanitary just now, I found that your mobile phone was not Carefully fell on me, and I will return it to you now."

Gu Yan, who was standing outside the door, took the mobile phone in Lin Weiyin's hand, said nothing to her, and turned to leave.

Lin Weiyin looked at Gu Yan, and suddenly felt a little suffocated.

Gu Ninghuan looked down at the phone that was suddenly hung up, and was too lazy to guess why Lin Weiyin did so.

She raised her hand, touched her forehead, and noticed a refreshing feeling.

While Gu Ninghuan was thinking about what happened, Fu Xi pushed the door open with the tray in hand, and it was no surprise to see her wake up.

Gu Ninghuan looked straight at the tray in Fu Xishen's hand. Before he approached, he smelled a scent.

"This is the dinner for me! Hurry up and show me what it is." If Gu Ninghuan was not wearing clothes, he would have walked to Fu Xishen and reached for his own dinner.

Fu Xishen approached her in a hurry, pulled out the bed table and opened it, and put the dinner on it.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the dinner, and the excited little face suddenly collapsed: "Why is white porridge, I want to eat."

Fu Xi deep-eyed and looked at her: "You just had a low fever, you can only eat porridge."

It turned out that she had a fever just now. No wonder she felt hot when she was sleeping.

"But you also know that I had a low fever just now, but I still have a fever now. So, give me white rice, I can eat white rice." Gu Ninghuan looked at the white porridge, and somehow reluctantly spoiled Fu Xishen. .

Does Fu Xishen want to abuse her deliberately, or why would she force her to drink white porridge? This man clearly knows that she hates drinking porridge the least.

No matter how exquisite the side dish with porridge is, but Gu Ninghuan doesn't like it, just doesn't like it.

"The maid said that the clothes you changed today are all wet. Why did you get rain." Fu Xi asked faintly.

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

Fu Xishen knew that she must be raining because of work, but she still had to ask.

Doesn't this mean asking her in disguise?

If she answers because of work, Fu Xishen must make her resign the next sentence.

Rather than answering the reason for the rain, Gu Ninghuan would rather eat porridge. Seeing that the side dish with white porridge is so good, it should be reluctant to eat it.

But she was bare now, how to eat dinner.

She and Fu Xishen are now husband and wife.

Of course, I don't mind being naked in front of him, but the fact that eating in front of him is still a particularly large-scale thing for her.

Fu Xishen lifted the table and put it on the bed, and used a spoon to hold the savoury and smooth white porridge to her lips.

Gu Ninghuan was eating porridge obediently with his hands. The cooking performance of the villa maid was very high. Even a simple bowl of white porridge would not taste bad.

After Fu Xishen finished feeding, he took Gu Ninghuan's temperature again and saw that she did not continue to have a fever.

Gu Ninghuan was lying on the bed, watching Fu Xishen sitting in the office far away from her.

In order to take care of her, the man moved a desk and chair in the master bedroom.

Now he is wearing dark and loose home clothes, and a pair of frameless glasses is sandwiched between the tall nose bridge. The whole person has a little bit of cold and fierce temperament, but adds a little Sven Junxiu.

If it were not for Gu Ninghuan, who still has work to return from now, he had already held his mobile phone and sat in Fu Xishen's arms to kiss him.

After Gu Ninghuan was distracted for a while, there were more than 20 work messages on WeChat on his mobile phone.

As an agent of Shang Song, she almost always wants to get news when she is awake.

I don’t know if it’s a popular artist or all agents.

When Gu Ninghuan was returning to work news, Shang Song's call came.

She put on a voice changer and said, "I still have a lot of work information to reply, and I will give you two minutes to chat with me."

Shang Song: "..."

Gu Ninghuan, who is off work, is really very impersonal.

"Did you go home and drink **** soup? Why didn't you return my message." Shang Song asked.

Gu Ninghuan cut out the call interface with Shang Song, and her finger was lit on the screen. Even at this time, she still did not stop the finger to return the message.

"I started a low fever as soon as I got home, and just after the fever was gone, I was replying to the work news." Gu Ninghuan replied.

Shang Song heard her fever, and her voice was a little deep: "You really have a fever, Gu Ning, you are also a girl, can you not be so brave in the future."

"I'm not brave enough, so heavy rain, the filming site is an hour away from the hotel. When you go back in wet clothes, you may have a fever, which affects the state of your filming...well, it's two minutes. , Hung up." Gu Ninghuan finished explaining and hung up the phone in a hurry.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Gu Ninghuan finally finished half of the message.

She lay on the bed and set aside her dead mobile phone to recharge.

Fu Xishen, who has finished his work, is lying beside her reading a book.

Gu Ninghuan rolled into his arms, leaning his head against his waist and abdomen: "Husband, what did your mom call you just now?"

"Let's go back to dinner on Saturday."

"Did you agree?"

"Refused." Fu Xi reached out and touched Gu Ninghuan's soft chin, and said softly.

Gu Ninghuan gave a soft "Oh" sound.

When Gu Ninghuan replied to the work news, Fu Xishen received Fu Zhai's phone call, but he didn't say a word and hung up.

Because of Qiao Jin'er's relationship, their relationship with Fu Zhai is not so harmonious now.

This is not Mrs. Fu's fault, but Gu Ninghuan just resisted Fu Zhai's actions when he thought of what Qiao Jin'er did.

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