Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 584: The whole process of Gu Ninghuan killing Chu Zi

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Chapter 584: The whole process of Gu Ninghuan killing Chu Zi

Fu Xi laughed deeply: "Then let it go."

His answer was obviously that he didn't want to tell Gu Ninghuan about the grudges between the two of them.

Gu Ninghuan was a little sulky, but he stood up to make coffee for Fu Xi, but the movement of putting down the coffee cup was not so gentle.


She put down the coffee and turned away, and went back to bed.

Fu Xishen looked at the few drops of coffee spilled from the coffee cup. They seemed to tell him that Gu Ninghuan was in a bad mood.

At night, Fu Xishen came out of the bathroom and saw Gu Ninghuan lying on the bed with his eyes closed quietly as if he were asleep.

However, the screen still lit by her pillow was telling Fu Xishen that Gu Ninghuan had just hurriedly put down her phone.

Fu Xishen stepped forward, lifted the quilt's slightly hot body against Gu Ninghuan's back, and naturally put his arm around Gu Ninghuan's waist.

The clear breath on the man made Gu Ninghuan's eyes open with dissatisfaction, she was a little unhappy, and her fingers covered the back of the man's hand, trying to take his hand away from her waist.

But Fu Xishen instead held her cool fingers, and the tip of her nose pressed against her snow-white clean neck: "Angry?"

"Do I look very happy now?" Gu Ninghuan asked back.

Fu Xishen's lips have a slight arc: "It's all old things, there is nothing to say, you know that it is not good for you."

"Is it possible to resolve the hatred?" Gu Ninghuan still had the last hope.

She wanted to resolve the grievances of Chu Fu's family not for herself, but not for the relationship between the two.

Fu Xishen kissed her soft black hair: "It can't be solved. But this is not our problem, and you don't need to put too much pressure on yourself."

Gu Ninghuan was somewhat discouraged. After being reborn, she did reverse her own destiny so that the Gu family was not destroyed by Gu Shijizixing.

But other things seem to have no way to be solved by the power of rebirth.

Before, she forced her to forget the grievances of Fu Chu's family and told her that it was beyond her ability.

Besides, there are many families with grudges, as long as they do not disturb each other, there is no problem.

But now she realized suddenly that her grandfather hadn't handed over her family's business to Chuxifeng's elders. One day, she would not get peace.

But if it was handed to Chu Xifeng, she didn't seem to get much peace. She seemed to face the Chu family anyway.

Gu Ninghuan closed her eyes. She had died early in her previous life and had not experienced these open fights, but it seemed that she would have experienced a happy life.


Chu House, the hall.

All the members of the Chu family can gather there.

Gu Ninghuan's family recognized that it was not so complete, and only dealt with Chu Dongshu and Chu Xifeng Chunian three. As for the others, all of them were strange faces.

However, the Chu family has a good gene, whether it is Chu Nian's generation, or Chu Tan and the dead Chu Zi.

Gu Ninghuan's gaze swept through the hall, and there was not even one that looked bad.

There were many Chu family members in the hall, but few were qualified to sit on the red sandalwood chairs placed in the hall. Even in front of the Chu mansion door, the unruly Chu Tan was sitting behind the chairs.

Sitting in the center of the red sandalwood chair is Grandpa Chu, and on the left hand of the grandpa sits Chu Dongshu and Chu Xifeng.

Gu Ninghuan was taken by Dana to the right hand side of the old man.

Chu Xifeng saw Gu Ninghuan sitting opposite him and just wanted to be angry, but because he just lost his loved daughter now, not only is it not reflected in sadness, but too aggressive, for the old man, too Will leave a bad impression.

Thinking of this, Chu Xifeng forced himself to endure.

Not long after Gu Ninghuan sat down, the two forensics were brought in by the servants. The two forensics were appointed by Mr. Chu himself.

It is impossible to be bought, and it is also a person who can be trusted.

Father Chu was exhausted and raised his hand slightly to let the forensic doctor tell the result of the autopsy.

The forensic doctor said: “On Miss Chu Zi’s body, she did not detect any fingerprints about Miss Gu and there was no lethal trauma on Miss Chu Zi’s body. However, in her respiratory tract, we detected toxic ingredients. What is waiting to be known after the test."

Chu Xifeng's face was very cold: "So after a night, did you only detect this kind of thing? Rather than saying that the purpose of your autopsy is to detect the murderer, it is better to say that it is a special purpose for the elution of Gu Ninghuan's suspicion. Autopsy."

"Then I don't know you, can you get any evidence?" Gu Ninghuan's white and pretty face didn't have a big expression. She looked at Chu Xifeng like an outsider.

She didn't even know that Chu Xifeng wanted to target her.

Gu Ninghuan is more polite today, so that the name of Chu Xifeng is not so impersonal.

It is mainly because she realized that if the giants are not equal to each other, it is easy for the high-ranking party to fabricate some evidence and kill the other party with the lower status.

But between the Chu family and the Fu family, the side with the highest position was not Chuxifeng at all.

In this case, Gu Ninghuan needs to worry about something. It's better to pretend to be polite, so that Grandpa doesn't have to face so much distress.

Chu Xifeng sneered: "Dad, the servant gave me a surveillance video yesterday. It is clear that Gu Ninghuan killed my daughter."

"Xifeng, the murder is very serious. If the source of the video is not reliable, you should still be careful." Master Chu's voice is old and powerful, with a little warning in his words.

What he said was obvious. It was to make Chu Xifeng make sure that the video in his hand was not fabricated by others, but a real video.

Chu Xifeng heard that a slight retreat flashed in his eyes, but that retreat had only just appeared not long after, and he was masked by his enthusiasm for property.

Gu Ninghuan was destroyed first, and then Chu Tan was destroyed, so that in the future, only a few brothers and sisters would be left to compete for family property.

"Dad! Chu Zi is my daughter. I'm more serious than anyone else about finding the murderer." Chu Xifeng assured.

Grandpa Chu sighed slightly, and looked at Chu Xifeng’s eyes, with some unclear meaning: “In this case, let’s release the video and let us see what the video is.”

Chu Xifeng looked at Pei Er, a maid who had been serving by Chu Zi's side, and her commander installed the projector equipment and played the video.

The eyes of everyone in the hall were on the video. The people who were originally watching the good show changed their faces after the video was finished.

Even Chu Tan put away the evil smile on his lips, and his amber eyes were a little serious.

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