Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 570: Who made her just a sleeping tool

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Chapter 570: Who made her just a sleeping tool

Gu Ninghuan glanced at him, then withdrew his gaze.

Whether this man drives a car or the clothes he wears, they are worth a lot.

She walked into the Chu's house without looking squinted, and heard the driver behind him looking at the man and called Master.

Master? That's the Chu family.

This made Gu Ning Huan curious. In the end, who the son of the sharp-eyed man was.

However, the people of the Chu family are not too complete. Even if she knows the name of the man’s father, she is probably not known.

The servant, who had been guarding the door of Chu's house for a long time, saw Gu Ninghuan greeted him immediately and took her to Grandpa Chu.

The news that she inserted the dagger into Chu Zi's body spread throughout the Chu's house late at night. Everyone was surprised by Gu Ninghuan's behavior and felt she was too cold.

It is also because of this that when Gu Ninghuan appeared in the Chu family again, no one dared to appear in front of her with provocative temptations.

Chu Zi is the granddaughter of Grandpa Chu. His granddaughter was stabbed by his granddaughter, but Grandpa Chu did not help his granddaughter.

This is the real hammer that Chu Chu favored Gu Ninghuan!

The Chu family was a little bit upset. Even Chu Nian had not received so much indulgence from Mr. Chu. What was Gu Ninghuan doing?

Obviously Gu Ninghuan didn't have much time to accompany her grandfather, but as long as she came to Chu's house, she would patiently accompany him to do what he liked.

For example, fish farming. When Chu was young, he killed too much. After he got old, he began to like slow life.

Gu Ninghuan brought her grandmother’s hand-made fish food to her grandfather today, and asked her to feed the koi carp in the big pond outside his room.

She likes Koi very much, watching the brightly colored Koi swim in the clear water pool, so that Gu Ninghuan can feel the endless vitality.

But she would never raise koi carps. She was mainly worried about feeding them one day, so she ignited her desire to eat them.

The plump and brightly colored koi carps just look delicious.

Gu Ninghuan watched Grandpa holding the fish food while feeding the fish, but all he had in mind was grilled fish.

She accompanied the grandfather to feed the fish and played chess. The day passed quickly. After dinner, she left under the unwilling eyes of her grandfather.

Gu Ninghuan, accompanied by his servant, had just walked out of the courtyard where Grandpa lived and ran into Chu Zi head-on.

Since the dispute that night, Gu Ninghuan has not seen Chu Zi for a long time.

As soon as she saw Chu Zi, she would think of what she said.

Those vicious words used to scrape her body like a blade.

Even if the time has passed for a long time now, she still left a scar in her heart, and it has not disappeared until now.

When Chu Zi saw Gu Ninghuan, there was still hatred in her eyes, but she didn't have the courage to provoke Gu Ninghuan now.

All she can do is stand there and stare at her bitterly.

The last time Gu Ninghuan took a knife and inserted it into her body is still vivid. It was also those injuries that made Chu Zi miss many activities.

The news of her injury could not be concealed by the Chu family, but Grandpa knew that she was injured, but did not express anything.

Grandpa's indifference left Chu Zihan at heart, and she was completely disappointed with Grandpa.

Gu Ninghuan glanced at Chu Zi, and continued to move forward without stopping. Chu Zi stood in the same place: "Gu Ninghuan, I have thought about it recently, you are an aunt’s child, it is also my cousin, There is really no need for us to fight for life and death."

"There really is no need to fight for your life and death, just need to respect each other as ice." Gu Ninghuan dropped this sentence lightly.

She didn't like anyone's apology after hurting others badly. Such apology would make her feel meaningless.

In the relationship between her and Chu Zi, there is an untied knot. Since it cannot be untied, there is no need to untie it.

Not all relatives should be happy, as an adult, in fact, the most should learn is not reluctant.

Since the relationship between the two is not good, why not pretend to be happy, there is no need for this.

Many relatives nowadays are just strangers with the same blood.

"Miss Chu Zi, in fact, if Miss Gu's relationship can't be repaired, you don't have to force it." The servant standing beside Chu Zi persuaded.

Chu Zi looked at her coldly: "How can I know if I can't fix it if I don't try it, but now that I have tried it, then I also know that this matter can't be forced."

After talking, Chu Zi lowered his head to reply to the message on the phone.

Seeing Chu Zi understand, the servant did not continue to say anything.

Chu Zi returned to the room, opened the laptop to do the courseware, and continued to return the message on the phone.

Gu Ninghuan returned to Fu's house, did not deal with work, but lay in bed early to read.

Her book was selected randomly on Fu Xishen's bookshelf, but she didn't expect the content to be good.

When she saw the perverted murderer in the book, the man she saw at the door of Chu's house tonight appeared unconsciously.

The man gave her the feeling like a perverted murderer, they had excellent appearance, but psychological distortion.

Gu Ninghuan raised her hand and squeezed her eyebrows. What was she thinking about? She was just a stranger who had met, how could she think of others like that.

Maybe the man I met in front of the Chu family today is actually a good person.


Gu Ninghuan thinks that from the perspective of the person's overall temperament, it seems that the odds of being a good person are not too great.


Fu Pingjun was now in a suburban villa. She was soaking in the bathtub, looking at the rose petals floating on the water, with a bitter smile on her lips.

The man sent her a text message with only the word "Go Out" on it.

She had to go out in ten minutes to get in the car he sent, and then came to the villa under his name. She took off her clothes and washed them cleanly to make his vent tool.

Fu Pingjun was thinking, if he knew at the time that the price of provoking that man was so heavy.

So no matter what she said, she would not ask him for help.

The maid standing outside the bathroom door raised her hand and glanced at her watch. Fu Pingjun had been in the bathroom for nearly half an hour.

She raised her hand, knocked on the door and said politely and mechanically: "Miss Fu, you have taken a long bath, you should be out, or the young master will be unhappy."

"I know." Fu Pingjun stood up from the bathtub and dried his body.

Her every move here will be monitored by the man next to the man, who makes her just a sleeping tool.

When the servant saw Fu Pingjun wrapped in a bathrobe, he came out and said, "The four young masters are still busy, and he will come over when he is busy."

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