Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 568: Qiao Jin'er was riding a broken boat

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568   Qiao Jin'er is riding a broken ship

Gu Ninghuan's outspokenness made Lin Weiyin feel embarrassed.

"In short, if there is no 50 million, I will not give birth to this child." Lin Weiyin's attitude was firm.

Gu Ninghuan rubbed his car keys with his fingers and smiled brightly: "If it is so, I will appreciate you. I will help you book the best obstetrician and gynecologist to help you abortion."

Wen Yanlin's eyes were full of despair, Gu Ninghuan was ruthless than her, and more fearless than her.

She can only turn her head to look at Gu Yan, and looks pitiful: "Gu Yan, do you have the heart to watch your children disappear like this? In fact, I don't necessarily give birth to unhealthy children, can you believe it? I once."

"My sister is right. If a greedy mother like you is born after the child is born, it will also be detrimental to his future growth." Gu Yan looked up coldly at Lin Weiyin, unmoved.

Lin Weiyin's face was disappointed, she knew she had nothing now.

She is done.

If she still has freedom now, she might be able to make things bigger, but now she is surrounded by Gu Ninghuan's servants and bodyguards.

"I know, I accept your arrangement, but you also have to promise me that when I give birth to a child, you cannot revenge me for the previous thing.

And you have to make me worry-free and money-free for the rest of my life. Lin Weiyin saw that the general trend was gone, and did not continue to try to fight anything.

Gu Ninghuan did not intend to force Lin Weiyin too hard: "Yes, I promise you."

With Gu Ninghuan's assurance, Lin Weiyin was barely satisfied.

It doesn't matter if she can't live a squandered life. Being able to use one child will not lose all the money she needs for the rest of her life.

"Then can you give me my mobile phone? I can't always contact people outside. I'm also a person. I need to have freedom." Lin Weiyin found himself beside this villa No mobile phone anymore.

The only person she could think of taking her phone away was Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan handed Lin Weiyin's mobile phone in her pocket to her: "Lin Weiyin, I can tell you that Qiao Jin'er is now on a broken boat. You'd better stay here and give birth, don't try to do anything extravagant. Thing.

Otherwise, the rest of your life will be more miserable than the wild dogs on the roadside, do you understand? "

"I know."

Lin Weiyin's fingers clung to the corner of her clothes, now she can only Gu Ninghuan said what is what, there is no room for resistance.

Gu Ninghuan got Lin Weiyin's promise before handing her the phone.

Lin Weiyin's first thing to get the phone was to switch it on. Gu Ninghuan didn't want to stay with her anymore and turned around and went out.

Gu Yan had nothing to worry about Lin Weiyin, so he followed Gu Ninghuan and went out.

He had no love for Lin Weiyin, and the absurd one-night stand only made him feel ashamed, not excited or happy.

"I really hope that Lin Weiyin is not carrying your child. Brother, are you sure you really have a relationship with a woman like Lin Weiyin?" Gu Ninghuan is still somewhat unwilling.

Gu Yan was somewhat helpless: "Ning Huan, can you stop asking this question."

Gu Ninghuan saw that Gu Yan did not answer directly, and knew that her question was just dying.

"Okay, I know. You really have a physical relationship with Lin Weiyin." Gu Ninghuan was downcast.

Gu Yan raised his hand and touched Gu Ninghuan's head: "Ning Huan, I know you are worried about me, but I have no feelings for Lin Weiyin, so there will be no distress and disappointment, I will make no decision Disappointing choice.

At the same time, you have to promise me not to embarrass her, no matter who Lin Weiyin is, she is pregnant now, can't she understand it? "

Gu Ninghuan nodded heavily, as Gu Yan said, she did not need to embarrass a pregnant woman.

Even if it's embarrassing, wait until she is born.


Inside the villa, Lin Weiyin took his mobile phone, went to the balcony and called Liqing.

Li Qing connected almost immediately. Before Li Qing spoke, Lin Weiyin said, "I'm looking for Qiao Jin'er."

"You are Lin Weiyin? Did Gu Ninghuan give you the phone? She is not with you now?" Li Qing threw out three questions in a row, two of which were about Gu Ninghuan.

Li Qing cares about Gu Ninghuan so much. Does this mean that Qiao Jin'er also cares about Gu Ninghuan?

Lin Weiyin suddenly thought that Gu Ninghuan used to describe Qiao Jin'er now taking a broken ship. She didn't seem to be wrong.

After hearing the words Lin Weiyin, Qiao Jiner took Liqing's mobile phone and stuck it to his ear: "Where are you now? Tell me, I will get someone to pick you up immediately."

"No, I want to stay here. Let's break up Qiao Jin'er." Lin Weiyin made up his mind at that moment.

Qiao Jin'er now has no ability to face Gu Ninghuan. She is so weak now. If Lin Weiyin still doesn't see the situation clearly, is it waiting for Qiao Jin'er to drop the broken ship?

Lin Weiyin and Qiao Jin'er Gu Ninghuan are different. Even if both of them are fighting and losing both sides, there are families who rely on them to protect them from the wind and rain.

They can fight at any cost, but she can't afford it. She is just an ordinary person and she can't lose every step of the way.

Qiao Jiner sneered: "Did Gu Ninghuan give you a little benefit, you are willing to stay with Gu Ninghuan? I tell you Lin Weiyin, you have done so many wrong things, Gu Ninghuan will not allow it You are alive and well."

"At least I am with Gu Ninghuan, and I can spend ten months in peace. If I continue to fight against Gu Ninghuan, whether I can live for three months is an unknown." Lin Weiyin looks at life now Be very clear.

She knew that Qiao Jin'er was living anxiously now. It was because of this that she realized that Qiao Jin'er was not firmly around her.

"So you want to rely on Gu Ninghuan? An enemy who snatched my cousin? Have you ever thought that if you don't have Gu Ninghuan, maybe you are Mrs. Fu Jiashao now." Qiao Jin'er is still trying to persuade Lin Weiyin.

Lin Weiyin is her pawn. Although it doesn't matter, she can disgust Gu Ninghuan.

"Qiao Jin'er, you don't have to lie to me with this sentence anymore. Since I took off and stood in front of Xishen, he didn't look at me, I knew he really didn't love me." Lin Weiyin was not that silly.

She had always felt that Fu Xi deeply liked her before she would fight to fight.

But Fu Xishen had rejected her so clearly, how could she continue to be obsessed.

Besides, if Qiao Jin'er had a little heart that she wanted to marry into Fu's family, she would not plan to make her pregnant with Gu Yan's children.

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