Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 587: The Chu family handed over to Gu Ninghuan

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Chapter 587: The Chu Family Handed Over to Gu Ninghuan

Chu Xifeng finished looking at the old man and waiting for him to speak.

He felt that the old man might doubt him now, but that suspicion should not be enough for the old man to kick him out of the Chu family.

Old Master Chu nodded slightly, agreeing that Chu Xifeng had arrested the servant, and it also meant to calm down.

Chu Xifeng also breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly went out with Chu Dongshu to find the servant who "mindedly provoked" their relationship with the Chu family.

Soon after Chu Xifeng and Chu Dongshu walked out of the lounge with their hearts, Gu Ninghuan also got up and left.

Grandpa Chu stopped her, "Ning Huan, are you disappointed with my practice today?"

Gu Ninghuan stopped and turned to smile: "Why do you say that?"

"I thought you would expect me to deal with the wind more severely." Master Chu looked at Gu Ninghuan with inquiry.

Gu Ninghuan replied very honestly: "Actually, Grandpa, you and I know what is going on in the video. In that case, that's enough. I don't really like the Chu family, but the mourning daughter that the second grandfather just experienced Pain.

Chu Zi does have my bracelet in his hand. I can't explain this point. Since he has acted improperly on this impulse, he can understand it. "

Grandpa Chu was somewhat surprised that Gu Ninghuan would actually stand in Chuxifeng's position and think.

"It makes me surprised that you can think like this. I thought you would fight with Xifeng forever."

Gu Ninghuan: "There is no such hatred between me and Chu Xifeng, so there is no need to fight each other."

"You go out first." Grandpa Chu looked into Gu Ninghuan's eyes, all satisfied at this time.

Gu Ninghuan walked out of the lounge and closed the door.

What she said just now in front of Grandpa Chu is true. At the beginning of her rebirth, she was a person with only hatred in her heart.

She hated all the people she really treated each other, but in the end she threw her into hell.

But Chu Xifeng didn't hurt her in this way, and Gu Ninghuan naturally didn't need to kill him.

However, she also wanted to know whether Chu Xifeng had investigated the accidental death of Chu Zi when she framed her.

As Chu Zi was young, how could he die suddenly, and even more bizarrely, Gu Ninghuan's bracelet happened to appear in her hand so coincidentally.

It seems that someone wants to use the conflict between her and Chu Zi as a weapon.

Gu Ninghuan walked to the hall, and it didn't take long for him to sit down. The play in the hall had already begun.

A male maid knelt in the middle of the Chu family hall, thumped his head, and shed tears: "Sorry, sir. I was so fainted that I wanted to make a contribution, so I forged the surveillance video to the second lord, but I really knew it was wrong."

Father Chu looked at the servant who was kneeling down and knew that he was only an actor, but he still had to cooperate with the acting.

"Throw out fifty boards, and no activities will be allowed in Suzhou City in the future." Master Chu said lightly.

Even if he knew that this servant was just a scapegoat, but in order to beat the servant, Master Chu had to be treated severely.

The maid felt cold for a while, and the Chu family was well-formed. He knew this.

After fifty boards, he is estimated to be half his life.

But even if it was like this, he thought it was worth it. The money given by Chu Xifeng was enough for him to take risks.

The men were dragged down by covering their mouths. People like them, even being beaten and tortured, were not qualified to perform in front of these expensive masters.

Old Master Chu’s old fingers fell on the table: “It’s probably my age now, so I will let these servants look down on them in plain sight, and even dare to use such tricks as forging videos to dare to use them in front of me.

The Chu family is more splendid every day, but I am getting older every day. It is better to give the heir the matter while I can still say a few words. "

When Chu Xifeng heard this, he shook his heart and hadn’t said anything yet. Chu Dongshu had stood up: “Dad, look at what you’re saying. You’re still in a strong body, and you’re in charge of the Chu family. No problem for ten years.

And I will help you as the eldest son, you can call me, I have absolutely no complaints. "

When Chu Xifeng heard this from his elder brother, he sneered again and again.

His eldest brother really can't change his concern about his eldest son's identity at any time, so I have to mention it at this time.

How can he not think about it? For so many years, they have only been able to take care of Chu's marginal industries, and there is no way to intervene in the true core industry.

But Gu Ninghuan was personally approved by the old man to deal with the company's core industry.

Now that the situation is clear, even if the old man wants to retire, most of the Chu family's property will not reach them.

So what's the use of the eldest son? It has long been an era of standing strong and standing long.

"Dad, I also think that you are in good health now, don't you have to think about the purpose of training successors early, we also want to learn more from you next to you." Chu Xifeng praised Master Chu.

Gu Ninghuan, who quietly looked at all this, thought Chu Xifeng said something funny, just as a strong man? Even if Mr. Chu is in good health, he is also an old man in his eighties.

How can the old man be related to the four words of a strong middle age?

After Chu Xifeng and Chu Dongshu started the flattery, the flattering flattery sounded in the Chu Family Hall.

The older Mr. Chu, the worse his face is. The usual auspicious words are quite pleasant to listen to. After all, people are old, no matter how they are, they are a little disobedient.

Therefore, since the juniors are willing to praise him, Grandpa Chu is also willing to listen.

But why do these juniors praise him now? It is nothing more than worrying that he will hand over all the property to Gu Ninghuan.

They knew that no matter who the Chu family surnamed Chu hands, they have the opportunity to compete fairly.

But if they are handed over to Gu Ninghuan, the chance they **** will be greatly reduced. Gu Ninghuan is the younger wife of the Fu family.

After she held the core rights of the Chu family, coupled with the Fu family escorting her, how could they compete with her?

After understanding the thoughts of the juniors, Master Chu said unpleasantly: "Enough! Not to mention those useless, I have decided to let Gu Ninghuan and Chu Tan learn to take over the affairs of the Chu family."

After the master finished speaking, the audience quieted down instantly, and Chuxifeng's forehead appeared with blue muscles. The grandfather really didn't plan to consider them at all, and actually handed over his family's business to a few small hands.

It’s just a matter of thinking about Chu Tan, that kid really has some skills.

But what is Gu Ninghuan in the end!

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