Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 588: Was forced to stay in the Chu family

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588   was forced to stay in the Chu family

Gu Ninghuan's beautiful brow furrowed tightly. She didn't expect her grandfather to make the decision after she refused.

She didn't even want to touch the hot potato in the Chu family.

What's more, the greater the right, the greater the risk. After Grandpa announced the incident in public, I am afraid that there will be no way for her to remain peaceful for a long time.

Just thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan felt a headache.

In fact, since the relationship between Chu Tan and Fu Xishen is good, Chu Tan should also have good ability. In this case, why does Grandpa do not give full training to Chu Tan and give the Chu family to her who does not know how to manage.

Gu Ninghuan is full of doubts. After waiting for the crowd to disperse, go to ask Grandpa or she should first ask Chu Tan's views on this matter.

Her eyes fell on Chu Tan, but the evil and handsome man didn't pay attention to the old man at all. Instead, his handsome nose was close to the male follower. It seemed that the two men were very close.

Fu Pingjun felt that the man was getting closer and closer to her, and could not help moving to the side, wanting to distance himself from him: "Now so many people are watching, you should pay attention, otherwise it will be passed on later It’s a masculine thing."

Chu Tan chuckled and didn't care about the tone: "Then pass it! Anyway, my old... Chu family will find a lot of mistakes in me after knowing that I was trained as an heir. Since this is the case, I might as well give They create a few."

After he finished speaking, he leaned more on Fu Pingjun's soft body.

Fu Pingjun was not used to being so close to him under the large crowd, but he was held so tightly that he couldn't move at all. It was more suspicious that he was struggling and worried.

In the Chu Family Hall, several have noticed the strangeness of Chu Tan.

Chutan has always been surrounded by hot and beautiful women, when to change the taste to like younger boys.

See how he indulges himself like this, but he can be fancy by the old man and cultivated as an heir. It's really life-threatening to get angry.

"You and the young lady were chosen as heirs. Will you start competing with Chu's family property with her?" Fu Pingjun asked.

Chu Tan's eyes narrowed slightly and smiled: "Such as the Chu family is prosperous and harmonious, the various forces inside have long been intertwined in the ground, in this case, no matter who takes over the Chu family is a game No blood fighting.

The old man clearly understood this, but he and I brought Gu Ninghuan and me out to face the Jackals of the Chu family. He did so, either he really wanted us to practice in advance, or he kept his heart true. Heir. "

"You mean that Grandpa Chu may not really want to train you two, but wants you to clear obstacles for his heirs?" Fu Pingjun did not think of this.

She still has a little yearning for her family, and it is also because of this that she feels that something can't happen and won't happen.

Gu Ninghuan was the one who saved Mr. Chu's life. How could he use Gu Ninghuan as a gunman.

After the crowd in the Chu Family Hall had dispersed, Gu Ninghuan went to find Grandpa, but was stopped by the housekeeper next to Grandpa for the first time.

Gu Ninghuan frowned slightly: "This seems to be the first time I have seen my grandfather, but I was turned away."

"Ms. Chu Zi's sudden death made the old man very uncomfortable. But at this time, Miss Gu, you have an accident again. After solving your matter, the old man can finally relax and hope you don't disturb him." The butler replied .

Gu Ninghuan's frowned eyebrows didn't let go. Now the reason for Chu Zi's sudden death has not been found. According to the character of Grandpa, it should not be allowed to let the juniors deal with this matter.

In this case, why not relax.

"I want to know why I have already told my grandfather that I did not intend to take over the Chu family's assets, but my grandfather has to announce in public that I will be trained as an heir." She only found it strange that her grandfather's behavior did not Certain logic can be said.

Butler Lao Cheng smiled heavily: "Sometimes the mind of the old man cannot even be completely guessed by people like me who have been with him for many years, but I think the old man should have his plan, and you don't have to be too much Worry."

Gu Ninghuan said, nodded and turned to leave.

But how could she not worry, she was extremely worried.

She was worried about her future situation, and whether she would be dissatisfied with Mrs. Fu after being drawn into the Chu family.

The hatred between the Chu family and the Fu family one day she didn't figure it out, she couldn't get too close to the Chu family one day.

Gu Ninghuan walked to the front door of the Chu family and was stopped when he wanted to go out.

She looked up at the bodyguard who stopped her: "What do you mean?"

"Sorry Miss Gu, the housekeeper ordered that no one could leave Chu Zhai until the cause of Miss Chu Zi's death was investigated." The bodyguard replied in a low voice.

Gu Ninghuan pursed her lips, if Chu Xi winds such an order, then she will not obey.

But now Grandpa gave the order in person, and she couldn't get out even if she didn't want to obey.

Grandpa Chu is not the same as Chu Xifeng. The two have different powers and connections.

Since Grandpa didn't let her out, Gu Ninghuan didn't plan to stand still anymore. She turned around and went back to the courtyard where the Chu family had prepared for her.

But seeing Chu Tan and his entourage walking slowly from a distance, they were also stopped by the bodyguards guarding the door.

Chu Tan heard the order from the old man and sneered. He prepared to go back without any resistance.

Gu Ninghuan looked at him so calmly and said: "Chu Tan, I don't want to compete with you for the Chu family, so please show yourself so that my grandfather can leave the Chu family property to you."

"If you are afraid, no matter how good I am, the old man will never give the Chu family into my hands. So please take care, and those who are useless in the Chu family will always appear in front of you from time to time. Disgusting you." Chu Tan's voice was frivolous, and after leaving such a word, he turned and left.

When his entourage followed Chu Tan to leave, he looked back at Gu Ninghuan several times. Finally, Chu Tan pinched his waist impatiently, preventing him from looking back.

Gu Ninghuan felt that there was something strange between Chu Tan and his followers, and that this male follower looked at her eyes, making her feel inexplicably familiar.

But in her memory, she didn't seem to know such a person.

Gu Ninghuan returned to the courtyard where Dana arranged for her before. After dinner, Gu Ninghuan sat on the stone bench and looked at her cell phone 34 times, but still did not see Fu Xishen returning the message to her.

Gu Ninghuan sent a message to Fu Xishen, and said the matter here briefly, in order not to let him be as loud as last time, but Fu Xishen was calm this time, but Gu Ninghuan was not so happy.

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