Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 571: Chu Zi is dead

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Chapter 571: Chu Zi is Dead

"Okay." Fu Pingjun's finger clutched the corner of the bathrobe.

Even if she has been seeing people around men for a long time, she still doesn't like the way they talk.

She was lying on the bed in a bathrobe, looking at the dark night outside the window, somewhat confused.

He was so busy, why did he ask her to come over.

Is there no other woman for him to vent?

Fu Pingjun closed his eyes and didn't want to think about it.

She silently told herself that as long as she spent two years with a man, she would be free and have a peaceful life in only two years.

In the realm of men, Fu Pingjun never slept too deeply.

It didn't take long for her to close her eyes, the thin cover covering her body was suddenly opened, and a cool breeze invaded her skin.

Before she opened her eyes, her lips were sealed by the man on her body.

He wanted her movements to be very eager and overbearing. Fu Pingjun, who had always been familiar with his style, tried to relax his body, so as not to wait for the enthusiasm to be too difficult.

The interaction between adults is always so ambiguous and hot.

Two people who have absolutely no love between each other are doing the most intimate things.

After the end, Fu Pingjun breathed a sigh of relief as if completing the task. Her arms full of kiss marks propped her body up, bent over to pick up the bathrobe that fell on the floor: "I still have something to do tomorrow. Let's go first."

"Let Huai take you back." The man's slender fingertips held a cigarette, and the other hand turned over the documents without even lifting his head.

Fu Pingjun listened to the man's instructions and said a good word, without disobeying him.

She knew long ago that this man's passion for her only existed in bed.

Once she left her body, it is estimated that even if she saw her on the road, she would never say hello.

But even this is a good thing for Fu Pingjun.

Her dirty relationship with him doesn't need any emotional component.

Huai is a female assistant who follows the man. After changing clothes, Fu Pingjun followed him out.

Men’s villas like to buy in the suburbs. If after every time, Huai did not send her back, Fu Pingjun could not go back alone.

Huai is relatively young, but he is steady in his work, and Fu Pingjun's quiet personality is also the character Huai likes.

Huai drove the door for Fu Pingjun, and then she also got into the car. She looked at Fu Pingjun in the back seat of the car and said: "When Master and I returned home today, I saw Mrs. Fu Shao you mentioned, she was so beautiful, I have never seen a woman as pretty as her."

In fact, not only men like beautiful women, but women in this world also like beautiful women.

Tonight, she accompanied the four young masters to go back to get the documents. As a result, she saw the lady Fu Shao outside the door of Chu's house.

In fact, Huai did not know Mrs. Fu Shao, but once she heard that Fu Pingjun described Gu Ninghuan's appearance, saying that she was Shi Potian's shocking beauty.

At first glance, no matter who is around her, you will only notice her appearance.

So the moment Huai saw Gu Ninghuan, she thought it should be her.

The only half of Fu's family who can freely enter and exit Chu's house, and one who stands there attracts countless people.

"Really? Then Ning Huan should go back to visit Mr. Chu." Fu Pingjun heard Huai mentioned Gu Ninghuan and began to chat with her.

She wanted to be someone like Gu Ninghuan. If she was brave a little bit earlier, she might not be in the predicament.

"Does he have any plans to travel recently?" Fu Pingjun asked.

"The four young masters are going to Hong Kong tomorrow, and will probably be able to come back in about a week." Huai answered.

Fu Pingjun's tight lips loosened and he traveled for a week, which also meant that she had one week of freedom.

Without a man's life, it is destined to be very relaxed and comfortable.

Huai sent Fu Pingjun to the door of Fu's house and pulled the door for her.

Fu Pingjun got out of the car and whispered thanks, walked into Fu's house. Because she had deliberately explained to her bodyguard before going out, she entered Fu's house without much trouble.

Once the man had sent her house and wanted her to move out of Fu's house, but Fu Pingjun, who had always obeyed the man, refused for the first time.

She likes Fu's family very much. Fu's servants treat her very well, and Mrs. Fu also likes her.

Just because she likes design, Mrs. Fu sent her to the place where she burned money in the School of Design to let her concentrate on her studies.

Fu Pingjun had already decided that she would work with Mrs. Fu all her life to return what Mrs. Fu treated her well.

The Fu family, which was shrouded in the darkness, was very quiet. Fu Pingjun walked on the road and heard a familiar voice: "It's four o'clock in the morning, how come you are back."

Qiao Jin'er put a small suitcase at his feet and looked at Fu Pingjun coldly.

Fu Pingjun's heart tightened, and she never thought she would see Qiao Jin'er here.

Hasn’t she moved out of Fu’s house? And now she should be filming in the crew, how come she suddenly came back.

"Today is the weekend, I sneaked out to play with my friends, so I came back so late." Fu Pingjun explained.

Qiao Jin'er sneered, she was disdainful for Fu Pingjun as a servant.

She rarely even noticed people like Fu Pingjun.

For her, Fu Pingjun is just the tool that sets her off.

But when she called her aunt recently, the aunt would always mention Fu Pingjun if she seemed absent, and praised Fu Pingjun.

She said that she was gentle, sensible and hard-working, and clearly had the opportunity to live in school, but came back for her special weekend to take care of her life.

Qiao Jin'er is very disdainful of Fu Pingjun's low-level flattery. For her, a person is only when there is nothing to return to others.

Only then will you lower your posture to please others, and do whatever a servant can do.

"Fu Pingjun, you are just a servant. You should be grateful for your aunt to read to you. Don't be extravagant for those you can't get." Qiao Jin'er glanced at her coldly.

Fu Pingjun hung down: "I know, I'm just a servant. Does Miss Qiao need to have breakfast at Fu's house before leaving?"

"No, I will catch the six o'clock plane abroad for a while." Qiao Jin'er finished, pulling the suitcase and leaving.

Fu Pingjun looked at Qiao Jin'er's back a bit strangely. Since he was traveling abroad, why didn't he choose a late flight.

People like Qiao Jin'er who had traveled all over the world before he became a man, should not need to go abroad every minute.

She left so anxiously as if she was hiding from someone.

Fu Pingjun lowered his eyes and walked towards the room.

Gu Ninghuan received the news that Qiao Jin'er went abroad, but a few days later, she did not expect Qiao Jin'er to run so fast.

Hasn’t she always been particularly tall and uncompromising? Since this is the case, she should stay in the country and share with her, instead of escaping abroad so quickly.

Gu Ninghuan played with the car key in his hand and was a little unwilling.

She hadn't played enough with Qiao Jin'er yet she went abroad.

Since it doesn't matter if she goes abroad, she doesn't believe that Qiao Jin'er will never return.

As long as she returns to China, she will wait to receive her gift.

Gu Ninghuan parked the car in the parking space near the shooting site, and the mobile phone on the side rang. Looking at the number on the screen, it was the phone of the villa. She answered: "What's the matter?"

"Young lady, the Chu family has just arrived, saying that Chu Zi is dead." The maid's voice was rapid, with a trace of panic.

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