Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 567: Do you think you are worth so much money?

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Chapter 567 Do you think you are worth so much money?

Gu Ninghuan said calmly: "This is what I want to say to you. Lin Weiyin, don't worry about it, I will handle it.

If she is really pregnant with your child, I will let that child be born safely. "

Gu Yan disagreed: "Ning Huan, I will say it again and hand over Lin Weiyin."

"No, I won't hand over Lin Weiyin. Brother, you don't know Lin Weiyin at all, and it's not cruel enough. In order to avoid Lin Weiyin taking this child to make a fuss, I can't give her to you." Gu Ning Huan tone firmly.

Now that the child is involved, she cannot believe Gu Yan anymore.

Children are innocent, children should not become a tool for adults to get their purpose.

Gu Yan's face sank slightly: "Ning Huan, Lin Weiyin is a crazy person. She can't stand any stimulation at all. Have you ever thought about it, if she can't accept the life under surveillance, then what will you do? ?"

"Since I dare to take Lin Weiyin away, naturally I am fully prepared. I won't let Lin Weiyin have anything to do. You can rest assured that brother. When the child does not confirm that it is not you, I absolutely do not Lin Weiyin will be hurt." Gu Ninghuan looked at Gu Yan very seriously.

Gu Yanwen said that the original insistence gradually began to relax.

Since Gu Ninghuan said so, it doesn't make much sense for him to continue to persevere.

Moreover, he also understands the character of his sister, who is quite stubborn. Once it is her decision, neither he nor grandpa can persuade her.

"In this case, are you able to take me to see Lin Weiyin, at least let me know where she is now, and how the people you arranged are taking care of." Gu Yan finally gave in a step and did not continue with Gu Ning. Contention.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Gu Yan with some suspicion: "You can promise me that, after knowing where Lin Weiyin lives, won't she take her away without me knowing it?"

"If you can take good care of her, then why should I take it away." Gu Yan asked rhetorically.

Gu Ninghuan listened, decided to believe Gu Yan once, and drove him outside a red-roofed villa.

Gu Yan looked at the villa in front of him and said, "Isn't this the grandfather who gave you the dowry when you got married?"

"Well, I must throw away all the furniture in this villa when Lin Wei has finished giving birth." Gu Ninghuan felt uncomfortable whenever she thought of Lin Weiyin living in a house under her name.

But there was no way. At that time, there was a hurry. She did not choose a house that was more suitable for Lin Weiyin. She could only decide temporarily here.

How much did she sacrifice for this child!

Therefore, if the child in Lin Weiyin's abdomen checks out that it has nothing to do with Gu Yan, she will never let Qiao Jiner and Lin Weiyin go.

Gu Ninghuan pushed the car door, and Gu Yan followed her to get off.

The two walked into the villa while Lin Weiyin was sitting at the dinner table.

When Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan walked in, she put down the bowl in her hand and hurriedly walked to Gu Yan, her eyes filled with expectations: "Gu Yan, I know you will not let me be here alone , I know you won’t care about me and your children."

As soon as Lin Weiyin said this, Gu Ninghuan felt incomparably numb. Lin Mingyin had only a physical relationship with Gu Yan. There was no need to pretend to be the same as a loved one who was torn down by the family.

Gu Yan's attitude towards Lin Weiyin is very cold: \"In the future my sister will take care of you, you don’t have to worry about what will be wronged.\"

"What are you talking about? You are going to hand Gu Ninghuan the fate of my child and you? You know that letting Gu Ninghuan take care of me is the biggest grievance for me." Lin Weiyin was not in Gu Ninghuan's hands.

She knows that everyone here is under Gu Ninghuan's orders, and that she lives here is under the fence.

If it had been in the past, it would have been sent under the fence, but now she has Gu Yan's child in her womb, how can she still be sent under the fence?

"Really? How about you drain the child? Give up the child, and I will give you freedom." Gu Ninghuan couldn't do anything to force Lin Weiyin to kill the child.

She had also been a mother, and empathy prevented her from ruthlessly forcing abortion.

But if Lin Weiyin voluntarily went to miscarriage, she could accomplish her.

"Gu Ninghuan! Don't you worry about the thunder and thunder? I'm pregnant with your nephew." Lin Weiyin glared at Gu Ninghuan, hating to bite her fiercely.

Gu Ninghuan: "Don't you use your children to tie men up, don't you worry about the thunderstorm? Your body is not suitable for conception at all, and the drugs you take are also likely to affect the children.

You know this, but you still want to get pregnant. Are you not irresponsible for your children? "

"Ning Huan is right. If you are forced to leave, dispose of the child and go again." Gu Yan saw the living environment here and the servant who was with Lin Weiyin.

How could it not be understood that Gu Ninghuan took Lin Weiyin and really wanted to take care of her.

Since Gu Ninghuan wants to take care of Lin Weiyin, he has nothing to worry about.

Lin Weiyin listened and took a few steps backwards, looking at Gu Yan with some disbelief.

I remember that when Gu Ninghuan was not involved, he clearly spoke very well, but now it has all changed.

As for abortion for freedom, of course she was unwilling.

Lin Weiyin just doesn't like hard work. She just wants to be supported by others. Freedom is simply worthless to her.

All she wants is a comfortable life and a comfortable life.

"When I have a baby, how will you deal with me?" Lin Weiyin asked Gu Ninghuan while watching.

She now understands that it is not Gu Yan but Gu Ninghuan who is in charge of her destiny.

Gu Ninghuan looked at her and smiled slightly: "Give you a house and money to let you live the rest of your life easily, just like what Fu Zhai prepared for you."

Hearing Gu Ninghuan's words, Lin Weiyin was also relieved.

Her purpose is to marry Gu's family, but now Gu Ninghuan's stance obviously does not agree with this matter.

In this case, get money.

"I want 50 million!" Lin Weiyin said loudly.

Gu Yan is now standing on his sister's side, and since that's the case, she doesn't need to continue to pretend.

If we don’t say the price right now, should we wait until we are born?

Gu Ninghuan turned his head and looked at the maid who was standing by: "Come on, help me get a mirror and let her take a good look. It's not worth the money."

"What exactly do you mean Gu Ninghuan!" Lin Weiyin was very angry at Gu Ninghuan's straightforward humiliation.

"Do you not understand the literal meaning? Lin Weiyin, you have to figure it out, it is my brother who is the one who has such a body and a twisted heart that is related to you." Gu Ninghuan thought of her admiration from childhood. Her brother actually had a physical relationship with a woman like Lin Weiyin, so she felt obedient.

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