Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 619: What are you thinking about

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Chapter 619 What are you thinking about?

Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen didn't stay at the Chu's house for a long time. They walked out of Chu's courtyard and saw Chu Nian standing at the gate of Chu's courtyard. They bowed their heads and said what the servants were saying.

Every time Chu Nian sees Gu Ninghuan, she will always mean her a little bit, which leads Gu Ninghuan to see her, and her habit is not very comfortable.

Chu Nian was not as calm as she used to be this time. She looked at Gu Ninghuan quietly and said slowly: "I already know everything, Gu Ninghuan, although I hate you, you also I have never regarded me as a mother, but I still want to persuade you, if you want to endure hardship, you have to know the current affairs."

Gu Ninghuan was surprised that Chu Nian would come to persuade her that their blood relationship is indeed a mother and daughter, but the actual relationship between the two can be regarded as hostile.

It was strange that Chu Nian came over and persuaded her to take over the Chu family because of the relationship between them.

Gu Ninghuan only wondered about Chu Nian's strange performance for a while, then he didn't pay attention to it.

"Gu Ninghuan, did you know that Chu Tan was stabbed by my second brother and is still kept in the room? If you have a little sense of responsibility, you should stand up to take over the Chu family and maintain the order of the Chu family." Chu Nian Seeing that Gu Ninghuan did not react to what she had said before, she was unhappy.

After listening to Chu Nian's name, Gu Ning Huan stopped, and she turned to look at Chu Nian: "The Chuxi wind hurts Chu Tan. Doesn't Master Chu come forward and make the decision for Chu Tan?"

Chu Xifeng was because in a few days, two daughters who had been raised around him died in a row, and they were angry and hurt Chu Tan who investigated the truth.

But the rules of the Chu family are really inexplicable.

Obviously Gu Ninghuan and Chu Tan were forced to obey the orders of Chu's grandfather to investigate Chu Zi's death, and later they found out within a specified time.

The result is not only without a little reward, but also got into trouble.

All the people close to her were drugged, and Chu Tan's experience was worse than hers.

Chu Nian's eyes deepened, with a proud tone: "How did Dad come forward to make decisions for Chu Tan, after all, the second brother's approach, but the fourth brother is also Chu Tan's father's default."

"A father actually allowed his brother to hurt his son. Your Chu family's education is really eye-opening." Gu Ninghuan couldn't understand the Chu family.

Gu Ninghuan was not used to the Chu family's cronyism and blind obedience to the elders.

"That's right. Who let Chu Tan kill the blood of his second brother for the sake of a woman in the district, and sacrifice a living person for the grievance of the dead. This kind of thing can only be done by you ignorant young people. "" Chu Nian's beautiful eyes were full of sneer.

Without much speculation, Gu Ninghuan and Chu Nian had too many differences in their ideas, and they did not like each other. As a result, Gu Ninghuan and Chu Nian stayed in the same space for more than ten minutes, and they felt unwell.

Gu Ninghuan didn't want to continue to listen to Chu Nian's malformed rules. She pulled Fu Xishen forward without squinting.

When Chu Nian saw Gu Ninghuan up to now, she still didn't realize how dangerous she was at this time, and some of her angrily corrupted opening: "Gu Ninghuan, you must take over the Chu family as soon as possible and firmly hold the Chu family's power center firmly in In your own hands, otherwise you will regret it."

Gu Ninghuan said, regretting his steps, he paused slightly.

She had regretted it for a long time. From the beginning, she should not judge the Chu family wrongly, thinking that the Chu family was not threatening.

When Gu Ninghuan got on the car sent by Fu Xishen, she seemed to think something: "Chutan was hurt by Chuxi wind, so do we need to visit him, anyway, at first Without his help, Chu Zi’s findings will not come out so quickly."

"No need to find him."

"Why don't you have to look for him, Chu Tan is your friend, don't you worry about anything at all? Although listening to Chu Nian's tone, Chu Tan will not be life-threatening, but after all, he was stabbed and should be injured. Very serious."

"In recent days, Fu Pingjun has not returned to Fu's home, it should be accompanied by Chu Tan, if you go to see Chu Tan at this time, his injury will become more serious."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

"Chu Tan actually let Pingjun stay because of injuries and selling miserably, which really used the wound to the extreme." Gu Ninghuan really admired Chu Tan.

No wonder Fu Xishen didn't go to see Chu Tan. It turned out that Chu Tan was already using the wound to make Fu Pingjun feel distressed.

Sure enough, it would be a man who understands those little nines at the bottom of the man's heart.

Gu Ninghuan gave Fu Xishen a meaningful look: "Will you use naive tricks like Chu Tan to deal with me?"

"will not."

Fu Xishen answered too quickly, making Gu Ninghuan smile deeper.

It is said that after a long time between husband and wife, they will inevitably see each other when they are dissatisfied with each other.

However, as Gu Ninghuan married Fu Xishen more days, he became more and more fond of Fu Xishen and liked that no matter what he did, it was excellent.

After arriving in Kyoto, Fu Xishen and Gu Ninghuan did not even return to the villa, so they went directly to Muyan.

She took the antidote given by Mr. Chu, and it should be okay.

But Fu Xishen was not at ease, insisting on taking her to Muyan to draw blood again.

But as soon as Gu Ninghuan thought of Mu Yan’s blood drawing technique, his arm started to feel faint again. The last place where Mu Yan helped her to draw blood left a big blue bruise, even now it is still hidden. Pain.

"You can't go without it. Muyan's blood draw is painful. I don't have a fever and I'm in a hurry. After we draw blood from the hospital, we take the blood to Muyan for examination." Gu Ninghuan Holding Fu Xishen's arms coquettishly, unwilling to get off the car.

Fu Xi looked down at her deeply: "Today the wine is here, she doesn't hurt to draw blood."

"Is that the wine that the animal said to rescue animals last time? Since she is the animal rescue, should it be a veterinarian, can the veterinarian help the human to draw blood?!" Gu Ninghuan did not have any opinion on the veterinarian.

But a veterinarian is a doctor who rescues animals and helps people treat diseases. There should be a big difference.

"Jiujiu was picked up by Muyan at the age of three and brought him to take care of him. He learned the treatment of people since childhood, not a veterinarian. What is your little head thinking about?" Fu Xishen raised his hand and knocked on Gu Ninghuan's forehead. Indulge in spoiling.

Gu Ninghuan said that this was a little reassuring.

If it wasn't for the veterinarian to cross-industry to help people draw blood, she would be relieved.

Otherwise, she was quite worried about being tied to the blood table with wine and wine, drawing blood like an animal.

Gu Ninghuan, who was dismissed by Fu Xishen, obediently followed Fu Xishen to get off, and the two got out and walked to the door of Muyan's house.

After the infrared scan, the door of Muyan's house opened, and Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen walked in.

I saw a girl with two twisted braids, holding her body's internal organs in her hand, carefully scrutinizing.

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