Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 569: Qiao Jin'er fled abroad

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Chapter 569: Qiao Jin'er Escapes Abroad

Now she is pregnant with Gu Yan's child.

Even if it is not born, there is absolutely no possibility to be with Fu Xishen.

The Fu family will never let a biological mother who is a girl standing on the street, divorce, abortion and severe depression marry Fu Xishen.

Since there is no hope, she will not continue to hope, even if she still loves Fu Xishen, but that is useless.

"Lin Weiyin, I hope you won't regret the choice you made today." Qiao Jin'er said to cut off the phone.

Lin Weiyin watched Qiao Jin'er hang up the phone and realized that now she had completely offended Qiao Jin'er. Now she must give birth to Gu Yan's child in peace.

A few days after Lin Weiyin lived in the villa, Gu Ninghuan was indeed worried that she would suddenly make trouble.

Every day, she would let the maid keep Lin Weiyin in step to prevent Lin Weiyin from committing suicide.

Her purpose has not been to let Lin Weiyin die.

Surprisingly, Lin Weiyin was very quiet, so quiet that Gu Ninghuan was a bit strange.

Even according to the servant's reply, Lin Weiyin really enjoyed the feeling of being served.

Gu Ninghuan was relieved when he saw this.

Now that Lin Weiyin has divided points, the next step is to deal with Qiao Jin'er.


In the nanny car outside the crew, Milo's face was a little unsightly: "All your business inquiries have stopped recently, do you know what's going on?"

"I don't understand what you mean." Qiao Jin'er reached out and pressed his eyebrows, since Lin Weiyin had trouble with her.

She had been having nightmares. She dreamed that she was tossed by Gu Ninghuan to nothing, and she could only stay in Qiao's house.

She dreamed that her popularity had plummeted, and she could only stay in front of the TV and watch the scenery of those who were inferior to her.

"You're right now, business inquiries should only increase, and even if it is reduced, it won't suddenly decrease all, which must be a problem." Milo wanted to hear the truth.

Qiao Jin'er is an artist who makes her very worry-free, with good appearance, good acting skills, strong background and no black history.

She is a typical perfect star, so Milo does not often stay by her side, but concentrates on opening up resources for her.

But now she didn't know who was causing it, so she had nothing to say for her endorsement, and she could not solve it unless she asked clearly.

Qiao Jin'er said lightly: "The business inquiries will stop. I'm an actor. I shouldn't have been too distracted in endorsements. As long as I act well, I believe that endorsements will come back."

"I'm afraid now, I'm afraid, what you cause will affect your acting." Milo didn't know that the main business of actors is acting.

But endorsement is also a way to increase the exposure of actors.

And the income of advertising endorsements is very rich, even if Qiao Jin'er is a wealthy man, there is no need to put money away from it.

But Milo was a little disappointed to see Qiao Jin'er look so oily.

"Since you don't want to say, then I will not continue to force you, but I advise you to tell me, I am your agent, and I will stand by your side.

Besides, to solve the troubles at work for you, it was originally what I should do, otherwise I am not a white-collar salary. Milo calmly continued to persuade her.

Qiao Jin'er said lightly: "Thank you, Milo. But I really don't know why. I'm filming on the set almost all day now. I really don't have any time to cause trouble."

"Okay, since you said that, I won't continue to force you to wait until you want to say it." Milo was afraid of putting pressure on Qiao Jin'er and ended the topic in time.

She left the babysitter's car and was ready to continue to go to the business director to discuss how to resolve business inquiries and stop the matter.

After Milo left the babysitter's car, Li Qing brought a cup of flower tea to Qiao Jin'er: "Jin'er, whether the business inquiries stopped was Gu Ninghuan doing."

"Otherwise can there be." Qiao Jin'er's black pupil is full of cold.

Gu Ninghuan's actions are really fast. Now Lin Weiyin has just started to deal with her as soon as she is pregnant.

So what is she going to do next time?

Do you want to block her and make her playless?

"Are we going to find Mrs. Fu, let her make the decision for you." Li Qing wanted to find Mrs. Fu for help the first time.

Qiao Jin'er shook his head: "No, I can't trouble my aunt for a little bit. Gu Ninghuan has told me very clearly that he doesn't care about turning back against his aunt.

In this case, then we must not let Gu Ninghuan and his aunt froze. "

"Why? Let the relationship between Mrs. Fu and Gu Ninghuan be stiff. Isn't this more helpful to us?" Li Qing didn't understand.

He didn't understand why, Qiao Jin'er wanted to help Gu Ninghuan to maintain the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Qiao Jin'er's lips are white and bloodless: "If Gu Ninghuan's relationship with her aunt is completely ruined, she will only get more and more cruel.

My cousin may not be able to control my life and death. As long as Gu Ninghuan does not hurt my aunt, his cousin will not scold Gu Ninghuan.

We can't take the initiative to force Gu Ninghuan to ruin the relationship with his aunt, so that Gu Ninghuan can at least take care of her aunt before starting to deal with me. "

Qiao Jiner found that Gu Ninghuan had a kind of cruelty from the bones.

Gu Ninghuan is not like them, they always think that it is not worth it before doing things.

She only cares if she is happy enough to retaliate, even if everything ruins her.

Qiao Jin'er was very afraid of Gu Ninghuan. She could not continue to let Gu Ninghuan suppress.

She looked at Liqing: "In two days, my play will be able to kill, and we will go abroad to hide for a while."

"Is this really the case? Doesn't this make Gu Ninghuan proud?" Li Qing frowned, looking at Qiao Jin'er distressedly.

Qiao Jiner's eyes deepened: "In addition to this, there is no other way. Originally, I wanted to use Lin Weiyin as a chess piece to contain Gu Ninghuan, but I didn't expect her to be bought by Gu Ninghuan. Method."

"I understand, I will do it immediately." Li Qing went to buy a ticket.

Qiao Jin'er leaned on the seat and had a headache.

What should I do to make my cousins ​​and Gu Ninghuan look back.

Gu Ninghuan, who didn't rely on her cousin, could easily smash it with a finger.

On the weekend, Gu Ninghuan went to Chuzhai with a gift for grandpa.

She has been in a good mood recently and just came to see him when she got a call from Grandpa.

Lengthened Lincoln stopped outside the Chu's house. The driver got off the car and pulled the door for Gu Ninghuan. She picked up something and got off the car. She had just stood firm.

A black Ferrari brushed against her skirt very quickly and stopped abruptly.

Gu Ninghuan was frightened by this sports car. Before he even asked the driver around him, he saw the door of the sports car open and a tall and thin man came down.

He turned his head to look at Gu Ninghuan, his eyes dark, his facial features extremely aggressive.

It is an unavoidable existence at a glance.

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