Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 620: Rubbing her tender palms gently

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Chapter 620 Finger rubbing her tender palm gently

The wine is very beautiful, with round cheeks and round eyes, and the fleshy fingers reveal the tenderness unique to young people.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the organs in her body, and the whole person took a step back.

The cute girl is holding dark-gray organs, which is a big visual impact.

Gu Ninghuan's guts are not so good, like a horror movie, she has never watched it like a hospital anatomy movie.

As a result, as soon as I entered the house of Mu Yan, I saw a girl holding a human organ, which was like the beginning of a horror movie.

"Jiujiu." Fu Xi deeply calmly called the name of Jiujiu.

The aging wine immersed in the organs in his hand heard Fu Xishen's voice, and put the organ in his hand into the jar with the formalin liquid in front of him.

Afterwards, she came down from the stool with a "rub" and ran to Fu Xishen, smiling at him sweetly: "Brother Xishen, here you come! The chocolate you bought me last time, I already ate Finished."

Fu Xishen, who has always been very indifferent to people, has also approached a lot of attitudes when facing Mujiu: "I will give Ji Bai another box for you later."

"All right! All right! Thank you Brother Xishen!" Mu Jiu Jiu heard a box of chocolates to eat, his eyes half-curved.

"Even if Fu Xishen gives you a box of chocolates, you can only eat one piece a day." Mu Yan's voice sounded.

When Mu Jiu Jiu heard Mu Yan's words, the whole person was absent, and the small and cute facial features were wrinkled together.

Muyan walked behind Mujiu and raised her hand to touch the back of her head: "Take off the gloves and wash your hands to help Xishen's wife draw blood."

After hearing the words, Mujiu nodded cleverly and took off his gloves to wash his hands.

Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen were sitting at the table, and Mu Yan was also sitting opposite Fu Xishen: "Jiu Jiu is very happy every time she receives snacks from Ji Bai. You will be asked to give her twice a week."

"Well," Fu Xishen agreed.

Gu Ninghuan asked with some curiosity: "How old is she?"

"Twenty." Mu Yan replied.

Gu Ninghuan froze for a moment, is Mujiu already 20 years old?

This is really not visible, she thought Jiujiu was only fifteen years old.

"When Mu Jiu Jiu was 13 years old, he was pushed down the stairs on the fourth floor, and he broke his head. Later, although he was treated in time, he still fell ill and became a half fool." Fu Xishen used words Very direct.

Mu Yan didn't care about Fu Xishen's saying that Mu Jiu Jiu was a half fool. He and Fu Xi Shen had a good relationship with each other, and Mu Jiu Jiu did have intellectual problems, and Fu Xishen didn't say anything wrong.

Gu Ninghuan was a little surprised in her eyes. She said why Mumujiu looks so mismatched with her age.

Mu Yan sat there quietly, listening to Fu Xishen and Gu Ninghuan's words, his face very calm.

"Jiujiu is not bad now, she always has the child's heart, always has the innocence of children, and always has pure curiosity and enthusiasm for new things, which many adults can't have all." Mu Yan Said faintly.

Gu Ning Huan felt that Mu Yan did not make a mistake. Everything has good and bad sides, depending on which side the experienced person looks at.

Mujiu walked out with a medical tray on it, on top of which were blood-supplying medical supplies.

She went straight to Gu Ninghuan, tied a tourniquet on Gu Ninghuan's arm, and began to prepare for blood drawing.

Probably this time because of the blood draw of Mu Jiu wine, Fu Xishen did not hug Gu Ninghuan like he did last time.

But Gu Ninghuan's body seemed to remember the last pain. She gripped Fu Xishen's hand nervously.

Fu Xishen took her hand and rubbed her tender palm gently with her fingertips.

After the blood draw was completed, Gu Ninghuan was relieved. She pressed the white hemostatic cotton ball on her arm, and it did not hurt at all.

Mu Jiu Jiu looks so young, and the blood drawing technique is much better than Mu Yan.

Mu Yan's attention at this time was on Mu Jiu Jiu's body, looking at her with satisfaction in her eyes.

"Two hours later, the test results will be sent to your mailbox." Mu Yan said.

Fu Xi nodded deeply and left with Gu Ninghuan.

He sent Gu Ninghuan to the villa, and when he was going to the company, Gu Ninghuan was lying on the sofa, looking straight at the man who was about to leave: "Mu Yan will send you an email, I also want to see it ."

"Okay, I'll send it to your mailbox later." Fu Xi raised her hand and gently touched her head.

Gu Ninghuan leaned his head on the sofa with a soft voice: "Is the blood test result of your blood test sent to your mailbox yesterday, how did he say that he can study the antidote?"

"You don't have to worry, I will be fine." Fu Xi deeply comforted her.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes dropped, and Fu Xishen said this, indicating that Mu Yan was not sure enough to develop an antidote.

In fact, she is not a person who loves the brain from the beginning to the end, nor is she a character who loves more than the sky. If Mu Yan could not develop an antidote until Fu Xishen became ill.

Gu Ninghuan would choose to divorce Fu Xishen. For her, living is far more important than everything.

When Fu Xishen left, Gu Ninghuan sat on the sofa, many pictures flashed in his mind.

Just when she got tired of it and was going to clean up to see her grandpa at home, the maid came to her and spoke slowly: "Young lady, the housekeeper of Fu Zhai said that his wife will visit the villa in half an hour."

Gu Ninghuan said, breathing slightly, inexplicably had a bad hunch.

Since Mrs. Fu is coming, Gu Ninghuan can't take care of the family for the time being.

She walked upstairs and wore a shirt outside her dress, covering the needles of the blood test on her arm.

Half an hour later, Mrs. Fu arrived at Fu's villa at the appointed time. Gu Ninghuan sat across from Mrs. Fu with a faint smile on her lips.

Mrs. Fu picked up the black tea the servant had poured for her, took a sip, and then said, "I want to chat with Ning Huan alone. You must step back first."

"Yes, ma'am."

After the servant left, only Gu Ninghuan and Mrs. Fu were left at the table.

Mrs. Fu put down the teacup in her hand: "Why did you and Xishen frequently enter and leave the Chu's house in the recent period?"

"Some time ago Chu Zi passed away. I was suspected of being the murderer of Chu Zi. I went to the Chu's house more frequently in order to prove my innocence. Xishen worried that it would be unsafe for me to go to the Chu's house alone. That's why I went with me." Gu Ning Huan Yin went away to answer part of the facts.

There was a tacit agreement between them and Fu Xishen, and they chose to hide the Chu family's medication.

Concealing the fact of being drugged is not for the sake of sidelines, just to prevent the elders from worrying.

"Ning Huan, I know Grandpa Chu is your grandfather. The blood relationship between you is indelible, so it is understandable that you have good relationships with the Chu family, but I hope you will not let Xishen go to the Chu family in the future.

The holiday of the Fu family and the Chu family cannot be solved. Xishen adds a layer of humiliation to the Fu family every time you go to the Chu family! "Ms. Fu's lips still have a smile on her lips, but when she mentions the Chu family, her eyes suddenly become cold and terrifying.

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