Pen Fun Club, the fastest update Splendid Rebirth: Mrs. Fu's latest chapter!

Chapter 585

Gu Ninghuan was a little more surprised, and she thought that Chu Xifeng could not produce any meaningful evidence for things she had not done.

But now it seems that Chu Xifeng's ability to forge evidence is much deeper.

When Chu Xifeng saw that everyone around him was quiet, he gave Chu Dongshu a look, and he soon understood.

He also began to prepare to cooperate with Chu Xifeng. Chu Xifeng had such "evidence" in his hands and what else he needed to worry about.

"Gu Ninghuan! What else do you need to explain right now! Zizi's character has always been good, but you dare to do this kind of beast-like behavior to her!" Chu Dongshu stared at Gu Ninghuan fiercely.

Gu Ninghuan has no place to explain. The monitoring just played is the kitchen monitor. It clearly shows that Gu Ninghuan put some points in Chu Zitian soup when he passed the tonic for the Chu master. thing.

As for the monitoring of what Gu Ninghuan put in Chu Zi's food, because she hasn't done it, she has no way of knowing that Chu Xifeng, as a proving party, can arbitrarily make up a script against her.

Chu Xifeng's tone was slow and sad: "Dad, I know you believe Gu Ninghuan, she is your life-saving benefactor anyway, but my daughter is also your granddaughter, I don't ask you to let Gu Ninghuan pay his life, but I hope you can go to see Gu Ninghuan fairly.

People like Gu Ninghuan who have a small belly and indulge in extreme behavior are not qualified to be reused by you and take over your property. "

Grandpa Chu was very calm, without a bit of anger: "Is it?"

Chu Xifeng and Chu Dongshu glanced at each other, and both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

The response of the old man was a little too wrong. When he knew that "Gu Ninghuan poisoned Chu Zi with drugs," he shouldn't be so calm even if he didn't say he was furious.

Chu Dongshu felt that the atmosphere was not right, no matter how Chu Xifeng's eyes signaled, he didn't speak again.

In terms of keeping his body safe, Chu Dongshu is much smarter.

Chu Xifeng saw that the eldest brother didn't speak, and although he couldn't figure out what the old man thought, he still had to bluntly say: "Now the evidence is sufficient, Dad, and I hope you can handle this matter impartially."

"You said that Chu Zi died of Ning Huan's medicine, but the forensic doctor did not find anything strange in Chu Zi's stomach. How do you explain this?" Master Chu said coldly.

Chu Xifeng was prepared early, and said in a hurry: "Not all harmful substances can be detected. Besides, there are many young people now, and it is not surprising to use some toxic substances that are partial to the door."

Between the lines of his words, Gu Ninghuan's intention to hurt others was taken seriously.

Master Chu's fingers rubbed the cane in his hand and looked at Chu Xifeng with disappointment in his eyes.

Chu Xifeng felt that Master Chu's eyes were shining, and he felt a pot of cold water splashing on his face.

He panicked, and began to reflect on whether he was not doing enough.

But he thought there should be no problems.

In the video, he invited a special effects makeup artist in Hollywood, and then sent someone to spend a lot of time to find people similar to the employees who worked in the kitchen that day, and make them look like the Chu family.

He even went to a computer expert and merged the video he had captured with the original surveillance video and processed it all night long, just to let the old man see Gu Ninghuan's true face.

"Xi Feng, Dong Shu and Ning Huan, come with me."

Grandpa Chu finished and stood up and walked into the lounge beside the hall.

The following people saw Mr. Chu calling these three people alone, and they were all whispering, thinking that something must happen next.

Sitting next to Chu Tan, the entourage wearing a black mask felt that something was wrong, and was anxious to take a look at Gu Ninghuan.

But she moved her body, and the man next to her reached out and clasped Fu Pingjun's wrist, lowering her voice: "What do you want to do?"

"I don't worry about letting Gu Ninghuan go to the lounge alone. In front of so many people, Chu Xifeng dared to frame Mrs. Shao, so of course he was even more dare in a private place." Fu Pingjun's voice came from the black mask.

Today, in order not to disturb anyone's intrusion into the Chu family, Fu Pingjun disguised himself and stood beside Chu Tan as a man.

Now the Chu family is covered by the cloud of Chu Zi’s sudden death. From the master to the servant, there is no mood to pay attention to others. They are secretly paying attention to the wind direction in the house, waiting for the result of the battle between the two lords and Gu Ninghuan.

Therefore, Fu Pingjun followed Chu Tan and entered the Chu Mansion, which seemed much easier.

Before she entered Chu's house, Gu Ninghuan's situation was very dangerous, but she didn't think that what she thought was too superficial.

At Chuzhai they did not talk badly about the young lady, their exclusion came from within, and even their framing was hidden in secret to make people afraid.

"Relax, as long as the old man lives for a day, the Chu family will not be able to turn my uncles in charge." Chu Tan took Fu Pingjun's wrist without hesitation.

Chu Xifeng's video was very realistic, almost lied to him.

But then he felt something was wrong, because everything Gu Ninghuan did on the surveillance video was so outdated.

In this world, even a lunatic has a set of self-logic logic, and the old man and Gu Ninghuan have a short time together, but since they already want to give Chu's property to her.

Then she must have a certain understanding of her. Gu Ninghuan is indeed a ruthless person, but because she is a ruthless person, she will not use the method of poisoning to kill Chu Zi.

The poisoning is all the tricks used by the loser who can't deal with the opponent positively. Gu Ninghuan's behavior is higher than that of Chu Zi. I don't know a few positions. She has no need to do so.

Chu Tan can all understand this truth. Master Chu may not understand without this.

In the lounge, the atmosphere is quiet.

Chu Dongshu and Chu Xifeng were calmly drinking tea, and Gu Ninghuan sat very quietly beside Master Chu. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Mr. Chu's tone of speech was gentle with intense pressure: "You are called here to leave you with a face. There is a mess in our Chu family, which is nothing.

After all, I'm getting older too. You started to have dissent, and you want to play some tricks under my eyelids, but you have to play smart, instead of taking some stupid tricks on the countertop and showing off! "

Gu Ninghuan held the tea cup in his hand and took a sip, the fresh tea fragrance instantly filled between his lips and teeth.

It's obvious what grandma's words are aimed at.

Chu Xifeng took out his handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He didn't dare to answer the call.

Master Chu has a cold light in his eyes: "Xi Feng, tell me now, is the video you just put in the hall just real?"

The cold sweat between the wind and the forehead of Chuxi became more serious.

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